欧美歌手Kelly Clarkson资料简介
凯莉·克莱森(Kelly Clarkson),1982年4月24日在德克萨斯州沃思堡市出生,美国女歌手、演员。下面是小编为大家整理的欧美歌手Kelly Clarkson资料简介,希望大家喜欢!
Kelly Clarkson资料简介
姓 名:Kelly Clarkson
国 籍:美国
星 座:金牛座
出 生 地:美国德克萨斯州沃斯堡市
职 业:唱作歌手、演员
Kelly Clarkson艺人简介
凯莉•克莱森(Kelly Clarkson),美国流行女歌手,演员兼词曲创作者,凭著其扎实的唱功和稳定的演出,成为美国偶像比赛的冠军,成为新世代的美国偶像。先后发行五张录音室专辑以及精选集。第48届格莱美音乐奖,Kelly斩获最佳流行女歌手和最佳流行专辑两项大奖,第55届格莱美音乐奖,凭借专辑再次获得最佳流行专辑,成为第一位两次获得此奖项的女歌手。
凯莉在德克萨斯州出生和长大,她拥有爱尔兰、希腊和德国血统,在家中排行第三,有一个哥哥及姊姊,是家中的幺女。父母亲在凯莉六岁时结束十七年的婚姻。哥哥与父亲同住,姊姊与姨母同住,而凯莉则与母亲同住。经过多次在德州的搬迁,凯莉最终与母亲及继父安顿于Burleson。凯莉成为歌手之前,她的志愿是成为一名海洋生物学家。当她仍是一名中等学校第七级学生时,被老师发掘成为学校合唱团的成员。及后她移往美国洛杉矶,有时候凯莉会跟著名音乐创作人杰瑞葛芬(Gerry Goffin)合作,希望能够获得更多参与音乐的机会,可惜不成功。
她在洛杉矶的住宅着了火,她的汽车又被警察拖走,祸不单行。在这些心情低落的日子,凯莉搬回Burleson并当起鸡尾酒吧的女招待、能量饮料公司红牛(Red Bull)的宣传女郎、电影售票员和电话推销员等。过了不久,凯莉的好朋友洁西卡建议她参加福克斯广播公司电视台的《美国偶像》面试。凯莉决定去碰碰运气。
凯莉在朋友的鼓励下参加第一季的《美国偶像》的面试,她的表演获得评判们的一致赞赏,在逾万多名的面试者中脱颖而出,参与这场比赛。她成功推入了三十强,每周的表现亦受到大众和评判宝拉、西门和兰迪的喜爱,而且从未成为得票率最低的一群,她亦凭着翻唱骚灵天后艾瑞莎•弗兰克林的《Natural Woman》,席琳•狄翁的《I Surrender》和流行歌手玛丽亚•凯莉的《Without You》,最终顺利进入最后十强决赛,可见美国观众对她的支持。2002年9月4日决赛,凯莉•克莱森凭着《A Moment Like This》得到58%的得票率,击败对手Justin Guarini,赢得《美国偶像》第一季的冠军宝座。而她主唱的《A Moment Like This》亦成为她推出的首张单曲,首周销量236,000张,成为Kelly第一首冠军单曲。
2003年12月,Kelly参加了在伦敦举办的World Idol的比赛,惜败给Kurt Nilsen成为亚军。
“Miss Independent”作为二单发行,在美国公告牌上取得第九的成绩,并在欧洲各榜单取得不俗成绩。并提名2004年格莱美最佳女歌手。随后的单曲Low在加拿大单曲榜到达第二的位置。
专辑最后一单 “The Trouble With Love Is”作为电影《Love Actually》的原声带发行。
Kelly Clarkson第二张录音室唱片于2004年11月30日发行,发行首周以250,000张的销量登上Billboard专辑榜第三位。Kelly参与其中六首歌的创作。这张专辑一共收录11首歌,制作人包括Ben Moody,David Hodges,Max Martin和朋克歌手Avril Lavigne等。Breakaway是2005年全美销量第三高的专辑,2006年销量为全美第十。此专辑2007年认证六白金销量,截止2010年在榜时间总计达到104周。
二单“Since U Been Gone”是Kelly音乐事业的巅峰之作,单曲榜最高位为第二,在榜时间同样达到46周,年终排名第四,并为Kelly赢得了格莱美最佳女歌手此项大奖。2009年被Billboard评为十年最成功的流行歌曲第六位,同时是滚石评出的500首最成功的歌曲第482位。
之后的单曲“Behind These Hazel Eyes”,是Kelly根据亲身经历的创作,年终排名第十。Kelly是2005年唯一一个有两首歌在年终前十的歌手。
四单“Because Of You”,成为其全球知名度最高的歌,在各个国家的单曲榜上都取得不俗的成绩。也是所有美国偶像出身的歌手的单曲中全球销量最高的单曲。2009年被Billboard评为十年最成功的流行歌曲第7位。
专辑最后一单为“Walk Away”,也由Kelly参与创作,在单曲榜最高名次为12。
在专辑Breakaway时期,Kelly Clarkson获得了近百个大小奖项或提名。
My December是Kelly Clarkson的第三张专辑,里面的歌曲全部由Kelly自己创作。首波主打Never Again空降Billboard单曲榜第八位。专辑首周销量291,000张,达到专辑榜第二位。
My December对Kelly来说是一张特殊的专辑,她想用这样一张专辑来表现自我,但是却引发了与其公司的针锋相对,公司甚至取消了此专辑所有的宣传。国外对这张专辑的评价也非常的悬殊。但是只有在这张专辑中,才能看到真正的Kelly Clarkson,而不是一个被包装着的商业歌手。
2008年,Kelly Clarkson与著名乡村女歌手Reba McEntire进行了跨界合作,录制乡村版Because Of You,这也成为Kelly Clarkson的第一首乡村hit。随后两人开始2 Worlds 2 Voices巡演。
Kelly Clarkson第四张录音室唱片All I Ever Wanted于2009年3月10日发行。发行首周销量255,000张,空降billboard专辑榜第一位。该专辑提名2010年格莱美最佳流行专辑。
专辑首单“My Life Would Suck Without You”一经发行便成为热门单曲,第二周从97位直升第一,成为billboard有史以来冲冠最的单曲。并成为Kelly Clarkson第一首英美双冠单曲,也是美国偶像出身的歌手第一首Winning songs以外夺冠的单曲。
二单“I Do Not Hook Up”由当今超人气歌手Katy Perry创作,在Billboard单曲榜最高位20。
三单“Already Gone”,在billboard单曲榜最高位13。
四单“All I Ever Wanted”仅在美国地区发行。最高96。
在2009年11月时,Kelly Clarkson就表示已经在录制她的第五张录音室唱片。发行时间经过几次推迟,最终确定将在2011年10月25日问世。而就在8月30日,Kelly推出了这张专辑的首单“Mr. Know It All”。
2012年,乡村音乐奖公布提名,在“最佳女歌手奖”的提名中,在米兰达-兰伯特和斯威夫特之外,老将玛蒂娜-麦克布莱德(Martina McBride)和卡丽-安德伍德(Carrie Underwood)、凯丽-克拉克森(Kelly Clarkson)两位“美国偶像”也都成功入围。10月,2012年全美音乐奖(American Music Awards)公布了本届的提名,Kelly获得两项提名。11月,她献唱2012全美音乐奖。11月16日,她的单曲《stronger》在公告牌单曲榜三周夺冠。
2013年1月,奥巴马发表就职演说,Kelly演唱《My Country’Tis of Thee》。7月,她的单曲《People Like Us》在2013年MTV音乐录影带大奖中荣获“最佳社会资讯录影带奖”。10月,凯莉完婚。她发行的圣诞唱片《Wrapped in Red》在11月荣登公告牌第二位。
2015年3月13日,在该周公告牌专辑榜中,她收获了她出道之后的第三个冠军,本周,她的全新录音室唱片《Piece By Piece》在上榜首周空降榜首。5月,Kelly献唱在公告牌颁奖礼上献唱《Invincible》。
Kelly Clarkson经历英语介绍
Early life and career beginnings
Clarkson was born in Fort Worth, TexasClarkson was educated at Pauline Hughes Middle School and in the seventh grade, the school's choir teacher, Cynthia Glenn, overheard her singing in a hallway and asked her to audition for the school choir. Clarkson told her that she had never received any professional vocal training.Clarkson graduated from Burleson High School, where she performed in several musicals, such as Annie Get Your Gun, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers and Brigadoon.Upon graduating from high school, Clarkson was offered full scholarships to The University of Texas at Austin, University of North Texas, and Berklee College of Music, but later declined them, explaining: "I've already written so much music and wanted to try a career on my own" adding, "you're never too old to go to college."After graduation, Clarkson worked several jobs to finance a demo, recording material and trying to market it to record labels, but received little response. Clarkson turned down two recording contracts from Jive Records and Interscope RecordsIn 2001, she traveled to Los Angeles, trying to pursue a career in music. She appeared as an extra in a few television series such as Sabrina, the Teenage Witch and Dharma & Greg and briefly worked with musician Gerry Goffin to record five demo tracks in trying to secure a record deal.
2002-2003 American Idol,Thankful and World Idol
Upon returning to Burleson, Clarkson was encouraged by her friends to audition for the inaugural season of the reality television series American Idol: The Search for a Superstar in May 2002. Immediately after winning American Idol, Clarkson was signed to a record deal with RCA Records, 19 Recordings, and S Records by talent manager Simon Fuller, who created American Idol; and music mogul Clive Davis, who was slated to executive-produce her debut album. On September 17, 2002, her debut double-A-side single, "Before Your Love"/"A Moment Like This", was released. Clarkson's debut album, Thankful, was released on April 15, 2003. The album contained aspects of pop, contemporary R&B, and gospel music,with several established musicians such as Christina Aguilera, Diane Warren, The Underdogs, and Babyface contributing on to the tracks.
To support the album, Clarkson and Idol season two runner-up Clay Aiken co-headlined the 2004 Independent Tour throughout the U.S. Thankful debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard 200 chart and went on to become a commercial success.On December 25, 2003, Clarkson participated in the television special competition World Idol in London along with the inaugural winners of the several Idol television series around the world. Clarkson was contractually obligated to participate, and performed Aretha Franklin's "(You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman". She ended up as the runner-up behind the first Norwegian Idol Kurt Nilsen.
2004-2006 New management and Breakaway
Trying to distance herself from her American Idol image, Clarkson decided to part ways with Fuller and 19 Management and hired the services of talent manager Jeff Kwatinetz of The Firm.
She took more creative control and developed a more pop rock-oriented sound with the production of her second studio album, Breakaway. Executive-produced by Davis, Breakaway was released on November 30, 2004.Breakaway became a commercial success and eventually became her most successful album to date. After debuting at No. 3 on the Billboard 200 in 2004,the album's chart longevity allowed it to become the third-best-selling album of 2005 in the U.S. and was certified sextuple platinum by the RIAA.The album also enjoyed success throughout the world; it topped the charts in the Netherlands and Ireland and became the world's seventh-best-selling album of 2005 and went on to sell over 15 million copies worldwide—becoming the most successful album by an Idol contestant in history.
The follow-up single, "Since U Been Gone", became the album's most successful release—peaking at No. 2 on the Hot 100 and eventually becoming her most successful single on the Hot 100 to date.
The third and fourth singles, "Behind These Hazel Eyes" and "Because of You", also followed suit—peaking at No. 6 and 7 on the Billboard Hot 100, respectively. "Because of You" also received critical acclaim and more success worldwide, by topping the charts in the Netherlands, Denmark, and Switzerland. Clarkson performed all the singles in various award shows. She performed "Since U Been Gone" at the 2005 MTV Video Music Awards and at the 2006 BRIT Awards; and "Because of You" at the 48th Grammy Awards.
The final single, "Walk Away", also enjoyed chart success, peaking at No. 12 on the Hot 100. Despite releasing "Walk Away" as her only single in 2006, Clarkson still became the most-played artist of 2006 in the U.S.Clarkson's second video album, Behind Hazel Eyes, was released on March 29, 2005.
In 2005, she performed and participated during the thirtieth season of the American sketch-comedy series, Saturday Night Live, and the reality series Damage Control with Simple Plan frontman Pierre Bouvier. She performed "The Star-Spangled Banner" at Game 2 of the NBA Finals.She also performed during the festivities All-Star Game and the 2006 Winter Olympics in Torino, Italy;In 2006, Clarkson recorded a song titled "Go" as a free download for the Ford Motor Company advertising campaign. She has also performed "What Hurts the Most" with Rascal Flatts at the ACM Awards and "Cigarettes" with the country duo The Wreckers during one of their shows in Texas in 2006.
2007-2010 My December and All I Ever Wanted
Clarkson's third studio album, My December, was released on June 22, 2007. The album relied on darker themes and features a heavier rock sounds.Its lead single, "Never Again", became a commercial success due to its promotion on American Idol. It debuted and peaked at No. 8 on the Hot 100, becoming her highest debut on the chart.In 2007, Clarkson, along with Jeff Beck, performed a cover of Patty Griffin's "Up to the Mountain" on the Idol Gives Back charity special, which was released as a promotional single and charted at No. 56 on the Billboard Hot 100. She later performed "Never Again" and "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" (with Joe Perry) at the sixth season finale of American Idol.
Clarkson's fourth album, All I Ever Wanted, was released on March 10, 2009.The release of All I Ever Wanted was met with positive acclaim from music critics for its lighter themes.The album also became a commercial success; it debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard 200 and stayed there for two weeks.Clarkson supported All I Ever Wanted with the All I Ever Wanted Tour from 2009 to 2010. The album has sold 960,000 copies in the U.S. and garnered Clarkson her second nomination for a Grammy Award for Best Pop Vocal Album.
Its first single, "My Life Would Suck Without You", became an international hit. It entered the Billboard Hot 100 at No. 97 and rose to No. 1 the following week—breaking the record for the biggest jump to No. 1 on a single week previously held by Britney Spears's "Womanizer".
The second single, "I Do Not Hook Up", continued the chart success by peaking at the No. 20 on the Hot 100.
The third single, "Already Gone", reached No. 13 on the Hot 100. The release of "Already Gone" became a subject of another dispute with RCA—particularly with its similarities with Beyoncé's song "Halo", both of which were produced by Tedder.
Further promotion for the album was abruptly ended at the release of its titular fourth and final singles, "All I Ever Wanted", which peaked at No. 96 on the Hot 100; and "Cry", which saw a limited release.
2011-2014 Stronger and Wrapped in Red
Clarkson's fifth studio album, Stronger, was released on October 21, 2011. Stronger became a commercial success, debuting at No. 2 on the Billboard 200, and has sustained chart longevity. The release of the album was accompanied by a limited release of her first extended play, The Smoakstack Sessions, which featured alternate versions of tracks from Stronger and All I Ever Wanted. Stronger was certified Platinum by the RIAA and won the Grammy Award for Best Pop Vocal Album at the 2013 Grammy Awards, making her the only artist to win the award twice.Its lead single, "Mr. Know It All", was released on September 5, 2011.Its second and titular single, "Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You)", became the album's most successful release, and her most successful single overall.
2015-present Piece by Piece
Clarkson's seventh studio album, Piece by Piece, was released in February 2015. Her final album under her recording contract with RCA and 19, it became her third studio album to debut at the top on the Billboard 200 chart.
欧美歌手Kelly Clarkson资料简介
