英国伯明翰大学(University of Birmingham)建于1825年,是一所著名的老牌大学。在2013年的上海交大世界大学学术排名中,伯明翰大学位居英国第10-14位,世界第101-150位。作为世界前150强大学,伯明翰大学也是英国著名的6所“红砖大学”之一,同时,是英国名校联盟“罗素大学集团”的成员大学,非常值得想去英国留学的学生选择。下面学习啦小编为大家整理了伯明翰留学奖学金项目相关的知识,希望对大家有用。
Foundation Academic Merit Scholarships
At the University of Birmingham we are dedicated to building a more diverse and international community of students. To help us welcome a greater number of students from all around the world we are pleased to introduce a generous Academic Merit Scholarship for 2017. These are all exclusively available to prospective Foundation Pathways students.
Please note this Foundation Scholarship is available only to Foundation Pathway offer-holders. To apply you must have accepted your offer for a Foundation Pathway. To accept your offer please return your Acceptance Form sent as part of your offer. If you are not currently holding a Foundation Pathway offer and have not accepted this place your scholarship application will not be considered.
The Academic Merit Scholarship is for £5,000 towards tuition fees for the one year full-time Foundation programme at the University, starting in September 2017. All eligible candidates will be considered for this award and selection will be based on academic achievement.
Who can apply?
To be eligible to apply for an Academic Merit Scholarship, you must meet the conditions below:
Candidates should have accepted their Foundation offer from the university and have submitted a scholarship application by 30 June 2017
Candidates should not be in receipt of any other internal or external scholarship, funding or sponsorship.
Meet the academic conditions of your offer to the programme.
Start your studies at the University in September 2017
Be classed by the University as an overseas fee payer for tuition fee payment, and should be able to fund the remaining costs of your studies at Birmingham from other sources.
Selection for the award will be based on the above criteria and the answers to questions provided in your application.
How can I apply?
We consider applicants based on the information provided in an online application form.
The online application form includes general questions about your academic background and includes short, essay-style questions (250 word limit) about academic and extra-curricular achievement.
Students who firmly accept their offer will be eligible, shortlisted on the basis of academic merit and selected based on their answers to the essay-style questions.
When is the deadline for applications?
The deadline for applications to the scholarship is 30 June 2017. You must have accepted your conditional or unconditional offer by this date.
When will the scholarship be awarded?
The full scholarship will be awarded upon enrolment in September 2017. Successful scholarship applicants will be notified of their award before 31 July 2017.
线上申请表包括学术背景方面的问题,包括学术成绩和课外活动 成绩方面的问题(250个单词以内)。
Chinese Student Awards
The Trustees meet twice a year, in spring and autumn.
Call for applications opens on 1st September 2017 for the November 2017 meeting
The deadline will be in October 2017
The meeting will be held in November 2017
The Great Britain-China Educational Trust (GBCET) administers its own awards, and also makes awards with funds contributed by the Sino-British Fellowship Trust, the Universities' China Committee in London, and the Han Suyin Trust. The awards are meant to contribute towards applicants' university tuition fees, and living expenses.
The funds awarded via the Han Suyin Trust are specifically for those Chinese (PRC) candidates who hold a recognised medical degree, or a degree in the field of science and technology with some work experience at the relevant level. Environmental topics, and in particular forestry and coastal studies, will also be given preference.
中英教育信托实施有自己的奖学金,也颁发有由 Sino-British Fellowship Trust、Universities' China Committee in London和Han Suyin Trust出资的奖学金。这些奖学金用于申请人的大学学费和生活费。
Han Suyin Trust 颁发的奖学金专门针对中国候选人,前提是候选人持有得到认可的医学学位,或持有科学技术领域的相关学位。环境方面的课题,特别是林业和海岸研究,会被有优先考虑。
Awards granted up to £3,000
However, the most common amount awarded is between £1,500-£2,000.
The Trustees give priority to applications where the bulk of funding has already been raised.
(3)For your information
The GBCET has been receiving increasing numbers of applications in recent years. The average ratio of successful candidates to unsuccessful is one in five.
(4)Eligibility requirements
Chinese nationality (from the PRC inc. Hong Kong) studying for a PhD in any subject at a UK university. Students must have started their third yearbefore they are eligible to submit their application.
British nationality PhD students giving conference papers in China, or travelling to China to pursue essential doctoral research. The Universities' China Committee in London (UCCL) also has an award in this category.
Students may apply twice for the award, but must wait a year before trying again.
The Trustees will not consider applications from:
Students who are not either Chinese or British nationality.
Undergraduates or students requiring funding for the first two years of a PhD, or a postgraduate taught course, e.g. MA, MSc, etc.
PRC/Hong Kong nationals for attending or giving papers at conferences, fieldwork or trips, or research materials (e.g. books, lab equipment, software, etc.)
1 掌握应急联系方式
2 检查护照有效期
3 办妥目的地国签证
