守则1. Always answer a call promptly. It's always best to answer the phone with a pleasant tone of voice!
即便是接一个普通的电话,也要用令人愉快的声音,并且快速响应对方!拿起电话的时后,你永远都要记得主动问好,一句愉快的问候语往往让沟通更为顺畅。当结束的电话时候,同样不要忘记说声"Thank you!"
Most importantly, when you talk on the phone, you should always present your most professional image! 永远保持自己专业态度和形象很重要!
守则2. Avoid noise and distractions at work! Watch the volume of your voice!
Remember to create a quiet work environment and avoid doing things that pollute the office environment! 你要注意,声音会严重影响到办公环境,当心不经意的行为影响到周围同事对你的态度!
守则3. Never talk with your mouth full!
Please note, good table manners reflect your personality in many occasions! 不要小看餐桌礼仪,它可以透露出一个人真实的个性。
守则4. Take lunch only during the assigned hour and avoid eating at your desk!
Remember, your success depends on the image that you have created for yourself! 切记,你的成功取决于你为自己建立的形象!
守则5. Avoid bad habits and unconscious movements on the job!
不要将一些个人坏习惯和下意识的动作带到职场上!许多个人习惯你也许不以为然,比如说,咬指甲(biting your nails), 抠鼻子(picking your nose)。但办公室是一个公共场合,这些不雅的行为往往让你专业形象大打折扣。
Please make sure to keep your hands away from your face! 摒弃那些恼人的坏习惯吧!尽量不要在公共场合折腾你的面部。
守则6.Avoid habitual tardiness. It's important to show good behavior at work!
Keep in mind that tardiness can have a big impact on workplace relations and make you miss out on a lot of good opportunities! 请牢记,拖拉作风会影响你的人际关系,更可能会让你错失职业生涯发展的良机!
守则7. Stay away from talking your career aspirations and personal goals!
Again, be careful with your language in the workplace and try to avoid those types of topics as much as possible! 注意你的用语,远离忌讳话题,会让你的工作更加容易和轻松。
守则8. Sit up straight at your desk, and it can also help boost your confidence!
For sure, confidence is everything! If you have confidence, everything will work out! 没错,自信决定一个人的成败与否!