学习啦 > 学习方法 > 初中学习方法 > 初三学习方法 > 九年级英语 > 湖南省中考英语试卷(2)


时间: 郑晓823 分享




  选择与所听句子意思相关的图画(图画有 多余选项)。

  1. This book is amazing!Read it!

  2. How happy these kids are!

  3. Show your thanks.Write a card!

  4. Alex!You like to ride a bike,right?

  5. It’s pretty hot today.Drink some water.


  根据所听内容从A、B、C三个选项中, 选出最佳选项回答问题。

  6. M: How do most people get around this city?

  W: By bike mostly.

  7. M: Hey,M egan,what are you reading?

  W: What? I’m sorry,what did you say?

  8. M: Do you want a drink?

  W: Yes, please.A coffee.

  M: An iced coffee?

  W: No,I don’t like iced coffee.A hot coffee, please.

  9. M: These are my shirts,but I don’t want them.

  W: What’s the problem?

  M: Well,one is small and one is short.I can’t wear them.

  10. W: When’s the school trip?

  M: April ninth.

  W: That’s tomorrow!

  M: Oh yeah.You’re right!



  M: Wow!What a lot of things have been left behind.Do you know who this soccer ball belongs to?

  W: Well,it must belong to one of you boys.None of the girls plays soccer.I think it’s Larry’s;I know he loves soccer.And Here’s a jacket.Do you think that’s Don’s?

  M: No,it can’t be his.I know he wasn’t wearing a jacket today.I think it belongs to Sam.I’ll ask him when I see him later.

  W: Thanks,Brad.And this sun hat probably belongs to one of the girls.

  M: Yeah,it must be Maria’s.I know she doesn’t like the sun.

  W: And do you think this magazine is hers, too?It’s together with the hat.

  M: No,I’m sure that’s Anna’s.I sa w her buy it on the wa y here.

  W: OK.And this box of chocolates?Look!There’s still some left.

  M: That must be Don’ s.You know how much he loves candy.So,that’s it——everything belongs to somebody.

  W: Wait!But what about all these CDs?Who brought them to the picnic,Brad?

  M: I did.They belong to me,and I’d like to keep them—they’re good!



  Hello,David.This is Ann.My car is broken down.So I can’t see you at 5 o’clock today,but I can meet you tomorrow——Friday.I can meet you at 5:30.I hope that’s OK with you.When you get this message,please call me at 629-7401.Once again,629-7401,Bye.




  01~05 EBFDA 06~10 BABCB 11~15 CABAC


  The message is from Ann to David.

  Ann’s problem: Her 16. car is broken. So she can’t 17.see/m eet him a18. 5/five o’clock today.

  Message: Ann will meet Da vid a t 5:30 on 19.Friday.

  Ann’s phone number: 20 . 629-7401


  21~25 CBBAC 26~30 BBA CB 31~35 AABAC

  36~40 CABAB 41~45 ACBBA


  46~50 BCABA 51~55 BCACB 56~60 BACAB

  III. B)根据短文内容回答问题。(共5小题,满分15分)

  61. The writer didn’t see or hear anyone cheating when she first arrived in America,did


  No./ No, she didn’t.

  62. What is the Honor Code about?

  It asks students not to steal, lie or cheat.

  63. What will happen if students go against the code?

  They will have to leave the school.

  64. Who does the writer think care more about scores, American students or Chinese students?

  Chinese students.

  65. Do American colleges think all-round abilities are important for students?

  Yes. / Yes, they do.

  IV. A)写句子(共5小题,满分1 0分)根据上下文补全对话。

  Jack: Hi, Claire,66. are you free next week/ do you have time next week?

  Claire: Hmm ... n ext week? Oh, it’s quite full for me, Jack.

  Jack: Really? 67. How come/ Why / What’s up/ What will you do?

  Claire: I have dance and piano lessons.

  Jack: 68. What kind of dance are you learning/ What dance are you learning?

  Claire: I’ m learning swing dance. It’s fun! I have class once a week every Monday.

  Jack: How often do you have piano lessons?

  Claire: 69.Twice a week, on Wednesday and Thursday.

  Jack: Well, how about Tuesday?

  Claire: Oh, I have to play tennis with my friends. But do you want to come?

  Jack: 70.Sure/ Of course/ Certainly/Yes ! I’m glad to.

  IV. B) 写段落(共1题,满分15分)

  One pos sible version:

  Writing with music

  This is Le Pen. It is a pen. You can use it to write. But it is not only a pen but also a music player. With a music play er planted inside,Le Pen pl ays music while you write on paper.The m usic stops when you stop writing.So if you want to enjoy more of your favorite songs,keep on writing.Do you like list ening to music whil e doin g homework?If you do ,you will like Le Pen.




