1. How popular are bicycles in your hometown?
If I talk about the time when I was a child, the bicycle was the primary mean of travelling for people in my hometown. However, this is not the case and motorised vehicles have replaced the bicycle. Around 5-8 percentage people, these days in my hometown use this environment-friendly vehicle while it was more than 80% at a time.
2. How often do you ride a bicycle?
Honestly, these days I scarcely ride a bicycle and mostly use my car. I used to be very fond of riding a bicycle in my teenage, but after I started working in a different city, I had been forced to buy a car.
3. Do you think that bicycles are suitable for all ages?
Yes, this is a suitable vehicle for all ages. The physical activity that a cyclist do is great for his health and this is perhaps the most environmentally friendly ride in the world. There is no age restriction to do commute using a bicycle, I believe.
4.What are the advantages of a bicycle compared to a car?
Well, first of all, a bicycle is eco-friendly and does not harm the environment the way motorised vehicles do. Further, it is cheap and does not require a high maintenance cost. Moreover, bicycle riding involves physical movement and help maintain us healthy. Finally, this type of transport does not cause traffic congestion, unlike motor cars.
5.Did you learn to ride a bicycle in your childhood?
Yes, I did. My father taught me how to ride a bicycle when I was in the 4th standard. I used to cycle to my school which was about 2 kilometers from my home. I also used to cycle to the market.
6.Is it easy to ride a bicycle in your country?
It is easier in smaller towns and villages because there the roads aren’t very busy. Cycling is a bit difficult in big Indian cities because in most of them there are no dedicated lanes for cyclists. I really feel that this should change.
7.What are the benefits of riding a bicycle for a child?
Cycling is a healthy exercise. It is also an exercise that most children enjoy. Cycling is good for strengthening the muscles in the calves and thighs. I have also heard that it helps children grow taller.
8.Is it safe to ride a bicycle on busy roads?
Well, I am against cycling on busy roads such as the ones in Shanghai. I used to cycle when I was in Wuhan. I almost stopped that habit after I moved to Mumbai to pursue higher studies.
1. Do you ever ride a bicycle?
Yeah I do, but not that much anymore, because I’m living on campus at the moment. So everything’s pretty close to me, and I don’t really need a bike to get around.
2. How old were you when you first learned to ride a bicycle?
It was quite a while ago – let me have a little think! Um……I suppose I must have been about 5 or 6 when I first learned, but I honestly couldn’t tell you for sure, because I simply can’t remember! But I think I was pretty small, so five or six sounds about right.
It was quite a while ago = it was quite a long time ago
I suppose I must have been about 5 or 6 = I think I was about 5 or 6 (“must have been” is like the past tense of “should”)
我想我一定是大约5或6岁 =我大概是5或6(“一定是”)就像“应该”的过去时。
3. Are bicycles popular in China?
Yes they are. They’re incredibly popular! You know, if you go out onto any street in China, the chances are you’ll see a lot of bikes. And I guess the reason for this is that they’re the cheapest way to get around, apart from walking of course, but that’s a lot slower!
4. Would you say it’s difficult to learn to ride a bicycle?
Well I think it’s like everything really, in the sense that when you start off learning, it feels extremely difficult, but the more you practice, the easier it gets. So yeah, I guess it is a little difficult to begin with, but it doesn’t take long to get the hang of.
5. What kinds of people ride bicycles?
Wow, you know it’s pretty hard to generalize, because I think all kinds of people ride bicycles, at least here in China anyway! So to be a bit more specific, you see young children riding their bikes around their neighborhood, and then older children riding to school. And as for adults, I think a lot of them will ride their bikes to work if they don’t have too far to travel. And the middle-aged and elderly also like cycling, as it’s good exercise for them and a cheap way to get around. So yeah, I think it’s fair to say that all ages of people ride bicycles, apart from the very young and very old.
6. Would you say it’s safe to ride a bicycle in the city?
If yes:
On the whole, I’d say it is, yeah, as long as you cycle carefully of course! Because what’s good is that in most cities here, there are separate bike lanes for cyclists to use, which makes it a lot safer.
If no:
No I wouldn’t, because I mean there are just so many cars on the road now, and it’s not always easy for a driver to spot a cyclist, for example when It’s dark and raining, plus the fact that bicycles here don’t have lights. So you’ve basically just got to be really careful when you’re cycling anywhere.
The chances are = in all likelihood 十有八九
Apart from…Of course = 当然除了….以外
On the whole = generally speaking 总的来说
Bike lane = 自行车道
It’s pretty hard to generalize = 很难概括
At least here in China anyway = 至少在中国是这样的
So to be a bit more specific = 说具体一点呢
Cycling is good exercise =骑自行车是很好的锻炼 (saying something is good exercise is very native English!)
I think it’s fair to say = I think it’s true to say, 我觉得可以说
I think it’s like everything really – here, “really” means “actually”
In the sense that =在...意义上讲/从...角度来讲
Get the hang of something = 掌握某事的窍门
Means of transportation
Means of transportation in urban and rural areas in your country?
Which means of transportation do you use?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using it?
There are many means of transportation in my country. People in the urban areas usually have their own cars or they use the public transport whereas the people in the rural areas tend to travel on bicycles and tractors. People in this world use the means of transportation which are suitable for them. The previous mentioned means of transportation are used to travel within the country whereas the airplanes are used to travel from one county to another.
My favorite means of transportation is a car. I got this car when I was 19 years old. First I used to travel on a bus, but after getting the car my life got a lot of easier and felt that car was a necessity rather than a luxury. First I used to travel on a bus and I never reached my destination on time. There was a day when I missed a bus and due to that I also missed my exam so I got a zero on my exam. I think that the use of a car enables a person to reach on time and it also protects a person from bad weather. There are also some disadvantages attached to the use of car as it is very expensive to keep a car and a person also has to pay for the maintenance charges. Cars also create pollution and traffic congestion.
I still feel that the benefits of using a car outweigh the drawbacks and more and more people in this world are trying to get their own car.
在雅思口语考试的第二部分讲述个人经验,描述日常活动或具体细节的时候,如果能熟练地将修辞方式适当地运用到口语中,考生就可以很明显的展现自己的个人特色,给考官留下好的印象。这里雅思老师向各位考生推荐两种最常用的修辞方法:比喻法和比较法。这两种方法无论在口语的描述中,还是在论 证说明中都可以使自己的表达变得更加生动和形象,从而更有说服力。
Example: Describe a person who gives you a deep impression
比如说Part2要求描述一个给人印象深刻的人,考生可以讲述为什么那个人给自己留下了深刻的印象。要举例来说明,比说自己学习英语遇到困难的 时候这个人是怎么帮助自己的。可以说:“I was really like a cat on hot bricks at the moment.”“like”就是用于表示比喻关系的词,把自己比作“爬在热砖上的猫”,表达更加形象,易于理解,也多了几分轻松调侃的意味。使紧张的考场气氛有所缓解。其实在日常生活中有很多地道的英文短语和谚语都可以用来作比喻的表达。考生一定要善于观察,多多练习和使用。有些英文的表达和汉语的表达往往是不一样的,平时要多积累地道的表达方式,真正到考试的时候加以运用才能取得好的成绩。但是考生要注意的是用来打比方的事物一定要常见,如果本来就不是大家熟悉的事物,比喻的目的也达不到。其实就是比喻一定要贴切,如果比较的事物不合适,还不如自己解释清楚更好。所以平时练习多去运用才能为考试打下良 好的基础。
比如说同样一道题目,让你讲述一个人,这个人为什么给自己留下深刻的印象,这次我教大家用比较的方法说明这个题目。雅思Part2讲人的很多, 其实讲述人无外乎是说事情,刚刚开始说的时候可以先用一两句话说明下他的外貌,但是切记描述男性不要用handsome,描述女性不要用 beautiful,这两个词太常用了。你用的话老师会觉得太普通和不真实的。因此而导致的分数不高。确保你描述的人物和其他人有区别就可以了。例如澳际雅思班Alex老师,你可以说他不高,但是说起话来总是面带微笑,他总是喜欢穿黑色的西装等等。还有就是说人千万一点不要忘记的就是说到他的性格,可以说他是遇事乐观的,开朗的,幽默的,乐于助人的。先总说两到三个性格特点,然后再用具体事情说明一个,这时比较的修辞就很有用了。学生可以把描述这个人的某 项个性和自己做比较,说明自己哪些方面受到影响,从而表明这个人对自己印象深刻。
