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时间: 朝燕820 分享


  Ⅵ.阅读理解 (每小题2分,满分20分)


  The computer is fast and hardly makes a mistake, while people are slow and make mistakes sometimes. That’s what people often say when they talk about computers. For many years,scientists have been improving computers. Now a computer can do a lot of everyday jobs wonderfully. It is widely used in factories, hospitals, post offices and airports. A computer can report, decide and control in almost every field (领域).With the help of a person, a computer can draw pictures, write music, talk with people, play chess, translate languages and so on. Many computer scientists are now thinking of making computers “think” like a man. Perhaps computers will one day really think and feel. Some people are afr aid that one day computers will be too clever to listen to them. But scientists tell us that such a thing will not happen.

  36.The computer can work_______ than people.

  A. more wonderfully B. more slowly

  C. more often

  37.Computers can do_______ for people.

  A. few jobs B. all jobs

  C. many jobs

  38.What will perhaps happen in the future?

  A. Computers can think like men and women.

  B. People will no longer use computers.

  C. Computers will only be used to talk with people.

  39.The author of the passage mainly tells us something_______ .

  A. about the danger of the computer

  B. about computer scientists

  C. about the computer

  40.Which of the fol lowing is right according to the passage?

  A. People are slow and always make mistakes when using computers.

  B. Computers can translate languages without people’s help.

  C. Computers will never be cleverer than people.


  Not all inventions are made by scientists. Kids can also make history with their inventions.

  The state flag of Alaska was designed by 13-year-old Bennie Benson in 1926. His design was chosen from a flag-designing competition. It became the official flag in 1959. Bennie won a class="main">

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时间: 朝燕820 分享

  Frank Epperson invented the Popsicle in 1905 when he was only 11 years old. It was called the Epsicle at that time. Frank left his drink outside the door overnight with a stick(木棒)in it. That night the temperature dropped and everything was frozen including Frank’s drink. That didn’t stop him from tasting it, so today we have Popsicles to eat.

  In 1642 Blaise Pascal designed the first counting machine when he was 18.The machine was for his father, a tax collector, to make his job easier. Blaise named it “the Pasealine”. He made about 50 of them, but nobody was interested in it. People thought it would take jobs away from them. 300 years went by, and the calculator(计算器)finally became a success. In 1968, the programming language(程序设计语言), PASCAL, was named after him.

  41. How old was Bennie Benson when he designed the flag?

  A.13. B. 26.

  C. 46. D. 59.

  42. What does the underlined word “Popsicle” mean in Chinese?

  A.凉茶 B.美味

  C.冰柜 D.棒冰

  43. Why did Blaise Pascal invent the calculator?

  A. Because he wanted to use it in a test.

  B. Because he wanted to make his father’s job easier.

  C. Because he wanted to sell it for money.

  D. Because he wanted to know how much money he should give to sellers.

  44. Why were people not interested in “the Pasealine” at first?

  A. Because people thought it could make them lose jobs.

  B. Because they thought it was useless.

  C. Because it cost a lot.

  D. Because there was no programming language then.

  45. This passage mainly tells us about_______.

  A. several useful inventions

  B. several inventions by kids

  C. how to make history

  D. how to become a successful inventor


  目前电子书包开始在一些学校试用,请你用英语写一篇文章,介绍不同的人对电子书包(electronic schoolbag)的不同看法,注意书写整洁,词数在80左右,短文的开头已给出,不计入总词数。

  Recently I made a survey about the use of the electroni c schoolbag. ____________________


  外研版初三英语Module 9练习试卷参考答案



  Ⅰ. 1.single 2.spread 3.connection 4.trade 5. introduction

  Ⅱ. 6.replaced 7.stored 8.printing 9.introduction 10.development

  Ⅲ. 11.seems to 12.More and more 13.work,play

  14.thousands of 15.development of electronic technology

  Ⅳ. 16.A allow动词,意为“允许”。常用于allow sb. to do sth.结构,意为“允许某人做某事”。

  17.D 介词短语instead of后动词用动名词形式。

  18.D 机器是铁制造的,能看出原材料来,故用of。

  19.D on one’s way to 意为“在某人去……的路上”,后面接地点副词时省略to。此处home是副词,故选D。

  20.A 句意:他叔叔打开电脑检查他的电子邮件。turn on “打开”;turn off “关上”;turn up “将声音调大”;turn down “将声音调小”。

  21.B 句意:由于因特网的介入,知识比以前传播得快多了。由句意排除C、D两项。because of 是介词短语,其后接名词、代词等。because 是连词,后接原因状语从句。

  22.A would like后接动词不定式作宾语。

  23.C 句意:索尼娅,请帮我把这幅画贴在墙上。give up“放弃”;take up“占用”;put up“张贴”;look up“查询”。

  24.D that之后的句中,不定式是真正的主语,故前面用it 作形式主语。

  25.D 句意:我认为吉米的房子比我的大得多。能修饰比较级的单词是far。

  Ⅴ. 26.B 由上文“... cars are designed using computers.”可知此处应为“几个设计师”,故选B。

  27.A 由下文“选出最好的两三幅画”知“在电脑上画了许多草图”,故选A。

  28.C 然后有关汽车的更细致的绘图在电脑上被改进。

  29.A 你可以在电脑上改变任何部分的大小、形状和颜色来看一下汽车看起来怎么样。

  30.D 汽车内部的部分被制作出来以便设计师能坐在里面。

  31.D 此处是说“他们能感觉到里面是否有足够的空间”。room作不可数名词,指“空间,地方”。

  32.C 在里面是否能够着一切东西。

  33.B 然后一些汽车被制造出来——有15 000多个汽车部件都要进行检测。

  34.A 当一切都被认为安全时,汽车在工厂里被制造。

  35.D 电脑再次被用于确保所有部件都像它们所需要的那样准备好了。

  Ⅵ. 36. A 由文章中的句子“The computer is fast and hardly makes a mistake,while people are slow and make mistakes sometimes.”可知选A。

  37. C 由文章中的句子“Now a computer can do a lot of everyday jobs wonderfully.”可知选C。

  38. A 由文章中的句子“Many computer scientists are now thinking of making computers ‘think’ like a man. Perhaps computers will one day really think and feel.”可知选A。

  39. C 本文主要讲了一些关于电脑的事,故选C。

  40. C 由文章中的句子“Some people are afraid that one day computers will be too clever

  to listen to them. But scientists tell us that such a thing will not happen.”可知C项正确。

  41. A 根据第一段的第一句“The state flag of Alaska was designed by 13-year-old Bennie Benson in 1926.”可知。

  42. D 根据第三段内容,尤其是“Frank left his drink outside the door overnight with a stick (木棒)in it. ”可知。

  43. B 根据第四段中的“The machine was for his father…to make his job easier.”可知。

  44. A 根据第四段中的“People thought it would take jobs away from them (会让他们失去工作).”可知。

  45. B 文章主要讲了三位少年发明家的故事。

  Ⅶ. One possible version:

  Recently I made a survey about the use of the electronic schoolbag.Do you think electronic schoolbags can be widely used in the future?The electronic schoolbag is like a computer.You can find out what you want to learn.My classmates think that electronic schoolbags are useful,convenient and they have more functions,such as,you can listen to music on it.And parents also think the electronic schoolbags are easy to carry and children’s backs and necks may not be hurt.But my English teacher doesn’t think we should use it,because he thinks they are more expensive.I suppose the electronic schoolbags are bad for our eyes and waste energy.In a word,we shouldn’t use it more in the future.
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