

时间: 莉莉1036 分享



  1.Love, there is no reason for love and without precondition tolerance.爱,就是没有理由的心疼和不设前提的宽容。

  2.Did anyone tell you that your smile looks so charming .有没有人告诉过你,你笑起来很美。

  3.How far is far, how high is high We’ll never know until we try.远有多远,高有多高,只有试了才知道。

  4.People need some temper to lead an ambitious life.人需要点脾气,才能活出志气。

  5.People have to really suffer before they can risk doing what they love.能顶着风险做自己热爱之事的人,都经历过很多磨难。

  6.Do it now. Sometimes later becomes never.现在就行动,要不然有时候等一下会变成永远。

  7.Being hurt by the truth is better than comforted by the lies.——被真相伤害,总比被谎言安慰要好。

  8.Different but best friends.虽然有很多不同,但我们是最好的朋友

  9.No reason to stay is a good reason to go.没理由留下,就是离开的最佳理由。

  10.I would rather be fat in a delicate way than be slim like everyone else.宁可胖的精致,也不要瘦的雷同。


  1.The distance between your dreams and reality is called action.—— 梦想和现实之间的那段差距,叫做行动。

  2.I want you to be happy. But I want to be the reason.我想要你幸福,但我希望我是你幸福的原因。

  3.Love is about timing.爱,始于相遇,止于被动。

  4.Thinking too much of others makes you nothing in their eyes.把别人看得太重,令自己在别人眼里无足轻重。

  5.Always find time for the things that make you feel happy to be alive.要记得为那些让你觉得活着真好的事情腾出时间。

  6.I thought I got rid of you.我以为我把你放下了

  7.Heart sounds like a balloon was broken, and then left incomplete fragments.心碎的声音就像是气球被扎破 , 然后留下残缺的碎片。

  8.A person can succeed at anything for which there is enthusiasm——只要拥有无限的热情,一个人几乎可以在任何事情上取得成功。

  9.With a forced laugh,only oneself know how tired .勉强笑着,只有自己知道有多累。

  10.Everybody needs somebody sometimes.每个人在某些时候都需要有人陪。

  11.I thought you had feelings for me.我以为你会对我有感觉

  12.Are you still in you is not love.你还在你却不爱

  13.You make my haert smile我的心情因你而美好

  14.love you but you love her我爱着你你却爱着她

  15.Too much is lost in the language[ 太多的话都败在语言里]

  16.I believe noting is impossible我相信没有什么不可能

  17.Love is a dashed line, we in different paragraph.爱情是一条虚线,我们在不同的段落。

  18.Who is able to be egotistical needs to be strong too.有本事任性的人,也要有本事坚强。

  19.Life is not what you have gained but what you have done.生活不是你得到了什么而是你做了什么。

  20.Delay is the deadliest form of denial.拖延其实就是最彻底的拒绝


  1.Memories can be painful. To forget may be a blessing.记忆是痛苦的根源,忘记也是一种福气。

  2.There should be a better way to start a day than waking up every morning.应该有更好的方式开始新一天, 而不是千篇一律的在每个上午都醒来。

  3.No hurry, the best always appears accidentally.不要着急,最好的总是会在不经意的时候出现。

  4.The only time I don’t miss you, is when you’re right next to me.我唯一不想你的时候就是你在我身边的时候。

  5.Never give up, and good luck will find you.不要放弃,好运总会垂青你的。

  6.We take photos as a return ticket to a moment otherwise gone.我们拍照,是为了把照片作为回到逝去时光的回程票。

  7.I close my eyes to old ends and open my heart to new beginnings.对旧的过往闭上眼,对新的开始敞开心。

  8.Some scenery, once to see into the heart, even in the moment, is eternal.有些风景,一旦入眼入心,即便刹那,也是永恒。

  9.Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.生命是如此短暂,所以不要把时间都浪费在记恨一个人身上。

  10.There are no desperate situations, there are only desperate people.——世上没有绝望的处境,只有对处境绝望的人。

  11.Sometimes silence is not happy, just want to put the heart headroom.有时沉默,不是不快乐,只是想把心净空。

  12.I just miss once, but forget that we have not had their own.我只是怀念曾经,却忘记了我们都已不是曾经的自己

  13.A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery while on a detour.一个真正快乐的人是那种在走弯路时也不忘享受风景的人。

  14.Love is my sickness and you are my drug, I’m ADDICTED.——爱是一种病,我赶上了。你是我的药,我上瘾了。

  15.Being yourself is an honor, because nobody else can be you.做自己是一种荣耀,因为没有任何人能成为你。

  16.Cry, can not solve any problems, but will make the dry cheeks hurt.哭,解决不了任何问题,反而会使风干的脸颊很疼。

  17.Sometimes we’re forced in directions till we ought to find our sounds.有时候,我们被迫走选择的路,直到有一天才发现应该去寻找自己的心声。

  18.If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today.如果我们相信明天会更好,今天就能承受艰辛。

  19.Be strong enough to let go, and patient enough to wait for what you deserve.足够坚强去放手,足够耐心去等待值得的。

  20.Empty heart, is the best gift; Alone the way, is the most beautiful scenery.放空的心,是最好的礼物;独走的路,是最美的风景。






