文章题目Living with uncertainty
重复年份20160109A 20140515
题型判断 7+简答 6
文章大意澳洲的气候变化无常,所以那里的生物需要很强的应变能力。有一种 P 鸟可 以知道什么地方什么时候下雨,可以提前飞去找水喝。当地人为了狩猎把森 林烧掉,另一种要吃 salt bush 的鸟就因此灭绝了。欧洲人来了之后大量种 植 wheat,Emu 喜欢吃,所以繁殖很快。
1.Aboriginal 做了什么来方便他们打猎 lit fire
2. G 鸟灭绝的原因:salt bush
3. Emu 吃 wheat
重复年份20160109B 20120728
Basically trade means exchange of goods, services, or both. Trade is also called commerce. The actual face of trade was barter, which was the direct exchange of goods and services. Today traders generally negotiate through a medium of exchange, like money, which then makes buying separate from selling, or earning. The invention of money has made trade simpler. Trade between two traders is called bilateral trade, while trade between more than two traders is called multilateral trade.
Trade exists for many reasons. It can be due to specialization and division of labor. Trade exists between regions because different regions have a comparative advantage in the production of some tradable commodity, or because different regions' size helps getting benefits of mass production.
History of Trade:
Trade originated in prehistoric times. It was the main facility of prehistoric people, who bartered goods and services from each other when modern money was never even thought of. Peter Watson dates the history of long-distance commerce from circa 150,000 years ago.
Trade is believed to have taken place throughout much of recorded human history. Materials used for the creation of jewelry were traded with Egypt since 3000 BC. Long-distance trade routes first appeared in the 3rd millennium BC, by the Sumerians in Mesopotamia when they traded with the Harappan civilization of the Indus Valley. Trading is greatly important to the global economy. From the very beginning of Greek civilization to the fall of the Roman Empire in the 5th century, a financially worthwhile trade brought valuable spice to Europe from the Far East, including China.
The fall of the Roman Empire, and the succeeding Dark Ages brought insecurity to Western Europe and a near end of the trade network. However some trade did occur, the Radhanites were a medieval group of Jewish merchants who traded between the Christians in Europe and the Muslims of the Near East.
The Sogdians ruled the East-West trade route known as the Silk Road from the end 4th century AD to the 8th century AD.
The Vikings and Varangians also traded from the 8th to the 11th century as they sailed from and to Scandinavia. Vikings sailed to Western Europe, while Varangians to Russia.
Vasco da Gama restarted the European Spice trade in 1498. Earlier to his sailing around Africa, the flow of spice into Europe was controlled by Islamic powers, especially Egypt. The spice trade was of major economic importance and helped encourage the Age of Exploration. Spices brought to Europe from distant lands were some of the most valuable commodities for their weight, sometimes rivaling gold.
In the 16th century, Holland was the centre of free trade, imposing no exchange controls, and advocating the free movement of goods.
In 1776, Adam Smith published the paper "An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations". This paper criticized Mercantilism, and argued that economic specialization could benefit nations just as much as firms. Since that time the division of labor was restricted by the size of the market, he said that countries having access to larger markets would be able to divide labor more efficiently and thereby become more productive.
The Great Depression was a major economic collapse that ran from 1929 to the late 1930s. There was a great setback in trade and other economic indicators during this period.
The lack of free trade was considered by many as a root cause of the depression. Only during the World War II the recession ended in United States.
文章题目The history of Russian Ballet
重复年份20160114 20150418 20121124
题型判断 6+填空 7
文章大意芭蕾舞发源于意大利,从 17 世纪后传入俄国后一直欣欣向荣。出了很多优 秀的艺术家和作品,外国舞派也对俄国芭蕾舞发展有着影响。后期以戏剧味 发展主流,一直讲到本世纪 70 年代的发展。
Until 1689, ballet in Russia was nonexistent. The Tsarist control and isolationism in Russia allowed for little influence from the West. It wasn't until the rise of Peter the Great that Russian society opened up to the West. St. Petersburg was erected to embrace the West and compete against Moscow’s isolationism. Peter the Great created a new Russia which rivaled the society of the West with magnificent courts and palaces. His vision was to challenge the west. Classical ballet entered the realm of Russia not as entertainment, but as a “standard of physical comportment to be emulated and internalized-an idealized way of behaving. The aim was not to entertain the masses of Russians, but to create a cultivated and new Russian people.
Empress Anna, (1730 – 1740) was devoted to ostentatious amusements (balls, fireworks, tableaux), and in the summer of 1734 ordered the appointment of Jean-Baptiste Landé as dancing-master in the military academy she had founded in 1731 for sons of the nobility. In 1738, he became ballet master and head of the new ballet school, launching the advanced study of ballet in Russia, and winning the patronage of elite families.
France provided many leaders such as Charles Didelot in St Petersburg (1801-1831), Jules Perrot(1848-1859) and Arthur Saint-Léon (1859-69).
In the early 19th century, the theaters were opened up to anyone who could afford a ticket. A seating section called a rayok, or 'paradise gallery', consisted of simple wooden benches. This allowed non-wealthy people access to the ballet, because tickets in this section were inexpensive.
One author describes the Imperial ballet as “unlike that of any other country in the world…the most prestigious of the ballet troupes were those attached to the state-supported theatres. The directors of these companies were personally appointed by the tsar, and all the dancers were, in a sense, Imperial servants. In the theatre, the men in the audience always remained standing until the tsar entered his box and, out of respect, after the performance they remained in their places until he had departed. Curtain calls were arranged according to a strict pattern: first, the ballerina bowed to the tsar’s box, then to that of the theater director, and finally to the general public.
例词:also, furthermore, moreover, what is more, in addition…
考点:And Western scientists are starting to draw on this wisdom… (C6, P28, Q31找标题)
解析:And在这句话开头,有一定的递进含义,this wisdom则是指代了前面一句话出现的their wealth of traditional knowledge(因纽特人传统的知识),所以这两句话有紧密的联系,同学们在读题的时候要通过发现信号词,然后发散地看它的前后句,最后把考点考察的 意思补充完整。
例词:however, but, although, nevertheless, on the other hand, by comparison, while
考点:But such projects must be built to higher specifications and with more accountability to local people and their environment than in the past. (C7 P24 Q20)
例词:in fact, in essence, in particular, emphasize…
考点:This, in essence, is the problem of modern sociobiology- to discover the degree to which hard-wired genetic programming dictates… (C5, P21, Q18 信息包含题)
解析:信息包含题考察细节是在哪个段落出现,在做此类题目时,要注意信号词与考点的密切相关性,从而迅速找准答案。这里出现了in essence(实质上),起了一定的强调作用,迅速扫读后,发现同时出现了题目关键词sociobiology, 破折号后面的介词to表目的,与题目中的the general aim of一致对应。
例词:–est, most, best, more, better, superior, inferior, preferable, exclusively, extremely...
考点:Making a rapid emotional assessment of the events of the moment is an extremely demanding job for the brain, animal or human. (C5, P44, Q24)
解析:题目中出现了最高级the most difficult tasks, 因此在原文中也应该相应的出现最高级。除了明显的the most, -est, 还有些单词本身也含有最高级的含义,比如extremely, exclusively, superficially, 文中的这个extremely demanding对应的就是题目中的最高级,所以答案也确定。
例词:as, because, since, lead to, as a result, result in, consequently, therefore, thus, the caused of…
考点:Until recently, not much was known about the topic, and little help was available to teachers to deal with bullying. Perhaps as a consequence, schools would often deny the problem.(C6, P94, Q33)
例词:for example, for instance, that is to say, i.e., such as, including…
考点:Other substances were then introduced: including fillers, such as woodflour, asbestos or cotton… (C5, P39, Q5 流程图)
解析:我们看到such as后面是举例子,such as后面的例子可以作为定位词,woodflour, asbestos, cotton就是fillers的其中一种。Fillers在这里就是一个概括性的词语,常常是考点。
解题:此题是段落大意配对题,在确定H段段落大意时,段落中间but之后出现的那句话就是解题的关键,根据句子中出现的两个比较级,可以确定答案应该为X The need to raise standards.
考点:While suggestopedia has gained some notoriety through success in the teaching of modern languages, few teachers are able to emulate the spectacular results of Lozanove and his associates. (C7 P27 倒数第二段 Q39, 40)
解析:段首句用while引起注意,我们可以根据success, 和后半句中的few teachers, spectacular results, 搞定最后两个填空题。
例词:similarly, in other words, that is, put another way, as …
考点: Thus, we concluded that the blind interpret abstract shapes as sighted people do.(C4, P28, Q40)
例词:firstly, second, another, the second, the most, the best, next, then, now, later, since, eventually, finally…
考点:First, it lacked the necessary technical vocabulary. Second, it lacked the grammatical resources required to represent the world i an objective and impersonal way,... (C5, P49, Q30-31)
解析:题目30-31考的是并列和否定的逻辑关系,原文中的first, second, 对应的就是题目中的neither...nor...这个并列关系,这两题的答案就迎刃而解了。
考点:First mechanism, then mass use of chemical fertiliser and pesticides, then monocultures, then battery rearing of livestock, and now genetic engineering – the onward marching of intensive farming has seemed unstoppable in the last hal- century, as the yields of produce have soared. (C7, P44, Q15)
解析:段首句连用表示次序的信号词,first, then, then… and now, 体现发展的不同阶段。(the stages of development of farming industry C7 P77 选择配对)