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  Taking The Exercise

  Today, as the development of the electronic products, people like to use the electronic products very much. They count on these products because they are so convenient and funny. So people pay a lot of attention on the electronic products, most people even don’t like to go out and they spend all the day playing the computer games. Staying too much time indoors is not good for people’s health, they need to walk out of the house and take the exercise. It is advised that we should take exercise for an hour everyday. We can take the jogging early in the morning or in the evening, we not only can take in the fresh air, but also can see the different scenery. If we take the regular exercise, we will keep the strong body and when are old, we can go any place we want to.



  The Memories in High School

  High school is very important in one’s lifetime. Nowadays, the movies about the high school time are so popular, but the stories are exaggerated, my memories about high school life are so different from the movie. During the three years, study occupied most of my time. I fought for the future with my classmates. We studied together and shared our opinion about the difficult points. When I made great progress, I was so happy, but when I fell behind, I would not give up. I grew up and became patient, I was not the little girl anymore. In the part-time, I would go to play basketball with my friends, it became the most exciting thing at that time. Though the high school life was simple, I gained a lot. I would never forget the classmates who worked with me together.



  Physical Exercises

  As you all know, the study work is heavy in high school. There are often more than 10 courses a day including the evening. That will take more than 9 hours in study a day, and without weekends. The students in high school are exhausted after school and not willing to do the physical exercises anymore. In fact, it is not only very bad for health but also bad for study. The teenagers have to do enough exercises to keep healthy and growing tall. And doing physical exercises can make a people strong and lighten one up, refill the energy to study more efficiently. So, the high school students should do physical exercises. They can do some sports, such as playing football or basketball, running, swimming and so on.



  Family Barbecue

  Today was Sunday, I was so happy because our family had a big meeting, we went to the park to have the barbecue. We called our relatives to join us, it was such a great party. As the family members haven’t got together for a long time, so my father decided to get everybody united. In the park, I played with my cousins, we were taking a visit of the park while the parents were doing the barbecue. When my counsins and I played so tiredly, we went to join the grow-ups’ activities. The fathers were talking about the business stuff, while the mothers were talking about the children and their daily life. Our family was so harmonious, we shared the things together and helped each other. I like this activity so much, I wish my families can have more time to be together.



  A Day in the Zoo

  There has been a long time for my family not to go out for the activity, because my father is busy all the time. But last week, my father finally finished his project, so that he could take a rest for some time. My father advised us to go to the zoo, I was so excited, because I hadn’t seen many animals in my life. In the zoo, there were so many people, it was so lively. I saw the monkey, the giraffe and so on. I saw these animals in the TV usually, but I saw them in front of me that day. The peacock impressed me so much, it looked homely when it laid down the ground, but when it stood up and opened the wings, it was so gorgeous. People said peacock was proud, indeed, it would not please people. I had a good time in the zoo.










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