1. 时间顺序
例如TPO 53 The History of Tea
2. 空间顺序
3. 好坏顺序
If you did your reading for today, then you were introduced to a very influential alternative to traditional education. This educational philosophy and methodology was pioneered in Italy in the early 1900s by Doctor Maria Montessori. 开篇第一句已经告诉我们要讲的是蒙特梭利的教学方法和理论。由后文可知,这种方法是用于小孩子的
4. 应对措施
· Arts
· Life Science
· Physical Science
· Social Science
为了让小盆友们更准确了解每类的涵盖范围,我们在每一类中列举TPO 讲座来具体说明:
Social Science 社会科学
√介绍某一business method和其应用(需考虑的问题)
一种心理现象及其合理解释TPO10 L4/Psychology
· 提出possible explanations for childhood amnesia(健忘症)
· 详细解释其中一种explanation - Piaget’s theory of cognitive development - young children can't symbolically represent objects and events 即是因为没有语言能力
· 介绍 memory tests, which proves that young children can recall,又介绍有实验证明recall和language development之间没有关系
· 最后提出childhood amnesia真正的原因是 the rate of forgetting
· 提出green marketing 概念
· green marketing 也要遵循传统marketing 的方法
· 举例 one green marketing campaign 先失败后成功的原因
· 总结 green marketing should be valid on all dimensions 即 extreme green company
介绍一种advertising plan 及其考虑方面TPO11L4/Business
· 提出要有systematic advertising plan
· 分别列举Four Ms - Market, Media, Money, Message 重要性及考虑方法
· 举例Soup Shop, 用Four Ms来进行评价
Arts 人文科学
√介绍某一artist和其作品特点/social influence(常常涉及与其他艺术家比较)
介绍一位artist 及其作品TPO1L1/Contemporary Art
· 介绍Rose Frantzen及其风格Realistic Impressionism
· 分别列举可以体现Frantzen Realistic/Impressionism的作品
· 结尾mention Rose Frantzen的life story
介绍art world of Paris in the late 19th centuryTPO8 L2/Art History
· art classes available for women
· good competition in class for women
· better achievements of women insalon
介绍一位film-makerPL及其作品特点TPO3L2/Film History
· unique hybrid of styles
· underwater film-making,focusing on the aquatic animal world
· 学生提出另一个film-maker 也focus underwater, 老师比较两个maker的difference
· 学生提出问题,为什么PL不为人所知,老师解答原因
介绍musician 在movie 中的工作和其发展TPO22L4/Music History
· 教授提出musician 开始在movie theater 工作
· 教授提出 music in movie 不一定和电影本身correspond, 并进一步解释 music were not specially written for a particular movie
· new sound systems 出现之后给这些movie musician 造成的影响
介绍piano 对European music 和society的影响TPO16 L2/Music History
· 介绍percussive effect of little hammers 对pianist/composer/performer的影响
· piano 的social impact (women)
Life Science 生命科学
√介绍one species的特点/special behavior以及形成的原因
比较two marmot species的不同behavior TPO1L4/Biology
· 教授提出marmot的特点,并指出两种species - eastern/Olympic marmot
· 介绍eastern marmot的行为,并解释growing season
· 教授提出两种species 的不同行为,eastern marmot don't need to stay as family to survive
· 最后用Olympic marmot的行为进行对比
介绍one species of oak 的特点及造成的原因TPO6L2/Biology
· 教授提出Nightcap Oak的两个特点:rare and the origin of trees
· 教授提出问题:rare和reproduce 的原因
· 学生回答是seed dispersal,教授肯定
· 教授进一步指出原因是 Nightcap Oak 无法spread well,但是good at maintaining itself
介绍some fossil discoveries of whales evolution TPO10 L1/Marine Biology
· 教授提出whales 如何从land creature演变到ocean dweller 还是mystery
· 教授举了3个最近的fossil discovery, 但并不能completely solve the mystery
· 又列举了DNA证明 whales是hippopotamus的后代,和之前的evidence是矛盾的
· 最后又列举了一个DNA research中体现的矛盾
介绍animals怎样make decisions evolution TPO16 L3/ Biology
· 教授提出 behavior是a matter of natural selection
· 列举foraging behavior among beavers, 描述beaver在选择过程中的two critical issues
· 最后指出不是conscious behavior, 而是the behavior has evolved over time
Physical Science 自然科学
介绍关于moving rocks的theory TPO4 L3/ Geology
· 教授首先提出是wind造成了moving rocks, 并且是wind combined with rain
· 提出另一种可能 - ice
· 提出other possibilities
· 指出现在无法确定是哪种theory,并告诉学生should address geology from a wider perspective
介绍asteroid belt的发现过程 TPO2 L4/ Astronomy
· 教授罗列了两组数
· 将其中一组数与planet对应,会发现有一个数并没有与之对应的planet
· 随后科学家根据missing number 发现了 Uranus
· Uranus 距离太阳的位置not perfect,所以科学家又发现了Ceres, 也就是asteroid
介绍climate changes caused by human using lands TPO11 L3/ Environmental Science
· 提出human develop lands之后会带来一些changes, 并且接下来要讨论 climate change
· 列举Florida,farmers move south之后,原来不会freeze 的land现在很容易freeze
· 教授指出产生这一现象的原因是water, water 让气温变低了
介绍solar energy 和solutions to overcome gathering difficulty TPO12 L4/ Environmental Science
· 教授提出太阳能难利用的原因- solar energy is quite diffused
· 指出19世纪初太阳能销售不好是因为其他能源的竞争,比如oil and natural gas
· 指出1970年左右太阳能不受欢迎,是因为其他能源的价格下降
· 教授又提出克服gather solar energy difficulty的方法,指出active system和passive system的概念
介绍interdependence in ecosystem TPO13 L2/ Ecology
· 教授引导学生描述beaver的生存环境- wetlands, groundwater
· 提出如果没有beaver, 环境会发生改变,no running stream, fewer wetlands
· 学生提出after Europeans came to North America, beaver减少,随之带来的环境以及diversity减少
· 教授引出keystone species 概念,beaver is a keystone species to the ecosystem.
介绍一种ancient Greeks的理论和不一样的观点TPO21 L1/ Astronomy
· 提出ancient Greeks believe 地球是宇宙中心,及这种看法的形成原因
· 指出当ancient Greeks这种理论与observation不同时,他们也没有改变看法
· However,也有一些astronomers不认为地球是宇宙中心,列举Aristarchu
· 指出对这些少部分人的观点,ancient Greeks 持反对态度,列举Aristarchu的two objections
1 cello
2 etc
3 choir
4 cliché
5 resume 简历
很多同学其实在最开始学英语的时候,学习的教材是牛津,我小学的时候学的是3L,这些都是英国口音。进入初中以后,教材改成了新世纪,逐渐开始接触美音,因此常会发生英美音混淆的情况。但托福考试还是以美国口音为主,因此我们必须要知道有些词美国人是这么念的,比如:last fast grasscan’t answer dance这一系列的词,a在美音中发[?] ,而在英音中则是[a:];God fox hot这一系类的词,o在美音中法[ɑ] ,而在音中则是[?]。
1 schedule
2 herb
3 neither
4 tomato
5 advertisement
比如TPO1对话1就出现了, Dream Interpretation,但很多同学第一次听的时候,都听成了Dreaming Terpretation,然后不断在纠结,这个terpretation到底是什么。其实,这只是一个辅+元的连读现象。
1 I miss you.
2 this year
3 check out the book
4 in other words
5 bike key
? 特征 (features, characteristics)
? 原因(reasons, factors, causes)
? 完美错过正确答案的很少,
? 最多的情况是选错1个。
都找到了吗?这篇文章中的并列提示词就是起始段的“三乐”,以及二三四段的“一曰释疑之乐,二曰启思之乐,三曰神游之乐。”如果托福听力题目这么容易的话,我们就要偷着乐了。实际考试考点会稍作设计,没有这么容易判断,BUT,一般在要出双选题的地方,也会像这篇文章一样,有比较明显的总领句,如there be结构:There are several reasons;或省略there be:Two changes took place.然后下面再分述2-3个理由/变化。我们需要抓住的正是there be后面的“一曰,二曰,三曰”。可托福听力中可不一定有“一二三”,那我们就来看一下There be后列举的几种正常与非正常打开方式。
非正常打开:now, OK, Next, And, also, the important aspect
最常见的分述方式就是列举了,说话人为了使自己的语言也有逻辑性,往往会在总领句后用first来表述第一点理由,我们首先抓住这一点。比如31-1中解释教授讲课顺序的理由时:“Now, there are some very good reasons to approach the material in this way. First, well, we don't have very much ancient Greek music studied. Only about 45 pieces survived uh...these are mostly records of poems and songs.” 随着叙述的推进,说话人可能忘记用计数表示列举,而改用其他代表说话逻辑的词来引出第二点理由“What we do know about - and this really is the most important reason I am approaching today's lecture the way I am - is the Greek philosophy about music and its continuing influence on western attitudes toward music. ” 虽然从结构上来说好像并不对称,但事实上应该被我们采用为答案。
What two reasons does the professor give for approaching the lecture material as he does? 【Click on 2 answers】
A. we have a limited idea of what ancient Greek music sounded like
B. the Greek philosophy of music influenced western thought
C. Greek music shared many characteristics with other types of ancient music
D. Greek melodies were admired by musicians from other countries
2)“One is” 后面必出现第二点并列
正常打开:the other is
? 答:在看到题目之前,凡并列词都需要记录,格外注重自问自答/师生问答。
According to theprofessor, what are the two main goals of Pleistocene rewinding? 【 Click on 2 answers】
A. To restore some evolutionary processes that ended during the Pleistocene epoch
B. To help prevent the extinction of certain species of megafauna
C. To increase populations of native animal species in the western United States
D. To create a living laboratory where animal interactions can be observed
就是采取正常引入方式:“Now, the advocates of Pleistocene rewilding cite two main goals. One is to help prevent the extinction of some endangered megafauna by providing new refuges, new habitats for them. The other is to restore some of the evolutionary and ecological potential that has been lost in North America.”
According to the professor, what interior features of the house Irwin designed were especially beneficial? [Choose two answers]
A. Circular rooms with windows in the ceiling
B. Floors that were easy to clean
C. A large, spacious common area
D. A single-fireplace system that heated the entire house
其中有提示词提领的地方比较好判断“Yeah. The rooms inside the house were also hexagonal, six-sided. Hen. So one important thing was that the rooms were arranged around a chimney in the center of the house, which could provide heat for the whole house through flues, uh, small air passageways into each room, as opposed to having a fireplace in every room, which would require more cleaning and make the air inside the house dirtier.“
“Professor:OK. Think about cleaning. What part of a room is usually the hardest to clean? Like...to sweep with a broom.
Student:Oh! The corners. Because in square or rectangular rooms, the corners are at 90 degree angles. It’s hard to reach all the dust that gathers in the corners. But if Irwin's rooms were closer to a circle than a square, it would be easier to reach all the dust and dirt with a broom. Right?
在听到有对比形容词的时候,如Traditional- unconventional,如Large-small ,往往代表两种性质相反的事物A,B,就会出现考察这两种事物A,B特性的双选题。如27-3中的一题,Compared to small animals, what disadvantages do large animals typically have? Click on 2 answers
A. large animals require more food
B. large animals have fewer offspring
C. large animals use relatively more energy in digesting their food
D. large animals have greater difficulty staying warm
题干中就出现“small animal”和“large animal”的明显对比,而原文中则通过“fewer”“more”的数量对比来引出考点:“Biologically speaking, sauropods shouldn’t have been successful. Large animals like elephants, say, they require much more food and energy and have fewer offspring than smaller animals.”
What does the woman suggest the man should do to have the best chance of selling his book to the bookstore? [Choose two answers]
A. Ask his professor if the same book will be used next semester
B. Sell the book back as soon as the buyback period begins
C. Make sure the book is in good condition
D. Bring the original sales receipt with the book
我们暂且不看原文,而从题干和选项所呈现的事实中来判断。这篇提问男生如何才能有“best chance”向书店卖出他的书(此处是二手书),best chance就限定我们一定要选出一个“机会最大”的选项,也就意味着要有比较的可能性,才有最高级。逐个看选项:A.问教授是否下学期还会用同样的书。做题时可以自问:如果下学期还用一样的书,男生的机率就最大了吗?相比较其他同学卖二手书的同学,他有何优势呢?并没有。再看B.趁回购期一开始就来卖。这里就具备了比较的条件,时间“先”“后”,比别人早来,可以更快卖出书。C呢,书保存得很完好。此处的比较是书的状态“好”“坏”的对比,有对比,就有突出的可能。比别人书的状态好,就能更快卖出。所以C也说得通。D.附上书的发票。这个可以是buyback的一个必须条件,但体现不出差别,因为别的同学也可以把发票带来。
★ 托福算分表揭秘