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GRE阅读高频机经原文:戏剧家Lloyd Webber
戏剧家Lloyd Webber
A standard criticism of Lloyd Webber, especially from drama critics, is that his music is derivative—a gloss on his betters when it is not an outright theft. Since most drama critics are, to put it charitably, nonmusical, this is an odd criticism, and one that smacks of received opinion: "Puccini-esque" is a term one encounters often in criticism of Lloyd Webber's music, but aside from "Growltiger's Last Stand," which parodies the first-act love duet from Madama Butterfly, there is precious little Puccini in Cats.
Indeed, Lloyd Webber has always been more highly regarded by music critics, who not only know the repertoire he is alleged to be pilfering, but also can place him correctly in a dramatic-operatic context. Far from being the love child of Puccini and Barry Manilow, as some would have it, Lloyd Webber is more correctly seen as a kind of latter-day Giacomo Meyerbeer, the king of the Paris Opera in the mid-19th century, whose name was synonymous with spectacle. But a little ignorance goes a long way, and with "Memory" the notion that Lloyd Webber is a secondhand pastiche artist—if not an outright plagiarist—got its start.
This is partly Lloyd Webber's own fault. His melodies sometimes skirt perilously close to earlier classical and Broadway sources, and while the showbiz axiom that "good writers borrow, great writers steal" may well apply, it is also true that some of his tunes, both large and small, evoke earlier sources. As drama critic John Simon wrote after the première of Phantom: "It's not so much that Lloyd Webber lacks an ear for melody as that he has too much of a one for other people's melodies.... I predict that Gershwin and Rodgers, let alone Puccini and Ravel (another of his magnets), have nothing to fear from him." Other critics have been less subtle: "Webber's music isn't so painful to hear, if you don't mind its being so soiled from previous use," wrote Michael Feingold of the Village Voice.
infidelity n.不忠实,不贞
perfidious adj.不忠的,背信弃义的
perfidy n.不忠,背叛
betray v.背叛,暴露
mutineer n.反叛者,背叛者
mutinous adj.加入叛变的,反抗的
treachery n.阴险,背叛
tergiversate v.变节,背叛
rat v.背叛,背信
convert v.使改变(信仰等)n.改变信仰的人
disaffected adj.(政治上)不满的,叛离的
disaffection n.政治上不满,叛离
proselyte n.皈依者,改变宗教信仰者
recant v.改变,放弃(以前的信仰)
recantation n.改变宗教信仰
recreant n.懦夫,叛徒 adj.胆怯的
renegade n.叛教者,叛徒
quisling n.卖国贼,内奸
traitor n.卖国贼,叛徒
tergiversate v.变节,背叛
apostasy n.背教,脱党
apostate n.背教者,变节者
defect n.缺点,瑕疵 v.变节,脱党
defection n.脱党,变节
adulate v.谄媚,奉承
cringe v.畏缩,谄媚,奉承
cringing adj.n.谄媚(的),奉承(的)
fulsomeness n.虚情,谄媚
obsequious adj.逢迎的,谄媚的
sycophantic adj.拍马的,谄媚的
toady n.谄媚者,马屁精
claqueur n.喝采者,谄媚者
blarney n 奉承话,谄媚
fawn n.未满周岁的小鹿,v.巴结,奉承
fawning adj.奉承的
palaver n.v.空谈,奉承
caress n.爱抚,拥抱 v. 爱抚,抱,怜爱,奉承
complaisance n.迁就,奉承
complaisant adj.顺从的,讨好的
cultivate v.种植,向…讨好
ingratiate v.逢迎,· 讨好
ingratiating adj.讨好的,· 谄媚的
propitiate v.讨好,抚慰
propitiatory adj.讨好的,调解的
smarmy adj 迎奉的,· 讨好的
grovel v.摇尾乞怜,· 奴颜婢膝
abide v.容忍,忍受
brook v.容忍,忍受
forbearance n.自制,忍耐
forbearing adj.忍耐的,· 宽容的
stomach v.吃得下,· 容忍
insupportable a. 忍耐不· 住的,不· 能忍受的
absolution n.赦免,· 免除
amnesty n.大赦,· 特赦
remit v.免除,· 宽恕,· 汇款
remission n.宽恕,· 赦免
assoil v 赦免,· 释放,· 补偿,· 赎
condone v 赦,宽恕
acquittal n.宣告无罪,· 开释
exculpate v.开脱,· 申明无罪
exonerate v.免除责任,确定无罪
extenuate v.掩饰(罪行),减轻罪过
palliate v.减轻(痛苦),· 掩饰(罪行)
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