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  A) 听下面10段对话。每段对话后有1个小题,选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。

  1. Where is Mr.King from??

  2. What sport does the girl like?

  3. What’s Bob’s telephone number?

  A. 87229586 B. 87225986 C. 87252986

  4.How does the girl go to school every day?

  5. Where does Annie live now?

  A. In Nanjing. B. In Yangzhou. C. In Suzhou.

  6. How many girls are there in Bill’s cla ss?

  A. 12. B.18. C. 30.

  7. Which class is the girl in?

  A. Class 1. B. Class 2. C. Class 8.

  8. What does Jack want to do first?

  A. Play computer games. B. Play with Susan. C. Do his homework.

  9. What colour does the girl like best?

  A. orange B. white C. red

  10. Why does Eric go to school late?

  A. Because he goes to bed late. B. Because he gets up late. C. Because he is sad.

  B) 听对话或独白。每段对话或独白读两遍。


  11. What subject does Amy like best?

  A. Chinese B. Biology C. English

  12. What subject is the boy good at?

  A. Chinese B. Biology C. English

  听第一篇短文,回答第13-15小题。请根据内容从A. B. C.三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成信息记录表。

  School Life

  Environment (环境) It is very big with many trees and flowers. We can 13

  under the big trees.

  Teachers They are 14 to us. They often help us with our study.

  Subjects We have math, Chinese, English and so on. I like music best.

  Activities There are many 15 . We can play basketball.

  13. A. sing B. read C. dance

  14. A. helpful B. bad C. kind

  15. A. sports clubs B. music clubs C. reading clubs


  16. Where does Kitty come from?

  A. Hainan. B. Nanjing. C. Beijing.

  17. What do Kitty’s parents do?

  A. Workers. B. Doctors. C. Teachers.

  18. How old is Kitty?

  A. 13. B. 12. C. 11.

  19. What does Kitty usually do after school?

  A. Going to the Music Rooms. B. Going swimming. C. Reading books in the library.

  20. What sport does Kitty like best?

  A. Volleyball. B. Dancing. C. Swimming.

  二、单项选择 (本大题共15分,每小题1分)

  21.----- Who is nice woman with glasses?

  ------She is English teacher in our school.

  A. the, an B. /, an C.the, a D. a, an

  22. Let Jim __________ the classroom for us, he is helpful.

  A.cleans B. cleaning C. to clean D. clean

  23._________ a happy dog. _________ name is Spotty.

  A. Its, It’s B. It’s, Its C. Its, Its D. It’s, It’s

  24.——_______ does he look? ——He looks short strong.

  A. What,but B. What, or C. How, but D. Why ,and

  25. -----He is a good , he is good at ________.

  -----So he is .

  A. run; running B.runer; running C.runner; runing D.runner; running

  26.----- your name Lee Ming ? ------Yes , .

  A.Are , I am B. Is , I am C.Is , it is D.Are , it is

  27.______ Sunday morning, Li Hua goes to visit the museum _________ a big garden in front.

  A. On; with B. On; has C. In; has D. In; with

  28. ---What about to Ho Family Garden(何园) for a trip?

  ---Good idea ,let’s have great fun!

  A. go,a B. going , 不填 C. going, a D. to go,不填

  29.--- -- your father and brother like football?

  -----Like most men,they like it very much.

  A. Is B.Are C. Do D. Does

  30. ---- your children know about China,Mr. Lee?

  ----Of course,they are all old China hands(中国通) like me .

  A.Does,a lot of B. Do , a lot C.Does, a lot D.Do, lots of

  31. Jim with his parents ___________ TV every night.

  A. enjoys watching B. enjoy watching

  C. enjoy to watch D. enjoys to watch

  32. --- Mr.Hu’s students practise English every day ? --- Of course.

  A. Do speaking B. Is to speak

  C. Does speak D. Are speaking

  33. --- Mr Wu hopes will have the drawing lessons tomorrow.

  --- Oh, dear. I wanted to help me do the cleaning.

  A. Amy and me; she and her B. Amy and I; you and she

  C. Amy and me; her and you D. Amy and I; you and her

  34. --- Can you _________ my dog when I am on holiday, Tom? ---- Sure.

  A. look at B. look for C. look like D. look after

  35--- I’ll go for a picnic tomorrow with my parents.

  --- ___________.

  A. Good luck B. That’s all right C. Have a good time D. That’s right


考试对每个学生来说有着重要的意义,那么做好每一份试卷也是很有必要的。下面是学习啦小编为大家带来的2015七年级英语期中检测题目(牛津版),相信这些文字会让你受益匪浅的。 2015七年级英语期中检测题目(牛津版): 一、听力(共20小题;


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