学习啦 > 学习方法 > 初中学习方法 > 初二学习方法 > 八年级英语 > 八年级英语上册模块11测试题(2)


时间: 郑晓823 分享





  1. How often do you visit your grandparents?

  2. Must I wash hands before dinner?

  3. What can you wear at a traditional wedding in China?

  4. Can you drive on the right-hand side of the road in China?

  5. Can you drive a car at the age of seventeen in Britain?


  6. M: Can I open the gift immediately in China?

  W: No, you should open it later.

  M: We must open it immediately in Britain.

  7. M: Can you drive a car at the age of seventeen in Britain?

  W: Yes, we can. How about China?

  M: No, we can’t.

  8. M: Can you get married at sixteen in China?

  W: No, we can’t. What about Britain?

  M: Yes, we can.

  9. M: Can you wear a white dress at a traditional wedding in China?

  W: No, we can’t. How about Britain?

  M: Yes, we can.

  10. M: Can you drive on the right-hand side of the road in America?

  W: No, we can’t. What about China?

  M: Yes, we must.


  I’m a high school student. My parents are busy working so I must take good care of myself every day. When my mother gets home, she usually looks tired, so I usually help her do some housework. My mother is very strict with me. I should go to bed by 10 pm. I can’t play music loudly in the evening or use the telephone without asking. My mother says she doesn’t want me to learn to smoke because it’s bad for my health. I should clean up my bedroom every two weeks. She says she wants me to be a good boy.


  1~5 BBCAA 6~10 BBBAA 11~15 AABCC

  16.C 句意:在课堂上你必须认真听老师讲。由句意可知用must。

  17.B must开头的一般疑问句的否定回答用needn’t;由答语“没必要,你可以明天做”可


  18.C 句意:汤姆昨天收到了朋友的一份礼物,他很高兴地收下了它。receive动词,意为“收到”,强调客观上收到某物;accept动词,意为“接受”,强调主观上愿意接受。

  19.C 由句意“请停止聊天,让我们开会吧”可知,表示“停止做某事”用stop doing sth.,


  20.D both...and...连接两个名词作主语时,谓语动词要用复数形式,由第二句知用一般


  21.D 由答语开头“我还没有确定”可知后面的事情有可能去做,故用表示“可能”的may。

  22. A 当主语是人时,用need to do sth.结构,表示“某人需要做某事”,故选A。

  23. C stay“保持“; feel“感觉,摸起来”;taste“尝起来”;sound“听起来”。根据逻辑 可知,汤应是“尝起来”美味,故选C。

  24. A on time“按时”;in time“及时”;for the first time“第一次”;from time to time“有时;间或”。将选项代入题干可知on time符合题意。

  25. D You’d better do sth.句型的否定形式是在had better后直接加not,故选D。

  26. C 由go to big cities可知去大城市的目的是观光,而不是“看电视”“锻炼”或“去

  钓鱼”。go sightseeing意为“观光”,所以选C。

  27. D 由go to the countryside可知应选nature,意为“自然,自然界”。

  28. A 由“He always travels in his country.”可知选A。

  29. C difference是名词,而different为形容词,形容词different修饰不定代词应该放在不 定代词的后面,故选C。

  30. B 由“He is interested in Chinese history.”和下文“…he is flying to Beijing and Xi’an…”可知前后句是因果关系,故选B。

  31. A get back意为“回来”,后跟宾语时要加to,由“He is leaving on July 12th…”可知,get 要用-ing形式,故选A。

  32. B plan to do sth.“计划做某事”,故选B。

  33. D 由下文At night…可知选与之相对的“在白天”。

  34. B take a walk和take walks都为“散步”之意。但根据he is…可知take要用现在分词形 式。

  35. A 由上下文可知应是“玩得愉快”,have a great time意为“玩得很愉快”,故选A。

  36.B 由短文第二段中的第二句“But maybe you don’t know this sign is considered to be rude in Brazil.”可知,在美国和巴西“OK”的意思是不同的,故选B。

  37.C 由第三段中的最后一句“You must be more careful when you give red roses to a woman because the red rose means love.”可知,在波兰,当一个男人把红玫瑰作为礼物送给女士时,被认为是爱上了她,故选C。

  38.B 由第四段中的最后一句“But in Bulgaria they mean the opposite.”可知,在保加利亚,摇头的意思表示“同意”,故选B。

  39.D “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.”意思是“入乡随俗”,也就是说“当我们去外国的时候要遵循外国的风俗习惯”,故选D。

  40.A 这篇短文主要说明了不同的国家风俗习惯不同,故选A。

  41.F 由第一段第一句可知,王琳是被邀请参加宴会,而不是生日聚会,故该句是错误的。

  42.T 由第一段第二句和第三句可知,王琳感到有点儿担心,所以才给罗丝写信求助,故该句是正确的。

  43.F 由回信的第二段第一句可知,在美国参加聚会时,晚到5至10分钟是比较好的,而不是早到5分钟,所以该句是错误的。

  44.T 由回信的第二段可知,如果不会使用刀叉,看着其他的人并跟着他们学,所以该句是正确的。

  45.T 由回信的最后可知餐后感谢主人是一种有礼貌的行为,故该句是正确的。

  46.chopsticks 由句意“中国人用筷子吃饭”可知在此应用chopsticks。

  47.traditions 由句意“来自不同地方的不同的人有不同的传统习俗”可知,表示“传统习俗”用tradition。

  48.immediately immediately副词,意为“立刻;立即”。

  49.gift as a birthday gift意为“作为生日礼物”。

  50.differences 句意:尽管他们是双胞胎,但有很多不一样的地方。由空格前的修饰词many 可知要用difference的复数形式。

  51.at the age of five 52.What about 53.How often 54.needn’t pay 55.It is,to check

  56.For example, for the first time 57.Hurry up 58.take them off 59.On the first day, mustn’t do any cleaning 60.wait to tell

  One possible version:

  Dear Jack,

  I am very happy to hear that you will come to visit China. Now let me tell you some manners and customs.

  When you walk in China,you must walk on the right. When you meet other people, you must say hello to them instead of bowing. When you eat something, you must use chopsticks. The host often asks you to eat more food. If you are full, you don’t need to eat up the food on the plate. After you eat something, the host often makes tea for you. It is delicious. Before you leave the house, you must say goodbye to the host politely.

  I hope you will come to China very soon.


  Wang Bin


1.初二英语上册Module 11模块综合试题

2.初二英语上册Module 11模块综合试题

