It was in the middle of winter and I was staying after school to rehearse for a dance production I was in. When it had ended, I asked for my mum to come and pick me up but she was at her Bridge Club. My friends offered me lifts home but I said I would walk, being in the active mood. I walked outside and it was already really dark. I looked at my watch and the time was 7:30.
I walked for about 20 minutes until I came to the alleyway that lead to my house. This alleyway is known to be quite dangerous. Many people have been mugged down in broad daylight, including me. Anyway, I started walking down the alleyway, and luckily the street lamps were still on. As I was about a quarter of the way down it, I had a sudden urge to look behind me, being kinda paranoid about things. When I looked behind, I thought I saw the figure of a man. He looked strangely familiar. His silhouette showed a top hat, a coat which fanned out at the top and bottom and he appeared rather tall. I looked closer and fear swept over me as I saw what looked like a long knife in his hand. I turned around and started walking faster, being careful not to run as he might chase after. It wasn't long before I had another urge to turn around, and when I did, he wasn't there.
Breathed a sigh of relief and caught my breath a bit. Feeling like I must have imagined it through paranoia, I turned back around. I couldn't help myself, I screamed petrifying as the same figure was in front of me, only a lot, lot closer. I could clearly see the details of his clothes, the knife, and then history caught up with me. The figure I saw was the deathly figure of the infamous Jack the Ripper. I didn't know what to do then. Jack the Ripper died a long time ago, didn't he? I turned on my heel and started to run but my body didn't move. Someone was grabbing on to my arm, I slowly turned my head and a horrifying face startled me. His eyes were grey and bloodshot with huge black bags underneath them. His skin looked as if it was burnt and sore, and his teeth were yellow, but there were cracks in them with a red stain.
I screamed again and tried to get my arm free but the man had pushed me on to the ground. He kneeled down over me and moved the knife close to my stomach. I screamed in pain as the knife cut the surface layer of my skin. I couldn't lie there and let him kill me, so I bit the hand which was over my mouth and wriggled away from him. I ran back in the direction of my house but I forgot about my school bag which I had dropped while trying to get away. I then fell and smacked my head against the pavement. As everything went black, a tear came from my eye as I saw his boots stop near my side. I smiled a bit as I would not have to feel the pain as he mutilated my body.
To my surprise, I woke up in my bed the next morning. I thought I was dreaming and that I would have to go through that boring school day again, but as I sat up, a sharp pain cut through my stomach. I lifted up my top and saw a knife shaped wound. My mum came in my room, and saw I was awake. She asked if I was ok now and I asked her what had happened. She showed me a newspaper article about a guy who had been going around dressed as Jack the Ripper and killing girls. He claimed to be Jack's grandson. I asked if that was the guy who did the same thing to me, and why he didn't kill me. She said that someone had seen me fall and ran to help me, the person had also said that he had seen a man run away as he approached.
I asked if we could send a card to the man to thank him but my mum said that there was no need as he was in the sitting room. I got out of bed and went downstairs to thank him. When I got there, the guy looked like he was really tall. My dad was in there talking to me and he told me the story of how the guy was feeling when he saw the Ripper guy run away. I went to shake the mans hand, and froze in fear, when the man smiled, his teeth were yellow, and they had cracks stained with something red...
We moved in our new house. The house has cathedral ceilings up and down, and the only attic space was in the adjoining wall from my son’s room, which is above the kitchen. It is about twelve feet long, and its highest point is about five feet, and then it tapers down from the angle of the roof...
The first thing I noticed that was odd was that it had been nailed shut. Not just with a few nails but about twelve long ominous ones…The former occupant was either attempting to stop someone getting in….Or out.
The house is in a very nice neighborhood with a creek nearby, the mountains nicely within view and a multitude of parks… It was upon the third night that we first heard something out of sorts…A scratching noise above the kitchen. I told my wife and son that we must have a trapped animal in the attic space, perhaps a rat. Yet, for some unexplainable reason my imagination kept considering a far more sinister prospect... Whatever the course I was going to have to investigate…
That Saturday my wife went off shoe shopping and left me and my son to attend to a variety of 'honey do's". Towards the top of the list was investigating the attic.
It was the last task I completed that day. Finally I could no longer procrastinate, and retrieved my tool box from the garage and, with Jonathan eagerly at my heel we slowly marched upstairs. My dog Tasha was as usual also by my side…
We went into Jonathan's room and into the corner where the wood panel is nailed into place. The angle from the attic continues up in my son's room, so there is only five- foot height outside the panel...
I sighed and set my tool box down, and banged my head in the process. This entertained my son but only irritated me further. I pulled my hammer from the box and with much effort I eventually pulled out the first nail…It was six inches long. The strange thing was after that first nail got out, Tasha started whining and licking my hand…Eventually she was so much of a distraction that I had to ask Jonathan to take her downstairs…
It must have taken three quarters of an hour to get the first eleven nails out…It was a warm afternoon, and my salty sweat was starting to drip down my forehead and burn my eyes…I was just drying off my eyes when I thought I heard something from inside the space… A rustlingnoise and the noise however slight, was a noise nonetheless, this could only mean one thing that something was moving in there, just a few feet from where I was now sitting. The look on my son’s face was transformed to a bored look, to one of slight fear. Perhaps he was somehow in tune to my thoughts, or maybe he could also sense that things were not quiet right with this attic. I considered simply nailing the board back into place…Yet part of me could not do that. I simply had to know…
So I took a deep breath and worked on the last nail. As it slipped from the place it had obviously been situated in years, the board came free. The first thing that we became aware of was the smell…It reminded me of rotting meat. As there were no lights put into the space, I sent Jonathan back down to the garage to retrieve the most powerful flashlight I own…He raced down with the exuberance of a ten year old and was back moments later.
Jonathan looked at me.
I looked at Jonathan.
"Well," he said, "are you going in or not?"
Now surely I could not disappoint the only person who considered me afraid of nothing? I edged into the space and fired up the flashlight…I was completely taken aback by the sight that met my eyes…And quickly exited. I had noticed three things…a baby’s rattle, an old-fashioned teddy bear and what looked to be a baby…
As I re-entered the attic, with a more rational mind, and discovered what had appeared to be a baby was only in fact a doll. I sent Jonathan to get my camera and we took this photograph. I chuckled to myself at how my mind had twisted the situation…We left the door unnailed, just resting against the gaping hole, and continued on with the day. We did not think much more of it until that evening whilst we were watching television; we once more heard the noise. But this time it was significantly louder.
That morning, I once again stuck my head in to the attic, and this time I almost screamed…Not from what I saw, but from what I did not see. The doll had vanished.
I quickly nailed up the panel again…And to this day I have never again ventured inside our attic…And yes, on occasion, we still do hear strange noises coming from that space.
