①am, is, are, was, were
②助动词+be:shall be, will be, can be, etc.
③have/has/had + been(完成时)
④am, is, …being(进行时)
句型 be + V-ing…(进行时态)
例:What are you reading?
I am reading a magazine.
例:He will be taking a walk in the park at this time tomorrow morning.
例:She has been teaching1 English in our school for years.
句型 be +p.p. …(被动语态)
例:English is spoken in both Canada and the United States.
例:Those keys were found in your drawer.
例:It can be done much faster in this way.
句型 have (has, had1) +p.p. …
句型 can (could2), …have + p.p.
例:He can’t have said3 such4 a foolish5 word.
句型 had better +V…
例:You had better go and tell her everything.
解说 有些文法学家把本句式的“had better”称为半助动词(Semiauxiliary verb),因为“had better”之后接原形动词,其本身所表现的功能很像是一个助动词。“had better”不可分开使用,“had”亦非过去形式。实际上“had better”所指的时间性是现在或将来,若是指过去则用“had better + have +p.p.”。本句式绝无“have/has better +V”的形式,宜注意。
例:You had better take an umbrella.
(If you don’t, it may rain and you’ll get wet.)
例:He had better stop smoking6.
“had better + V”的否定是把“not”置于“better”之后,例如:
例:You had better not borrow7 money from your friend’s wife8.
例:You had better take an umbrella with you.
=You’d better take an umbrella with you.
=You better take an umbrella with you.
=Better take an umbrella with you.
“had better”可用“had best”来加强语气。
例:We had best hurry, or we’ll miss the train.
例:We’d better get on with the work, hadn’t we?
句型 have/has/had to + V…
“have to + V”所表达的意思与“must + V”几乎相同,因此也有文法学家把“have to”称为半助动词。
例:I have to go to help her every Saturday.
例:You have to take care9 of your sisters. It’s your duty10.
解说 英式口语常用“have got11”的表达法,实际上口语的“have got”是等于“have”,没有完成时的意思。
例:I have got to clean the blackboard before the teacher comes.
“have (got) to + V”的否定句和疑问句都使用“do”来造成。
例:Did you have to tell her everything?
例:You didn’t have to tell her, did12 you?
“have (got) to + V”与“must + V”的区别:这两者,英、美人通常都不很在意地随便在使用,不过在讲究的语法中通常是,表达来自说话者本身的“需要或必须”时使用“must + V”,表达非来自说话者本身的“需要或必须”时则使用“have (got) to + V”。
例:I must go to bed now; I am very tired.
例:I’ve got to go now; my wife will be waiting for me.
句型 Do/Does/Did + S + V…?
例:Do you know her telephone number?
例:Does your father speak English?
例:When did you see him last?
例:She writes to you very often, doesn’t she?
例:Didn’t you forget to lock the door, did you?
例:You know her telephone number?
句型 do/does/did + not + V …(否定)
例:I don’t know him.
例:He doesn’t like papaya.
例:She didn’t go to the movies yesterday evening.
解说:本句式可用“…at all”来加强否定的语气,例如:
I don’t know him at all .
例:Have you money with you?
No, I haven’t. I haven’t any money with me.
例:Have you got money with you?
No, I haven’t. I haven’t got any money with me.
例:Do you have money with you?
No, I don’t. I don’t have any money with me.
句型 do/does/did + V…(加强语气)
例:I hate a liar1.
I do hate a liar.
例:He drinks.
He does drink.
例:She said so yesterday.
She did say so yesterday.
句型 V…do/does/did (=V) …
本句式的“do”并非助动词用法。为避免动词的重复使用,通常都以do来代替前述的一般动词,尤其是日常谈话中的“Yes, I do…/No, he doesn’t…”更是使用频繁,和“Yes, I can…/No, I can’t…”等的助动词用法很相似,因此特把本句式纳入此处讨论。
例:He speaks much better than you do (=speak).
例:“She loves roses most.”
“So she does(=loves).”
例:He made a mistake the other day and he did (=made) the same mistake again yesterday. This is why the teacher punished2 him.
