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  Dear teachers, dear students:

  Hello everyone! Today, my topic is "I love reading."".

  Golgi said, "Im on the book like a hungry man on the bread."." We cant go around the world, but, can bring us to every corner of the earth. A classic book is a perfect world. In this world, there are mountains and sea in the classroom; there are clouds and days that are not seen on the playground; there is no color on the blackboard; there are pictures that can not be turned out in the textbooks.

  I love reading, and with good books, is a very happy thing. When I got together with my good friends and read a good book, when my mother and I were attracted by the plot in the book, the happiness was that chocolate and Princess skirts were far from being replaced. Having books is like having good teachers and helpful friends. They accompany me, and they make me happy and grow up with me!

  I love reading, as Gerd said, "read a good book, and one."


  Dear every leader, teachers:

  Everybody is good! The title of my speech today is "let's read together!" .

  Books are the fruits of human civilization; The book is a treasure trove of knowledge storage; Books are the ladder of human progress; Book is the nourishment of the world. Life without books, as if the earth without sunshine. Wisdom without books, like a bird without wings. As long as we are willing to study, you can learn from the essence of human wisdom of several thousand years. Newton loved reading, China's total education network documentation channel in the research on the basis of predecessors' work, he discovered the law of universal gravitation, and thus to become a great scientist. Just think, if no books spread predecessors accumulated knowledge, in today's era, will also have a satellite and spacecraft in space? ! Also there will be a wonderful network computer? Let's go through !

  Books are good teachers and wise friends. British famous thinker bacon said: "reading for delight, is enough to gambling, enough to become"; The tang dynasty poet du fu said: "reading break rolls, such as writing"; Famous writer Lin yu-tang said: "reading can let a person get new knowledge, gain knowledge, have temperament". Because of this, I have a passion for reading. Once upon a time, I in books, "unable to extricate themselves. "Lei feng diary makes me clear: the highest significance of human existence, is to do a service for the people of screws. I've learned: dedicated life is the most beautiful; < < the old man and the sea > > in the don't succumb to the storm, the courage to fight against the old man let me respect; < < La Traviata > > China's total education network documentation channel let me remember: as long as the truth, the personality will never attractive! "How the steel was tempered > > let me know how: a person only in the setbacks can show amazing perseverance. With it, people will not bow to difficulties and setbacks. < < detail decides success or failure > > tell me: put every piece of the simple things well is not simple; Each an ordinary thing to do is extraordinary; Is the so-called: "details" decision "success"! From < < ordinary world > >, I realized that: people, no matter in what position, no matter how poor, no matter how difficult, China's total education network documentation channel as long as have a hot heart, as long as you can love life, life is equal to you. Reading gives me great pleasure, I constantly found myself in reading, check yourself, improve yourself! However, every coin has its two sides. The good and evil people mixed up, in the vast sea of books, throw out shape. Noble live in society, and also inhabited by a subaltern, both good, also have a villain. This requests us in the eyes when you read, "take the essence and discard the dregs", i.e., to read, read good books, read good books.

  Century old man bing xin said: "good reading, good read, read good books. It is an axiom. Reading can let us enjoy the infinite "fun". Some books like vintage wines, can read; Some books such as the sugar cane, get; Some books like a green olive, now after bitter fragrance... Open a good book, smells it light ink, China's total education network documentation channel and li bai of tang dynasty to enjoy together the moon; Enjoy with su shi "the great river east to go to, the wave depleted" the heroic; With the Russian literary stepping a Siberian swirling snow... Up and down for thousands of years, in the tens of thousands of, through time and space tunnel, with elite spiritual feast, this is a wonderful situation!

  "The bird to fly wings, first person be self-motivated study first". Throughout ancient and modern Chinese and foreign, who greatly as a historical figure, are well-read people. The great leader chairman MAO said: "rice can a day don't eat, sleep can't sleep a day, don't read books can't a day." For decades, keeping in chairman MAO's day, but he was always squeeze a little time to read a book learning. He zhongnanhai, the former residence, it is a sealed book to book. In order to read a book, chairman MAO using all can use of time. He every read a book, China's total education network documentation channel, an article is in the important place in the various symbols, where the blank write many thereon. It is the spirit of the pursuit, fast, to his remarkable feats. Great man's experience tells us that to be a people for the motherland and contribute to the people, must constantly, strenuously reading, the book is the source of the power of our great achievements!

  Today we -- life of the younger generation in the sun, more should strive to plump wings of their own. As we know, standing on the shoulders of giants, we can see farther; By stepping stone to a thorough, China's total education network documentation channel we can climb even higher. "Read five drum is not of the night, work is YiBaoShiHan." Friends, let's look at the eyes to read books, in books, in the book is a guide, make a wisp of fragrance with you me! Let's study together!










  Everybody is good, the title of my speech today is "reading and life".

  As is known to all, the book is the ladder of human progress. Books in our life play a very important role. The main reason why It is important, because it always exists in our side, is around us, and everyone is learning knowledge, using knowledge. But some people don't know what reading is to. I think one of the benefits of reading is to adjust state of mind. No matter how we met in living like earlier, can keep a peaceful and calm state of mind and be well prepared to face it. Happily, don't get carried away. When frustrated, don't be too sad, if can't avoid sad, think a way to unblock. Gorky said: the book made me become a happy person. Free time, we might as well read books too. Through reading, we have understood the book love, feel the truth; We know from the book to the history of change, social change. We learn from the book in thinking, put forward valuable questions, learn to grow up.

  Century old man bing xin said: good reading, good read, read good books. It is an axiom. Reading a good book, is talking with a wise man, can make the person mind full, make the person right from wrong. Bi shumin has said, the book is not a rouge, but makes the heart yan resident. Book is not sticks, but will make people are powerful. The book is not a feather, but will make one fly. Book is not everything, but it can make the person. Books are our most loyal partner, the so-called: gone through the book as a couple. Time went by, constantly reading but let us growth knowledge. Don't you want to gain knowledge? If you like, please pick up the book of our life is meaningful, into the book world, swim in the sea of knowledge, it will make you full of ideas, full of wisdom, and, in turn, change your fate, change your life, more let's get back to the truly belong to our self-confidence! Thank you for your speech!


  大家好,今天我演讲的题目是《读书与生活》 。

  众所周知,书是人类进步的阶梯。书在我们的生活中扮演着一个极其重要的角色。之所以说 它重要,是因为它无时无刻不存在于我们的身边,充斥在我们的周围,并且每个人都在学知 识,用知识 。 但是,有些人却不知道读书到底是为了什么。我觉得读书的好处之一就是调整心态。不管生 活中我们遇到怎样的大喜大悲, 都能保持一个平和冷静的心态, 做好充分的思想准备去面对 它。高兴地时候,不要得意忘形;失意的时候,不要过分悲伤,倘若不能避免伤心,就自己 想办法疏通。高尔基说:书籍使我变成了一个幸福的人。闲暇的时候,我们也不妨读一读书。通过读书, 我们从书体会到博爱,感受到真情;我们从书中认识到历史的更替,社会的变革;我们从书 中学会思考,提出有价值的问题,学会成长。

  世纪老人冰心说过:读书好,好读书,读好书。这是一句至理名言。读一本好书,就是和一 个智者交谈,可以使人心灵充实,使人明辨是非。毕淑敏也说过,书不是胭脂,却会使人心颜常驻。书不是棍棒,却会使人铿锵有力。书不是羽毛,却会使人飞翔。书不是万能的,却会使人千变万化。书是我们最忠诚的伙伴,所谓:走遍天下书为侣。时光会不断流逝,读书却让我们增长知识。难道你不想增长知识吗?如果你愿意,请你拿起对我们人生有意义的书,走进书的世界,畅游知识的海洋吧,它会让你充满思想,充满智慧,进而改变命运,改变人生,更能让我们找 回那些真正属于我们的自信! 谢谢大家,发言完毕!





