1.时间表达方式 2.学科的名称 3.表示数目的单词 4.年代表达方式
5.十二月份、日期、星期 6.四个季节 7.金钱的表达方式
8. 常见地名的拼写 9. 国家和国籍
考点 1 数字记录与计算
复习重点:①要掌握时间的几种表达法:half past six,a quarter to two,nine twenty,after before,early late,delay等。②以 teen结尾的数词与以 ty结尾的数词的读音和意义的辨别。③辨清以th结尾的序数词与其对应的基数词,如:sixth six。④快速记录多个数字,并用加、减、乘、除计算一些数据;熟悉计算题中常出现的表达法:half,double,twice,one third,percent,a pair dozen score,dollar,pound,cent,penny, 10 each for3 tickets,at a 30% discount(打七折),one third off the normal price(打七折),more than,less than。
【例1】W :How much is the red skirt?
M:These skirt sells for six dollars each,but it’s 10 if you buy two.
Q:How much does the woman have to pay if she wants to buy just one?
A. 3. B. 6. C. 10. 【答案】B
考点 2 判断地点和方位
复习重点:①熟悉特定的场景用语和关键词,如:餐馆(restaurant)用语:menu,bill,order,tip,hamburger,sandwich,soup,dish,beer,soft drink,book a table(预定桌位),dessert(甜点),delicious等;宾馆(hotel)用语:luggage,single room,double room,room number,room key,check in,check out等;医院(hospital)用语:take medicine,temperature,pill,headache,fever,blood pressure等;邮局(post office)用语:mail,post,deliver,stamp,envelope,package,airmail,telegram 等;机场(airport)用语:flight,take off,land,luggage,delay等;火车站(railway station)用语:round trip,single trip,sleeper等;商店(store)用语:on sale,size,color,price,change(零钱)等;学校(school)用 语:professor,exam,course,dining hall,playground 等;图 书 馆(library)用语:librarian,magazine,library card,fine,renew 等。银行(in the bank)用语:cash,check,open an account,saving,withdraw,interest,draw out等。②熟悉方位的词语和表达方法,如:in the east of,to the east of,on the east of。
【例2】M:What size do you wear?
W :An eleven.
M:Oh,you are lucky. I have just the right size in store. Here it is. Why don’t you try it on?
Q:Where does the conversation probably take place?
A. In a shoe factory. B. At the man’s home. C. In a clothing store. 【答案】C
考点 3 判断人物及其关系
常见的人物之间的关系有:doctor- patient waiter waitress- customer secretary- boss shop assistant- customer driver- policeman teacher professor- student husband- wife receptionist- tourist lawyer- client salesperson- customer colleague friends classmates
复习重点:①能根据对话内容和情景来确定说话者从事的职业和彼此之间的关系。②善于抓住与说话者身份或职业相关的词。如材料中出现 term exam,就有可能有 teacher professor出现,或者人物间有 teacher professor- student的关系;对话中提到 buy change,就该有 salesman或 salesgirl;夫妻对话会用 dear darling;父母对孩子说话可能会有 listen等词。③对话中涉及多人,则要理清人与人之间的关系。
【例3】M:Hello,Mary,this is Dam Morrison. I’m calling to see whether Tom feels better today.
W :Oh,hello,Prof. Morrison. He feels much better now. The doctor said he will be able to go back to school tomorrow.
Q:What’s the relationship between Dam Morrison and Tom?
A. Teacher and student. B. Doctor and patient. C. Colleague. 【答案】A
考点 4 细节把握及指令辨认
【例4】W :Could you tell me how to get to the post office?
M:Go westward along the street,then turn to the left and walk for three minutes,you are sure to find it on your right.
Q:Which direction does the post office face?
A. It faces east. B. It faces south. C. It faces west. 【答案】A
考点 5 推理、判断和归纳
【例5】M:Did you watch the midnight film last night?
W :Yes,I watched part of it.
M:I really liked it. I thought it was really exciting.
W :Exciting?I fell asleep during the film.
Q:How did the woman feel about the film?
A. Enjoyable. B. Inspiring. C. Dull. 【答案】C