

时间: 大富0 分享


  Personal Information

  Last Name: x First Name: xx

  Gender: x Date of Birth: xx/xx/xxxx

  Tel: xx xx xxxx

  Mobil Phone: xxxxx



  Intended Term:xxx

  Objective Major:Arts Administration

  Intended Degree:Master

  Education Background

  09/2003—07/2007 xxxxxxxx

  Major: Art Administration

  Degree: Bachelor

  GPA: 90/100

  Rank: 1/26

  Professional Activities

  2004 Took charge of report performance in arts management department as main speaker and piano accompanier

  2004 Participated in charity activity for xx leukemia children and took charge of organization and arrangement

  2004 Took charge of ticket in the series of performance for 40 Anniversary Celebration of xxx

  2005 Participated in Piano Music Concert of Professor Ge Deyue and took charge of planning and organizing this concert as the emcee

  2005 Took charge of planning and writing document for sodality of Eight xx Arts Schools

  2005 Took charge of logistic service and supervision of scene in “Fly Snow Jasmine” Concert

  2005 Took charge of report performance in arts management department as main speaker and piano accompanier

  2005 Planned the research project for the First Chinese Arts Management Conference

  2006 Took charge of reception, connection and organization for the exchange performance of Austria Conservatory

  2006 Took charge of training, arrangement and knowledge interpretation for xx TV Cross Strait Knowledge Contest

  2006 Took charge of piano accompaniment for Enrolment and Examination Center of Adult Education Department of xxx


  6th Chapter----Arts Market Management《Music Psychology》

  English Translator

  Material Collection


  2005 Awarded the first-class scholarship in xxx

  2005 Awarded the first prize in National Undergraduate English Contest

  2005 Awarded the group second prize in xxTV Cross Strait Knowledge Contest


导语:下面是学习啦小编为大家提供的留学个人简历范文汇总,下面是艺术管理专业的个人简历范文,希望可以给大家带来帮助。 Personal Information Last Name: x First Name: xx Gender: x Date of Birth: xx/xx/xxxx Tel: xx xx xxxx Mob


  • 美国大学教育心理学个人简历

    导语:教育心理学是研究学校情境中学与教的基本心理规律的科学,它属于心理学的应用学科之一,是心理学和教学学的交叉学科。 Objective To enter Ph.D st

  • 美国大学电子信息工程专业简历


  • 美国大学化学专业简历

    导语:简历即对履历的简要陈述,又称履历表,英文简称CV,常用于个人求职、申请,但也可作为非求职者的经历简述。 Objective To pursue graduate study in chem

  • 美国大学留学法律专业个人简历范文两篇

    范文一 xxx Mailing Address: xxxTel:xxxxxx E-mail: xxxxxx Objective To obtain an offer of acceptance into Master program in LLM for the fall term, 2007 Education 09/2003---07/2007 School of Law, Ch