when, in the twentieth century, the concept of the virtuoso-as-hero retired, as a replacement came the scholar-pianist, the musician-pianist, the re-creator of the composers’ thoughts. With this change came the abdication of technique. Virtuosity in and of itself, indeed, became something of a dirty word.
One of the important new figures, though she was a harpsichordist and not a pianist, was Wanda. Landowska, she was the one who demonstrated how Bach, Handel, Scarlet and Couperin sounded on the instrument for which their music was originally conceived. It would be a mistake to consider Landowska a classicist, however. She had been born in an age of romantic playing, an age dominated by the figures of Liszt, Leschetisky and their pupils. Thus she grew up with certain romantic traditions of performance and whatever the stringency of her musical scholarship, for Landowska knew how to hold an audience breathless and when she gave a recital, it was to the accompaniment that all great artists receive deathlike silence and rapt attention.
Her playing was romantic, but who is to say that it was not closer to Bach then the dry munching of some later harpsichordists? She had a miraculous equality of touch, with a left hand that seemed to say the least, colorful. But no artist in this generation (and, one is confident, in any generation) could clarify with such deftness the polyphonic writing of the baroque masters. And none could make the music so spring to life.
Her secret was a lifetime of scholarship, plus perfect technical equipment and resilient rhythm, all combined with knowledge of just when not to hold the printed note sacrosanct. Of course, that alone demands a lifetime of knowledge. She was a genius at underlining the dramatic and did have meaning and emotional significance. She took liberties, all kinds of liberties, but like all great artists she could get away with them. In short, her entire musical approach was romantic: intensely personal, full of light and shade, never pedantic.
Thanks to Landowska, Bach began to sound thick when played on the piano. One by one, pianists stopped playing Bach as adapted by Liszt, Bach as adapted by Tausig. Then they began to think twice before performing any kind of baroque music, including even Scarlatti. The piano repertoire, it began to be felt, was extensive enough without reverting to transcriptions and Bach and Scarlatti on the piano were in a way, transcriptions no matter how faithfully the original notes were played.
In line with this kind of purity came the emphasis on the back to nature study of the composers’ manuscripts that has continued to the present, will continue and is something new in the scheme of things.
aroma n.芳香,香气
aromatic adj.芳香的
balm n.香油,药膏
balmy adj.(气候)温和的,芳香的
flavouring n.香料,· 调味品
incense n.香,· 香味v.激怒
odoriferous adj.有香味的,· 芳香的
perfume n.香味,· 香水
redolent adj.芬芳的 芳香的
scent n.气味,· 香气
vanilla n.香草,· 香子兰
musky a. 麝香的
fragrant a. 芬香的,馥郁的
beam n.(房屋等)大梁,光线
dome n.圆屋顶
eaves n.屋檐
hovel n.茅舍,肮脏的小屋
igloo n.冰屋
lodge v.住宿,存放 n.小屋
lodger n.寄宿人,房客
dislodge v.逐出,取出
masonry n.石工技术,石屋
shack n.简陋的小屋,棚屋
shanty n.简陋的小木屋
shingle n.木瓦,屋顶板
thatch n.茅草屋顶,茅草
hut n. 小屋,茅舍
appropriate v.拨款,盗用
appropriation n.拨款,挪用公款
embezzle v.盗用,侵吞
embezzlement n.贪污,侵吞
graft v.嫁接,移植,n.贪污
peculate v.挪用(公款)
kleptomania n. 燎择?
larceny n盗窃
pirate n.海盗,剽窃者 v.盗印,掠夺
filch v.偷(不贵重的东西)
pilfer v.偷窃
purloin v.偷窃
rustler n.偷牛(马)贼
eavesdrop v.偷听,窃听
bug n.臭虫,· 窃听器
peek v.偷看
stowaway n.(藏于轮船,· 飞机中的)偷乘者
sneak v.鬼鬼祟祟而· 行,· 偷窃
burgle v.夜盗
contort v.(使)扭曲
contortion n.扭曲,弯曲
crook v.使弯曲
crooked adj.弯曲的,扭曲的
crumple v.弄皱,扭弯
detour n.弯路,绕行之路
devious adj.不正直的,弯曲的
flex v.弯曲
flexible adj.易弯曲的,灵活的
lithe adj.柔软的,易弯曲的
pliable adj.易弯的,柔软的
pliant adj.易受影响的,易弯的
ply v.(搬运工等)等候顾客,弯曲
roundabout adj.绕远道的,转弯抹角的
serpentine adj.似蛇般绕曲的,蜿蜒的
snaky adj.似蛇的,弯曲的,阴险的
tortuous adj.弯弯曲曲的,蜿蜒的
warp n.v.翘起,弯曲
yielding adj.弯曲自如的,灵活的
tortile adj 扭弯的,扭卷的
ambagious adj 迂回曲折的
askew adj.歪斜的 v.歪斜,弯曲
suppleness n.易弯曲,柔软,顺从
bent a.弯曲的,决心的 n.爱好
meander v.蜿蜒而流,漫步
winding adj.蜿蜒的,迂回的
awry adj.扭曲的,走样的
wry adj 扭曲的 n.讽刺性幽默
还有curved, circuitous, convoluted
abandon v.n.放弃,放纵
bacchanal n.(行为放纵的)狂欢会
bacchanalian adj.狂欢的,行为放纵的
carouse v.n.狂饮寻乐
carousal n.欢闹的酒宴
debauch v.使放荡,堕落
debauchery n.放荡,· 沉缅酒色
incontinent adj.无力控制(自己)的,· 纵欲的
intemperate adj.无节制的,放纵的
laxity n.松弛,· 放纵
lechery n.好色,· 纵欲
liberated adj.无拘束的,· 放纵的
libertine n.性行为放纵者,· 浪荡子
licentious adj.纵欲的,· 放肆的
rambunctious adj.喧闹的,· 放纵的
saturnalia n.纵情狂欢
wanton adj.顽皮的,· 放纵的
spree n 狂欢,· 纵乐,· 宴会
voluptuous adj.撩人的,· 沉溺酒色的
voluptuary n.耽于逸乐的人
lascivious adj.淫乱的,· 好色的
lecherous adj.好色的
lewd adj.好色的,· 猥亵的
libidinous adj.性欲强的,· 好色的
lubricious adj.光滑的,· 好色的
prurient adj.好色的,淫乱的
prurience n.好色,淫乱
salacious adj.好色的,· 淫荡的.
salacity n.好色,· 淫荡
sensual adj.肉欲的、淫荡的
sensuality n.淫荡、好色
excesses n.过份荒淫的行为
smutty adj.淫秽的
voyeur n.窥淫狂者,· 窥隐私者
obscene adj 淫秽的
risque adj 下流的,· 淫猥的
bawdy adj 淫猥的、下流的
prodigality n放荡,淫逸,挥霍· 浪费,慷慨,丰富
immoral adj.不· 道德的,· 淫荡的
reprobate v.谴责,· 指· 责.adj.n.堕落的(人)
ignoble adj.卑鄙的,· 下流的
ribald adj.下流的,· 粗鄙的
scurrilous adj.下流的、恶言毁谤的
vulgar adj.无教养的,· 下流的
cad n. 卑鄙的男人,下流人,无赖
indelicate a. 下流的,无教养的,卑鄙的,不· 雅的
lust n.强烈的欲望
dissolute adj.放荡的,· 无节制的
raffish adj.轻浮的,· 放荡的
profligate adj.挥金如土的 n.挥霍· 者,放荡者
sybaritic adj 奢侈享乐的
epicurean adj.好享乐的享乐主义的
hedonism n.享乐主义,· 享乐
hedonistic adj.享乐的