文章题目We have star performers
重复年份20160114 20121124
题型段落细节配对 4+判断 4+填空 5
文章大意人才与天赋,讨论人才和选人标准之间的论证。讲公司考核员工主要的依据, talents, 文章批判了传统的观点(才能是与生俱来的,是不变的,是需要公 司去发现的)。文章先用一段肯定了有才能的人的存在,然后分段讲到,才 能是随时间变化的,是不能被精确度量的,是可以凭努力换来的。
28 One example from non-commerce/business settings that better system wins bigger stars F
29 One failed company that believes stars rather than system B
30 One suggestion that author made to acquire employees then to win the competition nowadays G
31 One metaphor to human medical anatomy that illustrates the problems of hiring stars. C
32 McKinsey who wrote The War for Talent had not expected the huge influence made by this book. NG
33 Economic condition becomes one of the factors which decide whether or not a country would prefer to hire foreign employees. YES
34 The collapse of Enron is caused totally by a unfortunate incident instead of company’s management mistake. NO
35 Football clubs that focus making stars in YES
An investigation carried out on 1000 36 analysts of a survey by Harvard Business Review found a company hire a 37 star has negative effects. For instance, they behave considerably worse in a new team than in the 38 working environment that they used to be. They move faster than wall street and increase their 39 salary. Secondly, they faced rejections or refuse from those 40 rivals within the team. Lastly, the one who made mistakes had been punished by selling his/her stock share.
文章题目The influence of social network to people's loneliness
重复年份20140920 20130622
题型配对 6+选择 4+判断 4
交媒体使人变得更加孤独,有些人却不同意。在大学生中做了一个调查,结 果表明孤独感与人们花时间在社交媒体上无关。社交媒体会使人变得焦虑, 也会让人上瘾。
Ethan Kross, a psychologist at the University of Michigan, suggests that his recent research shows that online social media use, rather than making us as users feel inter-connected, contributes to overall life dis-satisfaction and loneliness.
This side-effect can have drastic results, considering over 1.1 billion users around the world are linked up on Facebook alone.
The study monitored 82 participants’ feelings and well-being, compared to their social media use, over a long period of time. This kind of LONG TERM comparative research was the first of its kind to be conducted.
The main correlation result was: the more time spent on social media, the less happy you will be over time.
A separate study in 2010 conducted by Carnegie Mellon University discovered that when users are DIRECTLY interacting with social media friends, such as posting pictures and status updates, tagging photos, or liking things, their sociability and well-being increased.
However, the dangerous part of our social media use stems from the time we are passively consuming social media content, which represents a majority of user time spent on these platforms. This passive consumption of other peoples idealized vacations, days off, meals, boyfriends, family, etc. led users to feel lonely and unsatisfied with their own lives, despite how eschewed this perception of others lives ACTUALLY is.
Thus, social media has forced us to face a grave paradox: social media claims to be the platform that can connect users with their friends, family, community and the like within seconds, and this is true; however, never before have we experienced more isolation than we are now as a result. Our obsession with our digital social media lives is beginning to take precedence over our physical, here-and-now lives, resulting in our inability to interact with real people, and enjoy life’s current moments without being distracted by how this will be portrayed on social media.
文章题目Expert in musician
重复年份20160130 20140517
题型选择 4+判断 6+填空 4
文章大意天赋是遗传先天的还是靠练习,主要以音乐为例。讨论坚持不懈对成功的作 用和他们的关系。首先探讨了毅力是否是成功的必要条件,并阐述了众多学 家就此提出的各类观点。在论证天才是不是也需要坚持不懈时,举例了莫扎 特一个人坚持找工作的过程。最后证明了坚持不懈和成功的关系密切。
部分参考答案: 选择:
1. what's the definition of talent in the first paragraph
brain structure different from others
2. what can we learn from violin players?
Not sure the change of brain size is the cause of effect of practice
3. the result of findings by experts suggest
Talent may have little to do with ....
1. ericsson's study has influenced other researchers. NG
2. the other areas have one thing in common. Y
3. whose who becoe world scale practice regularly every day NG
4. anyone who practiced over 10.000 will become a talent N
5. current learning and cognitive skills support the practice theory Y
Receive a lot of practice from his father. .... first symphony at the age of four....not
popular...but not inherited.
例如“剑四”52页30题题干“a description of the mental activities which are exercised and developed during play”,在文章相关段落中很难甄别出上述信息。还有T/F/NG题中,虽然题目顺序与原文答案出现顺序一般保持一致,但也不能完全排除顺序打乱的情况出现,例如“剑五”19页8-13题。要做出这些题,那就非读文章不可了。
那么雅思文章该怎么读呢?首先,我们来看看雅思权威考官Vanessa Jakeman和Clare McDowell两位专家是怎么说的:“When you go to university or college you may be overwhelmed by the amount of reading you are expected to do. You will have to do a lot of this reading on your own and you will need to be able to read discriminatingly. This means you will need to have the skills required to focus in on the information that is important to you and to skim through the information that isn’t.”按照他们的说法,雅思阅读就是考察学生在读长文章时筛选信息的能力,即read discriminately,知道哪些是重要信息必须细读,哪些是无用的,可以忽略。
在英国念文科的同学都会有这样一种共识,那就是一学期要看很多书,写很多essay,有的同学虽然很刻苦,整日地泡在图书馆里做书虫,但还是读不完reading list中的必读书。再对比周围英国同学,他们不见得比我们刻苦,却很能掉书袋,写出的essay理论功底更深。
因为学术是严谨的,在形式上它有一套严格的规范(the established academic caliber)。就学术范畴的文章而言,其观点可以犀利独到,但论证必须缜密,所以文章层次结构相比起他体裁是稳定的。换言之,学术文章有点八股文的味道。那么我们就可以利用这点迅速掌握文章结构继而掌握思路了。
文章的性质决定了文章的结构。在《剑桥雅思》的前言中,关于阅读有这样一段话: “The passages are on topics of general interest. At least one text contains detailed logical argument.” 据笔者观察,所有雅思文章都可以分为两大类:介绍性的学术说明文和论辩性的学术论文。
-Introduce a phenomenon or a fact.-Detailed Description:Timeline/Different Aspects/Logic Development-Look into the future/Summary
在介绍类说明文中,中间断落是对事物细节的展开描述,各种话题可以通过三种不同方式展开。第一类时间顺序,通常用于陈述一个历史事件,例如剑五中的“Johnson’s Dictionary”就是这一类。第二类并列或递进,从各个侧面来介绍,例如剑四中的“What Do Whales feel?”,一看标题就知道是介绍鲸鱼各个感官的,属于并列结构。第三类是逻辑顺序,据笔者统计,环境自然类文章多依照这种顺序,下文对此会作详细评述,这里不再赘言。
实验类文章-Introduce Experiment-Pre-experiment (Subjects, Tools, Methods)-Experiment Process-Result (Collecting Data)-Analyses and Syntheses
逻辑论证类文章-Introduce the topic/problem-Literature Review (Optional)-Present Causes/Reasons (optional)-Writer’s Approach-Supporting Evidences-Conclusions
3实战中的运用 下面结合题目具体说明结构阅读法的运用。
例一 (剑五”P16,Johnson’s Dictionary)一看标题就知道是说明文,主题是介绍约翰逊博士的词典。然后阅读具体断落来套结构,注意一般只要看首尾句就可以了。第一段第一句”There had been concerns about the state of the English language.”交代背景,说明英语语言的问题,引出编词典的主题。第二段首句“there had, of course, been dictionaries in the past”介绍过去的字典,可知这篇文章的结构是按照时间顺序进行的。抓住这点,余下几段就容易分析了。
第9题“Johnson has become more well- known since his death.”这句和身后事有关,按照时间顺序肯定在最后一段找了。第10题“Johnson had been planning to writer a dictionary for several years”,按照时间顺序,这句应该去第四段找,因为那段讲的是编词典的准备阶段。
例二 (剑五”P20,Nature or Nurture)首先通过首句可以判断是实验类文章。阅读各段首句,梳理结构:A段引出实验,说明实验目的。B段介绍实验前的准备工作。C段实验过程。D、E两段实验结果,F、G、H三段实验分析。最后一段综合,得出结论。看后面的段落细节配对题。14题从生物学角度分析实验结果,在F、G、H段内找。从首句可判断F段讲动物攻击性,G段讲社会性,H段讲人性和道德,动物攻击性最接近生物学,所以选F段。15题讲实验目的,所以选A段。16题讲实验主体,所以B段。剩余各题都可如法炮制,这里不再赘述。
环境自然现象类文章结构-Introduce phenomenon-Causes-Impacts or effects brought by it-Solutions/Look into the future
文章的主题通常是某种现象如地震,火山等,起始段介绍现象及其产生的原因,下面各段讲造成的后果,介绍人类怎样应对,最后展望未来。例如,“剑五”P86,“The Impact of Wilderness Tourism”探讨野外旅游, 主题属于环境类。按照这个结构即使不看文章,我们也应该可以判断Section A选的是iii这个标题(Fragile regions and the reasons for the expansion of tourism there),依次类推Section B论述后果,那么应该选V因为里面有“disruptive effects”,而Section C论述应对措施所以选ii。