Part 2
Describe an activity you would do when you are alone in your free time (new)
You should say:
What the activity is
How often you do it
Where you do it
How you do it
And explain why you would like to do this activity
How do you usually plan your free time?
Do young people in your country work longer hours now than in the past?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of flexible work time?
When I was alone in spare time, I chose to build Lego.Lego which made up of many colored squares is a model such as cars, boats, animals, etc.Usually the model contains more than 200 small squares and needs to follow the instructions to assemble.
I usually do it once a month. Because Lego releases new models every month. I am big fan of colleting Lego models. There is a cupboard in my living room, and I coulddisplay the Lego models.Every time I built Lego in my living room, I am willing toseeingmy works. One day, one day, I tried to build Lego containing 2000 pieces. It took me 2 days to read the instructions, and also took me 5 days to finish the Lego.During I built Lego,many times I want to give up. Finally, I finished and saw a Lego castle built by myself.
In the process of Lego, I learned a lot of new ideas. First, Lego has brought me a lot of sense of achievement. Every time I share the finished Lego with my friends, they praise it beautiful. Second, Lego exercised my patience. Sometimes I do something wrong because of impatience. Therefore, in the process of composing Lego, I learned to calm and patiently complete it. These new ideas arereasonwhy I like to build Lego.
How do you usually plan your free time?
First, I will ask my friends who has free time to go out. Then we will discuss what activity is. Usually we like to watch the movies, play basketball or hiking. When we confirm the activity, we will come out for a meal. During a meal, we can also talk about hot news or gossip.
Do young people in your country work longer hours now than in the past?
Right, many young people like to work overtime. First, many companies pay overtime wages, and young people want to earn more money by working overtime. Second, young people love learning skills, and they want to learn more work knowledge by working overtime. Third, young people will spend more time to complete tasks because of lack of experience.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of flexible work time?
People could arrange work depended to their habits, and it can improve efficiency. Because some people work very efficiently in the morning, but some people work efficiently at night. Flexible working time can satisfy everyone's work needs. However, there are some disadvantages in flexible working time. Everyone has their own working hours, which leads to a lack of solidarity. If a company needs to complete a task within a specified time, employees will have different schedules due to different working time. At this time, employees will blame each other.
雅思口语Part2话题范文:exciting activity
Describe an activity that you feel excited.
You should say:
what it is
how much it usually costs
who you usually do it with
and explain why you like to do this activity
Recently I opened a WordPress blog and started writing blog posts and this is the first time I own a blog. This is not only a new activity for me but also very thrilling.
I am a regular internet user and I read numerous blogs quite often. But owning one is something which happened to me very recently. Earlier last month I opened a blog from wordpress.com and the blog address comprises my name and then .com. So far I have written 20+ posts and they are getting more than 200 traffics each day. I always wanted to own a blog and write things that would let me continue my writing habit as well as help others who are searching for the same thing I am listing down. For instance, one particular post which is getting much attention and comments from the users is regarding the best places and activities for the tourists in my hometown.
I opened the blog from my home computer and after few hours continuous effort I gave it a nice design. WordPress is the most popular blogging platform nowadays and it makes the content management and maintaining of the blog quite easy. After finishing the initial design, now I focus on writing new posts. I opened this blog to add posts that will work as a reference for me as well as help other searchers. For instance, I have visited almost all of the major tourist attractions in my hometown and I know them quite well. So listing down the major tourist attractions with some of the pictures and descriptions would help others who are planning to visit my hometown as tourists.
After opening the blog, I informed few of my very close friends who visited it and gave positive feedback. I also shared this blog on my Facebook, Twitter and Google+ profiles where all of my social connections were notified about this blog. I made Mark, one of my very close friends, an administrator of this blog so that he can also write his posts and help maintain this blog.
Opening a blog that would be popular among people of different countries was a dream for me. I am yet to go a long way but the starting is done and that’s very exciting for me. I have integrated the most popular statistics tool which is 'Google Analytics' and it gives many insights of the blog including the per day visitors, posts where visitors spend time, live visitor count, where the visitors are coming from, their visit duration and many other aspects of the blog. Creating something new that grabs people’s attention and help them is always exciting and motivating. Looking at the blog and statistics is something that gives me the inspiration to continue to write and write great posts to help others. The whole thing is quite exhilarating and I am sure I will continue it for a long time.
考试分为三个部分:Part 1会问简单的问题,例如工作,学习,家乡,平时爱好等,从而达到熟悉考生个人情况,也考察考生对于基本问题反应能力。Part 2 考官会给考生提供一个话题卡,针对一个主题展开描述,考生有1分钟的准备时间(考官提供笔和白板,可以写笔记),之后希望考生针对这个话题回答,通常建议说2分钟,时间到考官会要求停下。(对于时间的要求很严格,但是如果时间到没有说完,也不必太紧张,口语是三个部分的综合考察。)Part 3 是对上一个部分话题的延伸,考察口语表达对于社会性话题的描述,甚至是自己对于这些问题的观察和想法,对于烤鸭来说是最难的部分,考前一定要认真对待part 3。
其实所有烤鸭们都知道,口语part 1 & 2 的问题是相对比较固定的,考试之前是可以自己准备的,也是老师们强烈要求的。
如何准备Part 1话题并提高流利度?
1. 一定要从part 1 开始,熟悉所有的题目,可以每天设定目标,但是不要太多,根据自己的情况而定。对于能力比较好(雅思口语5.5+,已经备考一段时间的)的同学,可以写出关键词,一定是自己的原创想法,这个很重要;其次可以促使自己使用一些平时不太常用的连接词来回答问题,例如as, although, even, as well as, for等。(目的是在话题中加强语法的多样性和准确性)更多连接词用法,可以参考剑桥词典。
2. 不同程度的同学完成上述部分之后,接下里就是练习熟练度,重点:不要死记硬背每道题的答案,这样只会增加负担。第一遍录音: 自己提问,自己回答,脱稿,不可以停下,即使错了也在继续,不要太在意是否回答正确,要鼓励自己说下去。
例如:1. what do you do ?I am an art student, currently studying at National Art Academy, and I am in my third year.2. Do you like your school?Yes, I do. I enjoy it a lot, as becoming an artist is what I wanted since I was young.录音结束:需要重新听自己的回答(很多同学会认为听自己的声音很奇怪,慢慢习惯就好了),找出自己可以改进的地方(语法,单词的发音,句子的中音都是需要专注的部分,整体回答的流利度,是否自然即不要过快或者过慢)。总结第一遍录音的问题,然后第二遍重复上述步骤。建议间隔12-24小时之后,再进行第三遍同样的操作,因为会有遗憾的过程,所以第三遍就是为了巩固复习。这样就可以很有效的改进口语的流利度。雅思口语想要提分还是得重在坚持,自我反馈。
如何准备Part 2话题并提高流利度?
1. 准备阶段由于针对Part 2话题卡要准备2分钟的内容,建议字数可能在140-180个单词,相当于小作文。Part 2 大致考察对于人物,地点,事件的描述能力,所以在准备一个话题卡时,除了认真准备(结合评分标准)以外,也可以举一反三,相似元素用于相似话题。例如: 下面这两个话题卡其实就有很多共同的内容,甚至自己可以关联:
· 认真准备一个话题卡,背诵相关词汇,可以写逐字稿,但是关键是框架和关键词的关联。
· 不可以偷懒,每个都要思考,积累关键词同时要确保单词的准确性,可以参考英英词典来看例句。
· 这个一个月的积累过程中,前3-5天是最痛苦的,也是最难坚持的,所以希望大家一步一步来,少量多次。
2. 话题卡录音练习如同Part 1的录音纠错一样,但是这次要关注时间,可以第一遍说到1分30秒。第二遍、第三遍再到2分钟左右。自己改进的过程才是语言学习最重要的部分。 在听自己的录音过程中,先听整体,看是否自然,流畅,有没有过多的停顿,然后专注语法,有没有自己可以听出来的明显的语法错误,最后是单词的发音,句子的重音。 很多同学不太喜欢总结反馈,但是每次录音总结自己的进步和不足,是一种很重要的方式,起码可以尝试体验。
1. 熟悉评分标准和问题。
2. 认真思考每个问题,争取回答的是自己原创内容。
3. 反复录音,反复纠正,自我反馈,是在提高流利度中很重要的环节。每天都在跟自己练习,虽然会有点枯燥,但是坚持之后一定会有不一样的体验。
4. 从小任务开始,准备内容不要太多,关注自己每天的进步。
1 材料的输入
例1:从 2 Broke Girls(破产姐妹)里, 我学到了一个说法:Just because … that doesn't…(不能因为_X就_X呀!)
然后在电影500 Days of Summer(和莎莫的500天)里我又碰见了同样的说法。
Just because most women choose to get married, (that) doesn't mean I should do the same thing.
Just because you fail this time, (that) doesn't mean you have to quit.
例2:在Desperate Housewives(绝望主妇)里,我见过无数次这个说法:Is it just me or…(只有我一个人觉得_X吗?)
Is it just me or is she weird today?
Is it just me or is the floor really slippery?
例3:通过观看Emma Watson 在访谈节目Ellen Show上的访问,我能学到:be like可以用于引述说话或想法。
At that time, everybody was frustrated. Suddenly, he stood up and encouraged us to cheer up. He was like, "Come on, guys! We can make it!"
2 有效的反馈
