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时间: 玉风827 分享



  孩子,首先我希望你是一个理想主义者。你可以是农民,可以是工程师,可以是演员可以是流浪汉,但你必须是个理想主义者。当你童年,我们讲英雄的故事给你听,那并不是要你成为英雄,而是希望你拥有纯正的品格;当你少年,我们让你接触诗歌、绘画、音乐,是为了让你的心灵填满高尚的情趣。这些高尚的情趣会支撑你的一生,使你在最严酷的冬天,也不会忘记玫瑰的芳香。理想会使人出众。孩子,不要为自己的外型担忧。理想纯洁你的气质,而最美貌的女人也会因为庸俗,而令人生厌。通往理想的道路往往不尽人意,而你也会为此受尽磨难。但是,孩子,你尽管去争取,理想主义者的结局悲壮而决不可怜!在那种貌似坎坷的人生中,你会结实许多智者和君子,你会见到别人无法见到的风景和奇迹。 选择平庸,虽稳妥,但绝无色彩。不要为蝇头小利而放弃自己的理想。不要为某种潮流而更换自己的信念。物质世界的外表太过复杂。你要懂得如何拒绝虚荣的诱惑。理想,不是实惠的东西,它往往无法带给你尘世的享受,因此,你必须习惯无人欣赏你,你要学会精神享受,学会与他人不同。 其次,孩子,我希望你是一个踏实的人。人生太过短暂,而虚的东西又太多,你很容易眼花缭乱,最终一事无成。如果,你是一个美貌的女孩子,年轻的时候,会有许多的男孩宠你,你得到的东西过于容易,会使你流于浅薄和虚浮;如果,你是一个极聪明的男孩,又会以为自己能够成就许多大事,而流于轻佻。记住:每个人的能力有限,我们活在世上,能做好一件事情足矣。写好一本书,作好一个主妇,不要轻视平凡的人,不要投机取巧,不要攻击自己作不到的事情你长大以后会知道,作好一件事情太难。但决不要放弃。 你要懂得珍惜感情。不管男人女人,墙里墙外,相交一场实在不容易。交友的过程中,难免会有误会和磨擦,可你想一想,诺大的世界,能有缘结伴而行的又有几人?你要明白,朋友,终究要离去,生活中能有几人伴在你的身边,听你倾谈,倾谈给你听?你就应该感激。要爱自己和他人,要懂得自己和他人,你的心要如溪水般的柔软,你的眼波,要像春天一样妩媚。你要会流泪,会孤单一人在黑暗的角落里听伤感的音乐。你要懂得欣赏悲剧。因为悲剧能丰富你的心灵。希望你不要媚俗。 你是一个独立的人,无人能抹杀你的独立性。除非你向世俗妥协。 要学会欣赏真。要在重重面具之下看到真。世上圆滑标准的人很多,在形式上,我们无法与既定的世俗争斗,而在内心,我们都是自己的国王。如果,你的脸上露出馅媚的笑容,我会羞愧的掩面而去。世俗许多东西虽耀眼,却无光泽、价值。不要把自己置于大众的天平上,你会无所适丛,人云亦云。借他人的东西要还,不要随便接受别人的恩蕙。要记住:别人的东西,再好也是别人的。自己的东西再差,也是自己的。 .还有一件事情,虽然做起来很难,但相当重要,这就是要有勇气正视自己的缺点。你会一年年长大,你会渐渐遇到比你强、比你优秀的人,你会发现身上有很多你所厌恶的缺点。这会使你沮丧和自卑。但你一定要正视它,不要逃避,要一点一点地加以改正。战胜自己比征服他人还要艰巨和有意义。 不管世界潮流如何变化,但人的优秀品质却是永恒的: “正直”、“ 勇敢”、“独立”。 孩子,我希望你是一个优秀的人! 宝贝,再过十八个小时你就将降临这个纷繁的世界,昨天爸爸和妈妈在祥云的公园里拍下这张照片,算是爸爸送给你的第一份礼物,希望你像爸爸一样,喜欢拍照,用照片记录下这个世界喜乐悲欢。

  Children, first of all, I hope you are an idealist. You can is a farmer, is an engineer, can be the actor can be a tramp, but you must be a idealist. When you childhood, we tell you the story of the hero, that doesn't want you to be a hero, but I hope you have a perfect character; When you are young, we let you contact with poetry, painting, music, in order to make your heart filled with noble temperament and interest. A life of these noble sentiment will support you, make you in the most severe winter, also won't forget the scent of roses.

  Ideal makes one outstanding. Child, don't worry about his appearance. Ideal pure your temperament, and also the most beautiful woman as vulgar, but boring. The path to ideal often unsatisfactory, but you will also be for this tribulation. But, child, although you go to fight for, idealists and never poor tragic ending! In that seems bumpy life, you will be strong many wise men and a gentleman, you see that others cannot see the scenery and miracles.

  Choose mediocrity, is safe, but no color. Don't give up his ideal for petty profit. Don't change their beliefs to a trend. The material world appearance is too complex. Do you want to know how to refuse the temptation of vanity. Ideal, is not something affordable, it often can't give you the world to enjoy, so you have to get used to no one appreciate you, you should learn the spirit of enjoyment, society is different from others.

  Secondly, children, I hope you are a dependable person.

  Life is too short, and virtual things too much, you can easily dazzled, ultimately nothing. If you are a beautiful girl, when he was young, there will be many boys spoil you, what you get is too easy, will make you into shallow and vain; If you are a very clever boy, and think they can do many great things, and frivolous. Remember: each person's ability is limited, we live in this world, can do one thing well enough. Write a book, a housewife, don't belittle ordinary person, don't be opportunistic, not against his could not be when you grow up will know, one thing is so difficult. But never give up.

  Do you want to know to cherish affection. Regardless of men, women, outside wall in the wall, meet a really not easy. In the process of dating, misunderstanding is inevitable and friction, can you think of it, big world, there are a few people can travel with the decree by destiny together again? You need to understand that, my friend, to leave after all, life can have several people accompany in your side, to hear you talk, talk to you? You should be thankful. To love themselves and others, to understand themselves and others, your heart is soft like streams of water, your eye, like the spring is charming. You'll cry, you will be alone in a dark corner, listen to sad music. Do you want to appreciate the tragedy. Because the tragedy can enrich your mind.

  I hope you don't fawning on customs. You are an independent person, no one can kill your independence. Unless you are concessions to the secular. Learn to appreciate the true. Want to see really under heavy mask. Pliable standards are too many people in the world, in the form, we can't fight with established secular, but in the heart, we are all its own king. If, you flatter smile on his face, I hid away in shame. Many secular things is bright, but it has no sheen, value. Don't take the balance of yourself in public, you will have no suitable plexus, parrot. Borrow other people's things to, also don't easily accept other people's grace sticks. Remember: other people's things, again good also others. Myself again, is their own.

  . There is one thing, though it's hard to do, but very important, it is to have the courage to face their own shortcomings.

  You will grow up year by year, you will encounter stronger than you, than you good people, you will find that there are a lot of you hate. This will make you depressed and inferiority. But you must face up to it, don't evade, to correct them bit by bit. To conquer yourself than to conquer others more difficult and meaningful.

  No matter how the world trend of change, but the person's good qualities is eternal:

  "Integrity", "brave", "independent".

  Children, I hope you are a good man!

  Baby, another 18 hours you will come the numerous and complicated world, yesterday mom and dad in xiangyun filmed the photo in the park, a father gave you the first gift, I hope you like father, like taking pictures, use photographs to record the joy and the world.