

时间: 郑晓823 分享

  荆州市中考英语试卷答案和评分说明 :

  Ⅰ、1.B 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.B 8.B 9.A 10.B 11.C 12.A 13.B 14.C 15.C

  Ⅱ、16.A 17.B 18.C 19.B 20.C

  Ⅲ、21.C 22.B 23.D 24.A 25.C 26.B 27.C 28.A 29.B 30.D

  Ⅳ、31. B 32. A 33.D 34. D 35. A 36. C 37. A 38. B 39.C 40. D

  Ⅴ、41.B 42.C 43.A 44.C 45.A 46.C47.D 48.B 49.D 50.B51.C52.D

  Ⅵ、53. B 54.E 55.C 56. A 57.D

  Ⅶ、58. Instead of 59. age 60. changes 61. themselves 62. as 63. both 64. eyes 65. all over 66. used 67. true


  Ⅷ、68.shoes 69.ours 70.celebrated 71.handed 72.serious 73.advice


  Ⅸ、74.was late for 75. is taking care of 76.can be turned into

  77.has given away 78. to pay more attention to



  1. 题目要求:





  4)自拟至少两点建议。 (3分)

  2. 评分标准:共分七档,先确定档次,然后在该档次的上限和下限之间给具体分数。

  1) 第一档15分(满分):叙述要点完整、正确,清晰,语言连贯流畅,无语言结构、用词、拼写、标点错误,词数在要求范围之内(70—120个词),完整、清晰、有效地传达了规定的信息。

  2) 第二档13-14分:叙述要点完整、正确,清晰,语言较连贯流畅,有个别语言、拼写、标点错误,词数在要求范围之内,有效传达了规定的信息。

  3) 第三档10-12分:叙述要点较完整、正确,清晰,语言较连贯流畅,有少量语言、拼写、标点错误,词数在要求范围之内,较有效地传达了规定的信息。

  4) 第四档7-9分:内容要点遗漏较多,语言连贯流畅性较差,有多处语言、拼写、标点错误,词数未在要求范围之内,部分传达了规定的信息。

  5) 第五档4-6分:表达了少量的内容要点,语言支离破碎,各种错误太多,词数未在要求范围之内,很难有效地传达规定信息。

  6) 第六档1-3分:只能用个别或少量的单词表达,无完整的句子,未能传达有用的规定信息。

  7) 第七档0分:所写单词或句子均为无效内容,未能传达任何规定的信息。

  3. 书写扣分原则:对于字迹潦草、模糊难辨的书写,可酌情扣0.5—2分。

  4. Possible version (102 words)

  Dear Headmaster,

  I was on duty yesterday. Now I'm writing to tell you that the school was untidy. Some students threw rubbish everywhere. Some students drew on the wall. I also found that some girls walked on the grass and picked flowers. During break time many students ate too much junk food. Many boys spoke quite loudly and fought with each other. After school, some students forgot to turn off the lights when leaving the classroom. What's more, a few students even rode their bicycles on the playground. I think we should make rules to change the situation and care about the environment, then our school will become more beautiful.


  Li Lei





  W: I brought lunch this morning. We can eat it in the park together.

  M: That’s more fun than eating in the office.


  W: What a pretty toy! How much does it cost?

  M: It costs only . It was last week.

  W: Oh, great. I’ll take one, please.


  W: Hello, where are you from?

  M: Oh, I’m American.

  W: Really? Which part do you come from?

  M: Well, I live in Los Angeles, but I was born in New York.


  W: This is Linda. Who’s that?

  M: This is David. Are you free this Saturday evening?

  W: Yes. What’s the matter?

  M: I have two tickets to Jay Chou’s concert. Would you like to go with me?

  W: Certainly, I’d love to. He’s my favorite singer. Thanks for your invitation. When and where shall we meet?

  M: Let’s meet at the gate of the gym at seven o’clock.

  W: Could you please get there earlier?

  M: What about a quarter to seven?

  W: OK. See you then.

  M: See you.


  W: Peter, you’re learning to drive, aren’t you?

  M: Yes, I went to Jingzhou Driving School.

  W: Was it expensive? I want to learn to drive, too.

  M: Each lesson was fifteen yuan.

  W: Is that for an hour?

  M: Mm… ten minutes less than that.

  W: I see. And is the teacher’s car new?

  M: Yes, and it’s not a big car so parking is easy, and it doesn’t go very fast!

  W: When are you going to take your driving test?

  M: I didn’t pass it last week. The traffic lights were red but I didn’t see them and I couldn’t stop in time.

  W: Never mind. You can take the test again. Tell me about your teacher. Is he friendly?

  M: Yes, he's quite young and interesting to talk to. But my father will give me next lessons.

  W: Oh, that’s good.


  W: Doctor, what do you think of American food?

  M: Well, it’s better than it was. People are making some good changes.

  W: So there’s a great change in American food?

  M: Not really. We still eat a lot of fat and salty food. I know you like it. But that’s bad for your heart.

  W: What kind of food do you think is healthy?

  M: I think healthy food uses less oil in cooking and there are lots of fruits and vegetables. Not as many desserts.

  W: Um, that’s right.

  M: Americans love sugar: desserts, cake, ice cream……and so on.

  W: What about Asian food?

  M: Traditional Asian food is even better. A lot of vegetables and fish. Of course, there’s quite a lot of salt in some Asian dishes, but it is still very healthy.

  W: Oh, I see. Perhaps I need to change my eating habits.


  听短文, 从每小题的三个选项中选出一个正确选项。短文听两遍。

  Jeremy has got 20 dollars. Mom took him to the store to buy his favorite toys.

  Inside, Jeremy saw many wonderful toys. But Mom always reminded him that he had only 20 dollars. When Jeremy saw his favorite toy, a computer game, he felt sad. Because it cost 46 dollars! But he really wanted that computer game. He thought about this and decided to save more money to buy it later.

  “If you do some chores, I’ll give you five dollars every week,” said Mom. “After six weeks, you’ll have 30 dollars.”

  Every week, Jeremy did his chores. He took out the rubbish, swept the floor and sometimes even brushed the cat. Finally, Jeremy had 30 dollars. He added his 30 dollars to the 20 in his wallet.

  Jeremy and Mom returned to the store. But the computer games were sold out. “I can’t believe it!” said Jeremy sadly. Then his eyes stopped at a row of shining bikes. They were 80 dollars each! Jeremy looked at the 50 dollars in his pocket. He looked back at the bikes, then at Mom.

  “Mom, if I keep doing chores, will you keep giving me five dollars every week?”

  “Of course!” Mom answered.




