The story of Henry, who involuntarily travels through time, and Clare, the woman who loves him for almost her entire life. This love story will draw you in and make you want to go back and read parts of the novel again and again.
Set in the South during the 1960s, this coming of age story deals with race, love and Lily Owen's search for a connection with her mother who died when she was young. It's an especially good summer read, when you can imagine sipping Coke on a porch and smelling jasmine.
Anita Amirrezvani's debut novel,The Blood of Flowers, tells the story of a young woman in 17th-century Iran with a passion for knotting rugs. Her life is thrown into an uproar when her father dies, and she and her mother must depend on the kindness of wealthy relatives and hope that the young woman finds a wealthy husband. The Blood of Flowers is superbly written and a moving story, sure to entrance readers.
This Oprah Book Club pick tells about a midwife on trial for manslaughter after a home delivery goes wrong. Told from the viewpoint of the midwife's daughter, this mystery deals with love, family, birth and death as the family works through the consequences of one tragic night.
It is a beautiful story of one woman's quest to reconcile with and understand her mother by delving into the secrets contained in her sisterhood notebook. This Southern story will make you laugh and cry.
Splendor of Silenceis the story of a young woman and the secretive American soldier she meets in India. It is romantic and passionate but doesn’t shy away from the harsh realities of life under British rule. The author, Indu Sundaresan, skillfully weaves romance with historical fiction, making for a satisfying, poignant and highly-recommended read.
Angry Housewives Eating Bons Bons by Lorna Landvikis the story of five women in a book club in Minnesota from 1968 to 1998. They support each other through good and bad, finding a lifeline in their friendships.
1.Wuthering Heights《呼啸山庄》,1847年
作者:Emily Brontë 艾米莉·勃朗特
Wuthering Heights is "powered by more psychological energy than any book ever written". Readers admire Wuthering Heights because of "its layered narrative structure, because it is a work of incredible imagination, and because it is far more than a love story. The story shows "the eternal rocks beneath" our fleeting desires.
2.The Pigeon Tunnel 鸽子通道
作者:John le Carré 约翰·勒·卡雷
The master of espionage fiction offers a memoir of sorts, a series of meticulously crafted, witty and enthralling "stories from my life". He describes the childhood deceptions and losses that launched him, his schooling in Switzerland, where he made his first "infant steps for British Intelligence, delivering I knew not what to I knew not whom."
3.Jane Eyre《简·爱》,1847年
作者:Charlotte Brontë 夏洛蒂·勃朗特
Brontë's revolutionary 1847 Gothic romance about a young woman seeking a richer and more passionate life on her own still resonates with modern readers. Brontë's novel features the orphan Jane Eyre's search for an identity, her powerful attraction to her master, Mr. Rochester, and an intimate deion of her complex moral choices and sometimes raw emotional states.
勃朗特这部哥特式爱情传奇出版于1847年,内容革新,讲述了一个年轻女性追寻更为充实激情的生活,至今仍能引起现代读者的共鸣。 勃朗特小说的主人翁简·爱是个孤儿,追寻着自我的身份,主人罗切斯特先生深深吸引着她;小说真切描述了简·爱复杂的道德抉择及其有时显得有些原始的情感状态。
1.Everything I Never Told You无声告白
Lexile蓝思阅读指数 870L
Everything I Never Told You《无声告白》是美国华裔作家伍绮诗(Celeste Ng)耗时六年写就的第一本长篇小说,故事编排精妙细致,文笔沉稳内敛,不仅跃升为《纽约时报》畅销书,还获得无数媒体评选出的2014年度最佳图书!几乎所有评论都提及了伍绮诗过人的写作功底!
伍绮诗(Celeste Ng)是香港移民第二代,在美国宾夕法尼亚州和俄亥俄州长大。她将种族、性别、家庭、个人追寻自我价值、青春危机、同性之爱等诸多主题糅杂在一起,用细腻且内敛的笔触写下一个温婉且感人的故事。作为一位作家的处女作而言,她达到的高度很少有人能够比肩。
2.The Fault in Our Stars无比美妙的痛苦/星运里的错
Lexile蓝思阅读指数 850L
The Fault In Our Stars《无比美妙的痛苦》是美国电影《星运里的错》的英文原著小说,由纽约时报畅销书作家约翰·格林(John Green)创作,书名取自莎士比亚的剧作《凯撒大帝》里的一句话“The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, / But in ourselves, that we are underlings”。小说主要讲述了两个患有癌症的青少年间有关爱情,生命和死亡的故事。