学习啦 > 学习方法 > 初中学习方法 > 初三学习方法 > 九年级语文 > 2016九年级下学期英语期中试题(2)


时间: 郑晓823 分享



  第一节: 情景反应。


  1. M: Nice to meet you!

  2. W: What color are your glasses?

  3. M: Do you have a basketball?

  4. W: Would you mind my sitting here?

  5. M: I will travel to England this summer.

  6. W: What’s the matter with you?

  第二节: 对话理解。


  7. W: I’m glad to hear you did well in the English exam.

  M: Thanks. And twenty one of us got 150.

  Q: How many students got 150?

  8. M: Mary, Where were you last night? We all worried about you!

  W: Sorry, my phone didn’t work. I was just sleeping.

  Q: What was Mary doing last night?

  9. M: I’m going to France on business next Friday. Can I learn some French from you, Jane?

  W: Sure, but I’m busy now. How about tomorrow?

  Q: When will the man go to France?

  10. W: Mike, is this white phone yours?

  M: No, it must be Jason’s. His phone is white.

  Q: Whose phone is this?

  11. M: Nancy, you look terrible. What happened?

  W: I went to New York to buy a gift for my boyfriend, but then I found it was made in China.

  Q: Where was the gift made?

  12. M: Excuse me, could you please tell me the way to the train station?

  W: You can take the subway. There aren’t any buses or taxis at this time.

  Q: How can the man get to the train station?

  第三节: 材料理解。

  听两遍。 根据你所听到的长对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案。


  W: Hello! May I speak to Peter?

  M: Speaking, please.

  W: Peter, do you know our school will set up a soccer team?

  M: Yes?

  W: How many students will be chosen from each class?

  M: Two, a boy and a girl. And to choose the best players, we will have some matches.

  W: When will the first match be held?

  M: Tomorrow afternoon. It’s between Class 2 and Class 3.

  W: OK. By the way, will you join the soccer team?

  M: I’m afraid not. I’m already on the swim team.

  W: Oh, I see.


  M: Excuse me, Miss Gao. May I come in?

  W: Come in, please. What’s up?

  M: I’m not feeling well. Can I leave school now? I think I need to see a doctor.

  W: Now? What’s wrong with you?

  M: I have a headache and I can’t even keep my eyes open in class.

  W: Have you got a cold or a fever?

  M: No. I just feel awful.

  W: What happened last night?

  M: I went over my lessons for the coming exam till midnight. Then I couldn’t fall asleep.

  W: I see. You are a hard-working boy! But you should make a good plan for your study and life. Well, you don’t need to see a doctor. Just go home and have a good rest. See you tomorrow.

  M: Thank you, Miss Gao.

  第四节: 短文理解。

  听两遍。 根据你所听到的短文内容,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案。

  Attention, everyone! This is the newest shopping center in the city. It’s very big. So be careful. Don’t get lost. Look, on the first floor, you’ll find nice shoes and hats for ladies. On the second floor, we have children’s toys and clothes. You can find lady’s clothes on the third floor. On the fourth floor, we have gentlemen’s clothes and shoes. On the fifth floor, there are lots of things for sports. When you are tired and hungry, you can go to the sixth floor. We have twenty-five restaurants there. And you can taste different kinds of delicious food. Besides, we have some great specials today. We have shoes on sale for 50 dollars a pair. And there is a great value on children’s clothes. Also, if you pay more than 75 dollars at one time, you can have a free drink in our restaurants. Don’t wait. Come and enjoy shopping!

  Ⅰ. 听力测试。(共30分)

  1-6 CBAACB 7-12 CBCBBA 13-16 ABCB 17-20 BACC


  21-25 CDDDB 26-30 BCDAC 31-35 CABBB 36-40 AABCB

  Ⅲ. 完形填空。 (每小题1.5 分,共15分)

  41-45 CABBD 46-50 DABCB

  Ⅳ. 阅读理解。 (每小题2分,共30分)

  51-53 BCB 54-57 CDBA 58-61 CDBD 62-65 DCBC


  66-70 DABGF

  Ⅵ. 任务型阅读。(每小题2分,共8分)

  71.Yes. 72.Sweat, smart and strong. 73.In 2008.

  74. Because all South Korean men have to complete their military duties.

  Ⅶ. 根据所给提示, 完成句子。(每空1分, 共10分)

  75. doesn’t seem/seems not 76. How often 77. walked to

  78. made up 79. far from

  Ⅷ. 短文填空。 ( 每空2分,共16分 )

  80.appear 81.However 82. themselves 83. best 84. interested 85. attention

  86.until 87.Being

  Ⅸ. 书面表达。(16分)




