The results from an autecological study of the growth, reproduction, and population dynamics of Brosimum alicastrum (ramon) in southern Mexico are applied to the controversy surrounding the use of this species in Maya subsistence practice. The frequent occurrence of B. alicastrum near ruins is explained by its competitive advantage on shallow limestone soils coupled with a continual input of bat-dispersed seed. Populations of the tree at Tikal are then compared with other naturally occurring populations as an example of how a detailed ecological analysis may furnish valuable insight into the historical use of a plant species. The Tikal populations are shown to be atypical in terms of phenology, productivity and breeding systems, suggesting that some form of artificial selection may have been practiced by the Maya.
alchemy n.炼金术
hermetic adj.密封的,炼金术的
astrology n.占星学,占星术
chiromancy n.手相术
necromancy n.巫术,通灵术
sorcery n.巫术,魔法
physiognomy n. 相面术,面貌
numerology n.命理学
spiritualism n.降灵术,招魂术,唯心论,观念论
conjure v.变魔术,变戏法
conjurer n.魔术师
enchant v.使迷醉,施魔法于
legerdemain n.手法,戏法
prestidigitation n.变戏法,手法敏捷
exorcize v.驱魔,去除(坏念头等)
exorcism n.驱鬼,伏魔
carnage n.大屠杀,残杀
decimate v.毁掉大部分,大量杀死
hecatomb n.大屠杀,百牛大祭
holocaust n.大屠杀,浩劫
massacre n.大屠杀,大败
pogrom n 大屠杀
atone v.赎罪,补偿
atonement n.赎罪,弥补
expiate v.赎罪,补偿
inexpiable adj.不能补偿的
ransom n.赎金,赎身,v.赎回,解救
redeem v.赎罪,实践(诺言)
redemption n.赎罪
irredeemable a.不能赎回的
amortize v.分期偿还
compensate v.补偿,赔偿
indemnify v.赔偿,偿付
indemnification n.赔偿,赔偿金
liquidate v.清除,清偿,停止
recompense v.报酬,赔偿
reimburse v.偿还
reimbursement n.偿还(的款项)
remunerate v.报酬,补偿
reparation n.赔偿,补偿
restitution n.归还,赔偿
retrieval n.取回,补偿
solvent adj.有偿债能力的,n.溶剂
insolvent adj.无钱还债的
solvency n.溶解力,· 还债能力
assoil v 赦免,· 释放,· 补偿,· 赎
recoup v 重获,· 补偿
quietus n(债务的)偿清,· 平息
offset v 抵销,· 补偿
extinguish vt 熄灭,消灭,偿清
foreclose v.排除,· 取消抵押品的赎回权
moratorium n.停止偿付,· 禁止
immanent adj.普遍存在的,内在的
intrinsic adj.固有的,内在的
inherent adj.固有的,与生俱来的
congenital adj.(病等)先天的,天生的
inborn adj.天生的,天赋的
innate adj.生来的,天赋的
indigenous adj.土产的,本地的
built-in a. 内建的,固定的,嵌入的 n. 内置