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时间: 杨杰1209 分享





  高尔基说的好:“我扑在书上,就像饥饿的人扑在面包上一样。” 我们不可能走遍世界各地,但书,却可以把我们带到地球的每一个角落。一本经典的好书,就是一个完美的世界。这个世界里,有教室里看不见的山和海;有操场上望不见的云和天;有黑板上写不出的色彩; 有课本里翻不出的画面。







  Dear teacher, dear students: everyone! Shakespeare once said: "the book is the nourishment of the world." So, the title of my speech today is: "I love reading!"

  I love reading, because books let me increase of knowledge: I know that our country has a long history of culture; Know that in today's society science development by leaps and bounds; Know how powerful China. We have Chinese old saying: "a scholar need not leave his home, all know what's going on in the world." I'm so formally. Because I carsick, I haven't been to many places, but in other parts of the human customs, places of interest, celebrity great man and I know a lot, because I love to read. I love reading, because books to rich my emotional world. I sympathize with extraordinary small any card fate; I care about allyson suantiankula life; I admire this repartee king chu wit courageous; I appreciate the soong ching ling, hua luogeng that patriotism; I like Lin seeking knowledge desire; I hate foreign powers of the land to do everything in our China, lawless asked me why I know so much, because I love to read.

  I love reading, because books help me to set up the lofty ideal. I remember that sima qian once said: "people Death, or heavier than mount tai or lighter than a feather." Yes, there are a lot of people trying to their ideal, struggle. Marx to write "das kapital" spent 40 years; Qian xuesen to return to country contribute to the nation and to endure at the jail; Sister jiang, liu hulan, area one after another hero fought for the establishment of the new China, their these people for their own ideal and at all costs, they are our role model, is they help me to set up the lofty ideal, for the rise of the Chinese reading, reading a book for China in the 21st century.

  Books are the ladder of human progress, is the ocean of knowledge, a person if you don't read like a body without soul. So, the classmates, read more books! For the sake of our country is getting stronger and stronger, read book! My speech to this end, thank you!


  敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学们:大家好! 莎士比亚曾经说过: “书籍是全世界的营养品。”所以,今天我演讲的题目是:“我爱读书! ”

  我爱读书,因为书让我增长了知识:我知道了我们祖国悠久的历史文化; 知道了当今社会科学发展的突飞猛进;知道了我们中国的强大。我们中国有句古话叫:“秀才不出门,全知天下事。 ”我正式如此。因为我晕车,所以没去过 多少地方,但对其它地区的人情风俗,名胜古迹,名人伟人等我都了如指掌, 因为我爱读书。 我爱读书,因为书丰富了我的情感世界。我同情小凡卡的不平凡命运;我 关心阿廖沙酸甜苦辣的生活;我敬佩晏子巧答楚王的机智勇敢;我欣赏宋庆龄、 华罗庚那种爱国精神;我喜欢林海音求知的欲望;我痛恨外国列强在我们中国 的土地上为所欲为,无法无天问我为什么知道这么多——因为我爱读书。

  我爱读书,因为书帮我树立了远大的理想。我记得司马迁曾经说过:“人 固有一死,或重于泰山,或轻于鸿毛。”是啊,有许多人为了自己的理想努力着,奋斗着。马克思为了写《资本论》花了约 40 年的时间;钱学森为了回国为国家 做贡献而不惜忍受牢狱之苦;江姐、刘胡兰、董存瑞等一个又一个英雄人物为 了新中国的成立而抛头颅,洒热血这些人为了自己的理想而不惜一切代价, 他们都是我们的榜样,是他们帮我树立了远大的理想,为中华之崛起而读书,为21 世纪的新中国而读书!

  书籍是人类进步的阶梯,是知识的海洋,一个人如果不读书就像一个没有灵魂的躯壳一样。所以,同学们,多读书吧!为了我们的祖国越来越强大,读 书吧! 我的演讲到此结束,谢谢大家!


  Every teacher, the classmate of everyone, everyone! I am a grade four of XXX. Today I gave a speech titled "why do we love reading".

  If I ask you what is the heaviest student of the life, may be some would say money, some might say it's healthy, others may say is happy, of course there will be more answers.

  And I'll answer without thinking, reading a book.

  Effect in

  I love reading, because books are the crystallization of human wisdom, the book is a treasure house of human thought. Reading can let me free to swim in the sea of knowledge, reading can let me ignorant areas constantly narrowing, reading can make me more mature.

  I love reading, because reading a good book can let us distinguish between beauty and ugliness, identification of good and evil, right from wrong, let us gradually, noble, pure, strong. Goethe said: "reading a good book, that is, and many noble people talk." Yeah, reading a good book that we can understand the true meaning of life, feeling the lofty realm, experience of the hardships of climbing, find and destiny of the infinite power and strong will.

  I love reading, because I feel the pleasure of reading. Someone said: "reading for delight, is enough to gambling, long enough to only". Reading can let you in the quiet town in jiangnan, walking slowly with the wind. Reading can let you in on a warm afternoon, holding her mother's hand, walking slowly.

  "Books are the ladder of human progress." Gorky's words of wisdom has inspired countless students hard study. The classmates, in order to our progress and growth, in order to progress and prosperity of our great motherland, let us study together! My speech finished, thank you!







  我爱读书,因为读一本好书可以让我们分清美丑,识别善恶,明辨是非,让我们渐渐地高尚起来,纯洁起来,坚强起来。歌德说过:“读一本好书,就是和许多高尚的 人谈话。”是啊,读一本好书使我们可以领悟人生的真谛,感悟崇高的境界,体会攀登的艰辛,找到和命运抗争的无穷力量和坚强意志。


  “书是人类进步的阶梯。”高尔基的这句至理名言曾经激励着无数学子发奋读书。同学们,为了我们的进步和成长,为了我们伟大祖国的进步和繁荣,让我们一起读书吧! 我的演讲完毕,谢谢大家!





