学习啦 > 热门句子 > 经典语录 > 经典台词 > 《玩具总动员》经典台词(2)


时间: 思静643 分享


  ,有人在水源区下了毒 Somebody's poisoned the water hole.

  来 茉莉 你好重哦 -Come on, Molly. Oh, you're getting heavy.

  再见了 胡迪 "导演:约翰拉赛特" -See you later, Woody.

  ,我的天哪 今天要开生日派对 Pull my string! The birthday party's today?

  ,好了 各位 已经安全了 Okay, everybody, coast is clear!

  我盒子上写得很清楚 适合三岁以上 -Ages 3 and up. It's on my box.

  怎么叫我当 口水公主的临时保姆呢 Ages 3 and up. I'm not supposed to be baby-sitting PrinceDrool.

  嘿 火腿 -Hey, Hamm.

  -你看 我是毕加索 -我听不懂 -Look, I'm Picasso! -I don't get it.

  没有文化的肥猪 看什么看啊 你这个大扁脸 You uncultured swine! What're you lookin' at, ya hockey puck?

  -队长 看到弹簧狗没有 -报告长官 没有-Hey, Sarge, have you seen Slinky? -Sir! No, sir!

  好了 谢了 稍息Okay. Hey, thank you. At ease.

  我在这儿 胡迪 这次我要红的Right here, Woody. I'm red this time.

  -不行 弹簧狗... -No. S-Slink.

  -好吧 那红的让给你好了 -Oh, well, all right. You can be red if you want.

  -等一下 弹簧狗 我有一些坏消息 -坏消息-N-Not now, Slink. I got some bad news. -Bad news?

  去叫大家集合来开干部会议了 知道了-Just gather everyone up for a staff meeting, and be happy. -Got it.

  开心点呀-Be happy! -Ha, ha, ha, ha!

  各位 干部会议了 长蛇、机器人准备讲台-Staff meeting, everybody! Snake, Robot, podium please.

  还有画板 拔枪Hey, Etch. Draw!

  -你又赢了-Oh! Got me again.

  画板 你拔枪练得不错嘛 西部最快的神枪手Etch, you've been working on that draw. Fastest knobs in the west.

  大伙儿要开干部会议了 快点 快点Got a staff meeting, you guys. Come on, let's go.

  我的那个呢Now, where is that... Oh.

  谁把我涂鸦板拿走的Hey, who moved my doodle pad way over here?

  -抱抱龙 你干嘛 -吓到没有? 要说实话-How're you doin', Rex? -Were you scared? Tell me honestly.

  这一次 我差一点就被你吓死I was close to being scared that time.

  我一直想可怕一点 但是我老是没有灵感I'm going for fearsome here, but I just don't feel it.

  我只是一个惹人厌的家伙I think I'm just coming off as annoying.

  胡迪 我想要谢谢你救了我的羊群I wanted to thank you, Woody, for saving my flock.

  我今天晚上另外找个人替我看羊 你看怎么样啊What do you say I get someone else to watch the sheep tonight?

  别忘了 要找我的话 我就在附近Remember, I'm just a couple of blocks away.

  快点 快点 小的玩具到前面-Yodel-ay-hee-hoo! -Come on, come on. Smaller toys up front.

  -好了 太近了 退..-Okay. Whoa, whoa. Step back.

  0000,-大声叫出来 -好了 谢谢-For crying out loud. -Thank you.

  试音 试音 清楚吗-Hello? Check. That better? Great.

  好 大家都听到了吗 架子上面的 听得见吗?那好Everybody hear me? Up on the shelf, can you hear me? Great.

  今天我们第一项议题Okay. First item today:

  对了 每个人都找到 搬家的伙伴了没有Uh... oh, yeah. Has everyone picked a moving buddy?

  -什么? -搬家的伙伴? 他不是说真的吧-What? -Moving buddy? You can't be serious.

  我不知道我们要搬家了I didn't know we were supposed to have one already.

  -要拉小手吗-Do we have to hold hands?

  你们以为 我在跟你们开玩笑You guys think this is a big joke.