Is he a friend of your brother’s?
Can you do this for me?
疑问句的句末必须使用问号(Question mark)“?”来标示问句的结束。
疑问句可再分为一般疑问(General2 question)和特殊疑问(Special question)两种。
(a)一般疑问:用be或助动词置于句首,并以“Yes,…”,或“No,…”回答的问句称为一般疑问(也称Yes-no questions)。
①be 或 have(有)置于句首来表达疑问,例:
Am I wrong again? (我又错了?)
Yes, you are (wrong again). (是的,你又错了。)
No, you aren’t. (不,你没错。)
Is it your bicycle? (这辆自行车是你的吗?)
Yes, it is. (是的,是我的。)
No, it isn’t. (不,那不是我的。)
Were there many people at her birthday party?
Yes, there were. (是的,来了很多人。)
No, there weren’t. (没有,没有很多人。)
Have you money with you? (你身上带钱了吗?)
(=Do you have money with you?—美语)
Yes, I have.(Yes, I do.—美语)(有,我带钱了。)
No, I have no money with me. (No, I don’t.—美语)(没有,我没带钱。)
Shall3 I call a taxi for you ? (需要我替你叫一辆出租车吗?)
Yes, please. Thank you. (好的,谢谢你。)
No, thank you.(不必了,谢谢你。)
Will you do that for her? (你愿意替她做那件事吗?)
Yes, I will.(是的,我愿意。)
No, I won’t.(不,我不愿意。)
Can she drive? (她会开车吗?)
Yes, she can.(是的,她会。)
No, she can’t.(不,她不会。)
Do you speak Japanese4? (你会说日语吗?)
Yes, I do.(是的,我会说。)
No, I don’t.(不,我不会说。)
Does she swim very well?(她游泳游得好吗?)
Yes, she does. She is a good swimmer5.
No, she doesn’t. She doesn’t swim at all.
Did6 you tell her the truth7? (你向她说了实话吗?)
Yes, I did.(是的,我说了。)
No, I didn’t.(不,我没说。)
Don’t you like to have a cup of coffee?
Yes, I do.(要,我要一杯。)
No, I don’t. Thank you. (不,我不要。谢谢你。)
注:依循否定疑问要表达否定答案时,中文的习惯是“是的,……不……(或没有……)”,但是英语应为“No, …not.”,不可如中文说成“Yes,…not.”。
What is that in your hand?
It’s a brooch, a present from my elder8 brother.
Who is the young lady sitting beside your mother?
She is my aunt on my mother’s side9.
Which do you like to have, tea or coffee.
Coffee, please.
How often do you have you English class in a week?
Four periods10 a week.
①一般疑问: 一般疑问句要用升调,大多数人都知道这一点。但是,大多数学生在用升调时,会从句子的第一个单词一直向上升,直到最后一个单词,而此时的音已经高到了极点,听起来有点吓人。要注意的是,一般疑问句的升调表现在句子的最后一个单词上。而且,最重要的是,升音不是从这从这个单词的第一个音节开始,而是到了单词的最后一两个音节时才会突然地陡升上去。学习者往往会忽视这一点。以至于他们说的英语听起来极不自然。 例:
Do you have questions? ↗
Have you ever11 been to China before? ↗
Don’t you think it a good idea? ↗
②特殊疑问: 特殊疑问句在通常情况下使用降调,但也不是一味地从头降到尾,在这里还要注意:起调时,特殊疑问句的音调较高,遇到助动词时弱读,并且将音调降下来,然后逐渐提高,一般在句子的最后一个单词重重地降下来。例:
What can I do for you?
Who’s the girl over there?
When did it happen?
How much does it cost12?
Which color do you prefer13?
1.There is no water in the bottle.
2.She can sing and dance very well.
3.He has a brother in the United14 States15.
4.It often rains in summer here.
5.Her cousin lives in Suzhou.
6.They always played together at that time.
7.Tom got16 home very late yesterday.
1.Yes, he does. He come here very often.
2.No, I wasn’t. I was17 out yesterday evening.
3.Yes, I did. I always lock18 the door of my room when I go out.
4.He is my new teacher of English.
5.I brush my teeth two times a day.
6.He didn’t go to school yesterday because he was sick.
7.She lives at 68 on Park Street.
