Business Presentation
A local college has asked your company to give a short presentation to a group of young business students about the work of one of the departments in your company. You are in charge of organizing the presentation.
●Which department would be the most interesting for the students to hear about
●Which methods or aids could be used to make the presentation interesting for young people
Staff Turnover
The managing director of your company is keen to reduce the number of staff leaving after a short time. You have been asked to suggest ways of encouraging staff to stay in the company.
●What kinds of incentives might help to retain staff
●How to ensure that staff satisfaction is maintained
Market Research
Your company is considering introducing a new product and wants to assess the market potential. You have been asked to suggest ways of doing this.
●What kinds of information would be useful to obtain
●How to decide whether to go ahead with the product
Product Recall
Your company has discovered a design fault in a new product and needs to recall this product from customers. You have been asked to make recommendations about the best way to handle this incident.
●What would be the most effective method of informing customers of the product recall
●How to ensure the company’s reputation remains undamaged by the incident
理、员工招聘、 员工培训、市场、销售、货物运输、技术等等。
Opening sentence:______________________________
Main points:1. 2. 3.
Supporting ideas:1. 2. 3.
Concluding sentence:______________________________________________
A. 所选择的观点本身是特殊疑问句的格式。例如:how to fill a key vacancy
使用:to…, we should…/ we should…in order to…/we can solve the problem by doing…等句型。例如:To fill a key vacancy, we should…./We should…in order to fill a key vacancy./We can solve the problem by….
B. 所选择的观点本身短语的格式。例如:the importance of having a good CV
使用:I think … is …/In my opinion, … is …/From my point of view, … is …等句型。
例如:From my point of view, the importance of having a good CV is that…
4.结尾总结时所用的句型:Therefore,…/In a word,…/That’s my opinion./
Part Two
In this part each candidate’s task is to choose one topic from a set of three, and to talk about it for one minute. Candidates have one minute in which to prepare and should use this time to make brief notes. The other candidate listens to the talk and is invited to ask one or two questions at the end. Candidates may make notes while listening to their partner. Each candidate is given a different set of three tasks from which to choose.
本项考试内容:本项考试为考生模拟了商业工作的真实环境,包括商业活动中任何可以进行双向交流的场合。但仍然处于以下范围中:广告、求职、通信联系、商业交流、经营者与顾客的关系、财政、会计、生产管理、生产安全、员工健康、员工管理、员工招聘、 员工培训、市场、销售、货物运输、技术等等。
C.使用工作场合中常用的套话使得交流更加自然。例如:Shall we get down to our business?
D.在讨论中表达同意时所用的句型:I think so. / You are right. /That’s quite true. /Definitely. /I have the same view. /I share your concern. /That’s a good point. / No doubt about it.
E. 在讨论中表达不同意时所用的句型:That’s true but…. Yes I know but…. I understand but…. I don’t think that I agree with you. I don’t think so. I can’t agree with you. I have some difficulty with your view.
Attending Trade Fairs
Your company has been invited to take part in a trade fair, which will take place during the busiest time of the year. You have been asked to decide whether staff should be sent to this trade fair.
Discuss and decide together:
_hat the advantages and disadvantages are of attending trade fairs
_hich members of staff would most usefully represent a company at a trade fair
Model Answer 1:
A: You know our company has been invited to this year’s Guangzhou Trade Fair in July. But July is our busiest time. So we have to decide whether to send our staff to attend this fair. What’s your opinion?
B: I think we should send our staff because….
A: I agree with you. From my point of view, we should…because….
B: Which members of staff will you choose to represent our company to attend the fair?
A: My ideal members of staff are … You know…
B: I think that is the exact reason why we should …
A: I am very happy that we hold the same idea.
B: So let’s make this decision.
A: Ok. I’ll let our boss know our decision this afternoon.
Model Answers2:
A: You know our company has been invited to this year’s Guangzhou Trade Fair in July. But July is our busiest time. So we have to decide whether to send our staff to attend this fair.
B: I think we should send our staff because…
A: To be frank, I don’t agree with you…
B: But the fact is we can benefit much more from sending our staff to the fair than keeping them at work. You know…
A: Ok, maybe you are right.
B: Let’s move to the next agenda. Which members of staff should our company send?
A: …
B: I agree with you. …
A: Ok. Let’s make this decision.
B: Ok. I’ll let our boss know our decision this afternoon.
Promoting Tourism
An international conference on tourism will held soon. You have been appointed to a committee which will make recommendations on how your region should be promoted at the conference.
●Which types of tourist attractions and facilities generate most income from foreign visitors?
●How other attractions and facilities should be promoted effectively to foreign visitors?
Recruitment Video
Your company wishes to recruit more young business graduates. You have been asked to produce a recruitment video, which will be used to attract more job applications from business students.
●What types of information about the company to include in the video?
●Which members of staff should be involved in making the video?
Foreign Workers
Your company has recently singed an agreement with a foreign company, which means that foreign business people will be working in your company for short periods. You have been asked to help with preparations for their arrival.
●How to familiarize foreign business people with the working practices of your company?
●What arrangements need to be made for the foreign staff for outside working hours?
Newspaper Article
A local newspaper is planning a series of articles about successful companies in the area, including your company. You have been asked to communicate with the newspaper about the content of the article on your company.
●What kinds of information about the company should be included?
●How the company could benefit from the newspaper article?
一分钟简短发言。 考官分别给每个考生一张题卡,上面各有3个不同题目(一个为日常话题,一个为一般性商务话题,另外一个为专业商务话题),由考生任选一题。题目涉及:企业管理,员工培训,顾客关系,市场营销,经济热点等话题。不提供论点提示词。考生有一分钟准备时间,两位考生同时准备。允许做笔记。一个同学发言结束,另一个同学问1-2个问题, 因此在发言时要注意听并在头脑中想好提问的问题。该部分虽是1分钟的简短发言,但要求内容完整,有开头,有结尾。能围绕题目组织并提供论点,并加以论证。两个考生6min 三个考生8min 除掉构思准备时间和另一个考生提问题的时间, 每个考生只有一分半钟,最多讲十几句话,考生做简短发言时论点要紧扣主题,给出2,3条论据即可,点到为止不必展开议论。
? Show a clear understanding of the task
? Make an appropriate introduction and conclusion
? The ideas well-organized and logically ordered
? Use appropriate signposting (指示)and linking(连接) language
? Develop ideas clearly and the ideas given are easy to understand
? Speak in a clear and the ideas given are easy to understand
? The talk is given an appropriate length
? Opening Sentence
? Well, I’d like to make a short/brief/mini/one-minute presentation on the topic…
? Body (一般讲2-3个要点,根据语速和知识点调整)
? First,…Second….Third,…
? Closing Sentence
? Anyway, that’s why I think so.
? Thank you very much.
? Thank you for taking your time.
? Thank you for listening.
(1) Grammar and Vocabulary 语法与词汇
(2) Discourse Management 话语组织
测试考生运用句子以上语言单位进行口头交际的能力,包括能否恰当的展开话题,话语是否连贯,流畅,切题(如在提出观点时能有条理的论证,善于使用衔接词语等)。口试第一部分,考生要完整回答考官提问;第二部分考生可充分利用机会扩展话语(Your main points Your supporting ideas How to order and link your ideas );第三部分讨论中,要求考生围绕规定题目表达论证自己观点。我们以后讲解真题的时候会给大家模板,这里就不再举例子了。
(3) Pronunciation 语音
Speak clearly and at a natural speed
(4) Interactive Communication 互动交际
Listen carefully to all instructions
Ask the examiner to repeat any instructions you are not sure about
Give full appropriate answers, not just one or two words Keep to and complete the task. Do not talk about other things. _ood communication means working with and not competing with the candidate