Although Chinese woodblock printing has a tradition of 2000 years, Chinese print artists have been absent from the international art scene for decades. Over the last years a few exhibitions about modern Chinese printmaking took place outside China, but some major exhibitions at such renowned museums like the British Museum would probably lead to a breakthrough in the international art scene. Taking into consideration the growing appreciation of Chinese culture and traditions, I am extremely interested in opportunity to expand my professional horizons to reinstate the well-deserved interest and approval of this ancient art. With this purpose, I was excited to learn about your university, well-known for its high expertise in the subjects of creativity; and your unique course, implementing a diverse range of subjects that contribute to an extensive list of skills. Therefore, I would very much like to be considered as a strong candidate for you postgraduate programme.
My fondness for art and aptitude for rational thinking determined my chose of and devotion to the complex discipline of Chinese Printmaking, which includes a number of different techniques and processes like design, carving of the block and printing. In comparison to Japanese, Chinese printmaking is rather composed from several wooden blocks and, in an exclusive technique, would employ only special Chinese water-soluble inks and thin rice paper to produce a print that looks like a watercolor or a traditional Chinese painting. The success of such a technique entirely depends on the exact humidity of the paper, which is hard to achieve even for an experienced artist. During 4 years of intensive studies, I not only obtained knowledge in every aspect of this art but also learned about digital reproduction of such images, computerized approach to modeling and even web site design.
During my undergraduate studies I played an active role in the university's life by organizing miscellaneous events, parties, seminars and exhibition in as well as outside the institution. The 3rd China Art Academy Exhibition, Cultural Bridge Construction and Carrying Forward The Academic Arts – to name just a few events which included works of painting, calligraphy, design and photography. I personally was selecting a place and art works for expositions, which trained my eye and evaluation skills. In addition, I was greatly involved in public relations of our university, predominantly by initiating and maintaining contact with sponsors, which significantly enriched my communication skills. Having been a Student Union president for three years, I enhanced my leadership qualities and gained valuable experience in legality, administration and budgeting of activities and exhibitions. As an event manager, I not only coordinated groups of students, working on different projects simultaneously, but also participated in their careful recruitment.
The University also gave me a great opportunity to study English Language as a part of my degree which, in particular, improved my grammar and writing skills. To develop my oral skills, I often interact with international exchange students who come to our university to study art of Chinese Printmaking. I also assisted professors in running their lectures for international students in English. In preparation for my studies in the UK, I familiarized myself with the Harvard referencing system, and, currently, I am trying to learn how to write an academic assay and dissertation.
In my spare time I enjoy swimming and reading biographical books about famous people like Bill Gates, Vincent van Gogh, Munk and others. As a creative person, I like to play with visual space of my room, drawing and painting on the walls and ceiling. My weakness is craftwork, therefore, my interior is decorated with various handmade objects, which I usually buy or make myself.
Your programme would greatly contribute to the weight of my undergraduate speciality in Chinese Printmaking, allowing me to bring the significance and beauty of this ancient art to the international level and effectively present it in the most innovative and creative way. Thus, the professional practice that lies in the grounds of your course provides the essential functional preparation for the career. In addition, I am intrigued by the opportunity to learn about contentious issues and viewpoints in contemporary art and assess them in relation to the previously gained knowledge and experience. In combination with a strong critical focus that your course offers, collaborative discussions and analyses would provide an engaging approach to develop and apply my individual analytical skills. In particular, I am looking forward to the sessions that would not only enable me to communicate my ideas clearly but also to present information in appealing and captivating for audience way.
Taking into consideration my potentials and enthusiasm I believe I will make a full use of the opportunities afforded to me at your university.
好的英国留学申请文书必须使用正确的英文。录取委员会的教授只能从书面材料来对你的学识、人品和语言能力进行判断,而你也只能以书面的形式来表现和证明你自己。你和他们之间的媒介是文字。你的雅思成绩也许很高,但试想你的Personal Statement写得一塌糊涂,洋教授们会怎么想?毕竟这种文件是在没有严格时间限制的情况下写的,如果质量差,人家对你英语语言能力的印象就会打折扣,认为你是一个高分低能的人,一定要把自己的形象表现得鲜明、具体和个性化,给自己一个独特的包装。
(2) 另外,你得花费时间给读信者一种印象:你花了更多的时间使自己对该所学校了解得比其他的申请者更透彻,这些特别功夫使读信人对你的勤奋,专心致志和对该院系的兴趣有着十分良好的印象。这些特别了解和信息不必在每一句中提出,也无须特别夸张其辞,你的陈述只需包含足够的信息使人留下你做了特别努力的印象即可。
顾名思义茶自然是主体,毕竟这个阶段又被称为tea break,红茶和奶茶更受欢迎,会在茶里面加上糖、柠檬汁等比较常见的东西,然后搭配上饼干、甜点和蛋糕等。