为了帮助大家备考托业,下面小编给大家托业阅读七大题型详解:Short Conversations,预祝大家取得高分。
托业阅读七大题型详解:Short Conversations
Short Conversations
This part of TOEIC consists of thirty short conversations, either between a man and a woman or between two men. The conversations airs three-part exchanges: The first speaker says something, the second speaker responds, and the first speaker says something else. Two typical patterns airs given below:
Speaker 1: Asks a question. Speaker 1: Makes a statement.
Speaker 2: Responds to the question. Speaker 2: Questions the statement.
Speaker 1: Comments on the response. Speaker 1: Responds to the question.
In your test book, each question is written out, followed by four possible answer choices. Your job is to decide which one of these best answers the question. Then you need to mark the corresponding answer on your answer sheet.
1. Between each conversation theirs is an eight-second pause. This may not sound like a long time, but you can actually accomplish quite a bit during this pause. You need to mark the answer for the item that you just heard and then preview the next item. Previewing the item consists of reading the question -- this tells you what to listen for -- and of quickly looking over the four answer choices.
2. While listening to the conversation, keep your eyes on the answer choices. Don't close your eyes or look away. Try to evaluate the four choices as you airs listening.
3. Remember that distractors are sometimes mentioned in the conversations but are not answers to the question. Don't choose an answer just because you hear a word or two from the answer in the conversation.
4. If the correct answer is not obvious, try to eliminate answers that seem to be incorrect. If more than one answer choice is left, take a guess.
5. Mark your answers as quickly as possible so that you can preview the next item.
6. Never leave any answers blank. If you are not sure, always guess.
_Testing Points and Skill--Building Exercises
A. Overview Questions
B. Detail Questions
C, Inference Questions
※ 不要先阅读文章内容
※ 先读题目
※ 有顺序地阅读:
1)先看标题 - 看罢标题,对全篇文章应有一个大约的了解;
2)段落题目 - 知道每段的大概内容,您也能从中推断文章的内容;
3)看较深色或额外涂黑的字 - 这也可帮助了解文章内容;
4)看图片 - 有时候看图片比看整段文字更有用。因此,先看图片、图表等等可令您更了解内容;
5)看指引 - 如不看指引,您可能不知道应以何种方式回答问题。有时候指引也会包含一些关于文章的资料;
6)看例句 - 例句不单可令您了解如何正确回答问题,也可在一两句之内令您对文章有一个大概的了解, 因此看例句绝不是浪费时间的事;
阅读测验的问题有时在的前面或后面。您必须清楚: 测验的3部分是哪里开始,哪里完结;每部分有多少问题,哪里开始,哪里完结;应如何分配每部分的时间;应先回答哪些问题。
※ 清楚答案的位置
※ 收窄寻找范围
※ 注意文字或句子的形式变化
第三种:同义、有很大差异的变化 例句: 问题句 文章句 a) department stores = department stores(第一类) b) joined by = linked by (第二类) c) walkways above and below the ground = over-the-street crossings and(第三类) underground walkways
※ 留意字汇注解
有时候测验会对一些技术性或太深奥的字词会作出解释,千万不要漏看,另外,如果测验是Academic Module的话您会遇到很多大学程度或在大学才会用到的字,这些字您必须都认识和知道它们的意思。请参考字汇表(Glossary)内的字并找一本好的字典学习。
※ 细心分析深奥词汇
※ 留意数字
then, first, at once, next, after that, previously, while, when, the following day, etc.
1)Listing: firstly, in the first place, secondly, thirdly, my next point is, last/finally, etc.
2)Illustrating: for example/ for instance, to illustrate, an example/ instance of this is, let’s take….., take…. for example, etc.
3)Re-stating: in other words, that is to say, to put it another way, let me put it this way, or rather, namely, etc.
4)Referring: in this respect, in that connection, as we said, apart from this, etc.
5)Resuming: to resume, to return to the previous point, getting back to the argument, etc.
6)Summarizing: to sum up, in short, it amounts to this, what I have been saying is this, etc.
7)Emphasizing: it is worth noting, I would like to direct your attention to, let us consider, we must now turn to, I shall begin by, etc.
1)Introducing( or emphasizing) further evidence: moreover, furthermore, in addition, what’s more, as well, etc.
2)Cause: because (of), since, owing to, on account of, due to, as a result of, etc.
3)Effect: as a result, hence, therefore, consequently, thus, so, etc.
4)Contrasting: in / by contrast, on the contrary, on the other hand, nevertheless, whereas, while, yet, however, but, etc.
5)Comparison: in like manner, likewise, in the same way, similarly, in comparison with, etc.
6)Purpose: to this end, for this purpose, with this in mind, in order to, so that, etc.
7)Intensification: indeed, in fact, in any event / case, at no time, to tell the truth, etc.
adjust—— To change so as to match or fit; cause to correspond修改=alter To adjust (a garment) for a better fit修改
adjoining—— Neighboring; contiguous接临的=neighboring
adaptation—— Something, such as a device or mechanism, that is
changed or changes so as to become suitable to a new or special
application or situation改装=modification
acute—— Extremely sharp or severe; intense强烈的=intense
Keenly perceptive or discerning; penetrating聪明的=sharp
accustomed—— Being in the habit of习惯的=used to
accumulate—— To gather or pile up; amass收集,堆集;积累=collect
accompany—— To be or go with as a companion陪伴=travel with
accompaniment—— Something, such as a situation, that
accompanies something else; a concomitant伴随状况伴随发生的事物
=attendant An accompanying thing or circumstance; a concomitant伴随物伴随的事物或情况;伴随物
accommodate—— To provide for; supply with提供住处;供应=lodge To provide with temporary quarters, especially for sleeping提供住处
acclaimed—— To be praised enthusiastically and often publicly;
accelerate—— To cause to develop or progress more quickly使加快=increased
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