1. 只要持续地努力,不懈地奋斗,就没有征服不了的东西。As long as the persistent efforts, unremitting struggle, there is no conquest of the things.
2. 凡事要三思,但比三思更重要的是三思而行。Things to think twice, but more importantly than think twice before.
3. 本性的苏醒,往往在遭遇真实之后。After the awakening of nature, often in the face of reality.
4. 人生最重要的不是努力,不是奋斗,而是抉择。Life is not the most important effort, not the struggle, but the choice.
5. 一个人最大的破产是绝望,最大的资产是希望。One of the biggest bankruptcy is despair, the greatest asset is hope.
6. 昨天下了雨,今天刮了风,明天太阳就出来了。It was raining yesterday. Today, the wind is blowing. Tomorrow, the sun will come out.
7. 阻碍我们飞翔的力量,是来自我们内心的恐惧。The power that prevents us from flying is the fear that comes from our hearts.
8. 失败的是事,绝不应是人。Failure is a thing, never should be a man.
9. 没有热忱,世间便无进步。No enthusiasm, the world has no progress.
10. 人若软弱就是自己最大的敌人。We are your own worst enemy if we are weak.
11. 懒惰者等待机遇,勤奋者创造机遇。Lazy person wait for opportunity, he who labors diligently to create opportunities.
12. 先相信自己,然后别人才会相信你。Believe in yourself first, and then others will believe you.
13. 信心来自于实力,实力来自于勤奋。Confidence comes from strength, strength comes from the diligence.
14. 人有了坚定的信念才是不可战胜的。People have faith is invincible.
15. 预测未来的最好方法,就是创造未来。The best way to predict the future is to create the future.
1. 管理的真谛在于不管理!无剑胜有剑。The essence of management is no management! Without the sword is better than a sword.
2. 世界会给那些有目标和远见的人让路。The world makes way for those who have goals and vision.
3. 好的管理者就是要组织离了你照样转!A good manager is to organize off your shoulders!
4. 路靠自己走,就算再坎坷,也要自己过。Way on their own, even if you take the bumpy, but also to yourself.
5. 相信自己能力的人,任何事情都能够做到。People who believe in your ability, anything can do it.
6. 做不好事情不是事情的原因而是人的问题!Do bad things rather than the cause of the things people question!
7. 只要你肯奋斗,没有什么是绝对不可能的。As long as you are willing to struggle, nothing is absolutely impossible.
8. 昨晚多几分钟的准备,今天少几小时的麻烦。Last night a few extra minutes of preparation, fewer hours of trouble today.
9. 说话时可以很直接,人很直爽,总比虚伪好。Speaking can be directly, the person is very straightforward, it's better than hypocrisy.
10. 不要为它的结束而哭,应当为它的开始而笑。Don't cry for it came to an end, smile because it began.
11. 心中欢乐,面带笑容;心里烦愁,神伤体损。Joy in the heart, a smile; In the mind FanChou, sad loss.
12. 这个世界上好书很多,可以改变命运的书很少。A good book many in the world, can change the fate of the book is rarely.
13. 一个人是在对周围生活环境的反抗中创造成功的。A person is in rebellion to the living environment of the neighbourhood to create success.
14. 白白的过一天,无所事事,就像犯了窃盗罪一样。White day, doing nothing, just like made a larceny.
15. 在逆境或困难中经受住考验,这样的人生才有价值。Stand the test in the adversity or difficult, such a life worthwhile.
1. 人生在世,应该这样,在芬芳别人的同时美丽自己。Living life, should be such, while fragrant others beautiful yourself.
2. 我们人生的全部意义在于创造,奋斗则是一种手段。We are the whole meaning of life lies in creating, struggle is a kind of means.
3. 我们每一做一件事都应该既小心谨慎,又充满信心。We each do one thing should be cautious, and full of confidence.
4. 不尊重别人的自尊心,就好像一颗经不住阳光的宝石。Don't respect others' self-esteem, as if a stone giving of sunshine.
5. 生活是个吃软怕硬的东西。你弱他就强,你强他就弱。Life is a soft afraid of hard things. You weak he was strong, he is weak.
6. 每条路都很难走,但是一旦选择了,就一定要走下去。Every road is difficult to walk, but once chosen, it must go on.
7. 也莫不辨是非地随波逐流,宁肯孑然而自豪地独守信念。is to go with the flow, proud would rather pay by faith alone.
8. 怀疑并不是缺点。总是疑,而并不下断语,这才是缺点。Doubt is not faults. Always suspected, without judgment, this is the shortcoming.
9. 成功的人是跟别人学习经验,失败的人只跟自己学习经验。Successful people are learning experiences with other people, people with their own learning experience failure.
10. 倘若往事是惊梦一场,那半梦半醒时,才是地地道道的人生。If the past is a dream, that dream and waking, is the real life.
11. 其实我们往往失败不是在昨天,而是失败在没有很好利用今天。In fact, we often fail not yesterday, but failed in not good use today.
12. 一生没有虚过,可以愉快地死,如同一天没有虚过,可以安眠!Life is not empty, can die happily, like a day without a virtual, can sleep!
13. 莫妒他长,妒长,则己终是短。莫护己短,护短,则己终不长。Don't envy him long, envy is long, is always short. Don't protect yourself short, justifying a fault, then it will not long.
14. 以善心爱人,以善语待人。孩子,让我们共同营造一片爱心世界。With heart love, treat people with good language. Children, let us work together to build a love of the world.
15. 贫穷是不需要计划的,致富才需要一个周密的计划,并去实践它。Poverty is not need to plan, rich just need a careful plan, and to practice it.
16. 一个人有了远大的理想,就是在最艰苦困难的时候,也会感到幸福。A person with big dreams, is in time of stress, can also be happy.
17. 无须匆忙,该来的总会来,在对的时间,和对的人,因为对的理由。No need to rush, who is coming will come, at the right time, and for the people, because of the reason.
18. 平庸的生活使人感到一生不幸,波澜万丈的人生才能使人感到生存的意义。Unfortunately life make a person feel life of mediocrity, as a great life to make a person feel the meaning of survival.
19. 极度的痛苦才是精神的最后解放者,惟有此种痛苦,才强迫我们大彻大悟。Anguish is the spirit of the liberator, but this kind of pain, just forced us to understand.
20. 解铃还需系铃人,躲避责任会解决不了任何问题,它只导致一个失败的人生。Better who tied the bell, avoid responsibility will not solve any problem, it only leads to a failure in life.
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