舞蹈物理动作分析 1994年02月 D9402
Analyzing the physics of dance can add fundamentally to a dancer’s skill. Although dancers seldom see themselves totally in physical terms —as body mass moving through space under the influence of well-known forces and obeying physical laws—neither can they afford to ignore the physics of movement. For example, no matter how much a dancer wishes to leap off the floor and then start turning, the law of conservation of angular momentum absolutely prevents such a movement.
Some movements involving primarily vertical or horizontal motions of the body as a whole, in which rotations can be ignored, can be studied using simple equations of linear motion in three dimensions . However, rotational motions require more complex approaches that involve analyses of the way the body’s mass is distributed, the axes of rotation involved in different types of movement, and the sources of the forces that produce the rotational movement.
26.1 The primary purpose of the passage is to
(A) initiate a debate over two approaches to analyzing a field of study
(B) describe how one field of knowledge can be applied to another field
(C) point out the contradictions between two distinct theories
(D) define and elaborate on an accepted scientific principle
(E) discuss the application of a new theory within a new setting
26.2. The author mentions all of the following as contributing to an understanding of the physics of dance EXCEPT:
(A) the law of conservation of angular momentum
(B) analyses of the way in which the body’s mass is distributed
(C) equations of linear motion in three dimensions
(D) analyses of the sources that produce rotational motions
(E) the technical terms for movements such as leaps and turns
26.3.The author implies that dancers can become more skilled by doing which of the following?
(A) Ignoring rotational movements
(B) Understanding the forces that permit various movements
(C) Solving simple linear equations
(D) Learning the technical terms utilized by choreographers
(E) Circumventing the law of conservation of angular momentum
26.4.Analysis of which of the following would require the kind of complex approach described in the last sentence?
(A) A long leap across space
(B) A short jump upward with a return to the same place
(C) A sustained and controlled turn in place
(D) Short, rapid steps forward and then backward without turning
(E) Quick side steps in a diagonal line
dipsomania n.嗜酒狂
kleptomania n.盗窃癖
megalomania n.自大狂
pyromania n.纵火狂
monomania n. 对一事的热狂,偏执狂
mania n.癫狂,狂热
maniacal adj.发狂的,狂热的
ardor n.热情,狂热
berserk adj.狂怒的,疯狂的
delirium n.精神错乱,发狂
fad n.(流行一时的)狂热,时尚
fanatic adj.狂热的,盲信的 n.狂热者
fanaticism n.狂热 盲信
frantic adj.疯狂的,狂乱的
insane adj.疯狂的
insanity n.疯狂,愚昧
lunacy n.疯狂,愚行
paranoia n.偏执狂,多疑症
paranoid adj.偏执狂的,过分怀疑的
possessed adj.疯狂的
queer adj.奇怪的,疯狂的
rabid adj.患狂犬病的,疯的,失去理性的
tempestuous adj狂暴的
voyeur n.窥淫狂者,窥隐私者
zealot n.狂热份子,热心者
unhinge v 使发狂,使错乱
incommunicative adj.不爱交际的,沉默寡言的
mute adj.沉默的,n.弱音器
reticent adj.沉默不语的
reticence n 无言,沉默,谨慎
tacit adj.心照不宣的,静默的
taciturn adj.沉默寡言的
mum adj. 沉默的,· 无言的
uncommunicative a. 拘礼的,沉默寡言的
reserve n.谨慎,· 话语不· 多,· 储备·
reserved adj.说话不· 多的
douse v.把…浸入水中,用水泼
drenched adj.湿透的
soak v.浸泡,渗透
soaked adj.湿透的
sodden adj.浸透了的
soggy adj.湿透的,濡湿的
souse v.浸在水中,使湿透
steep v.浸泡,浸透
logged adj 笨重的,湿透的
immerse v.浸入,沉浸于
immersion n.沉入,浸入
macerate v.浸软,消瘦
charades n.用动作等表演的字谜游戏
conundrum n.谜语(双关的谜)
rebus n.(以音、画等提示的)字谜,画谜
sphinx n.狮身人面像,· 谜一样的人
enigma n.谜,谜一样的人或事
enigmatic adj.神秘的,· 难解的
alleviate v.缓和,减轻
assuage v.缓和,减轻
cushion n.坐垫 v.减轻,缓和
mitigate v.减轻,缓和
palliate v.减轻(痛苦),掩饰(罪行)
palliation n.减轻,缓和
salve n.药膏,v.减轻,缓和
appease v.使平静,安抚
conciliate v.安抚,调和
conciliation n.安慰,安抚
console v.安慰,抚慰
consolation n.安慰,慰藉
mollify v.安慰,安抚
reassure v.使安心,安慰
reassurance n.安慰(的话),放心
solace n.安慰.慰藉
soothe v. 缓和,使安静,安慰
常用词还有placate, comfort, relieve, ease, pacify, lighten
extemporize v.即席演说
impromptu adj.即席的,即兴的
improvise v.即席而作(adj. improvised)
improvisation n.即席创作
ad-lib v. 即兴演唱,临时穿插,信口说出
extemporaneous a. 无准备的,即席的,临时的
offhand adj. adv. 即时的,即席的,无准备的
unrehearsed adj. 未经预演的