首先,大家要了解考试的要求。托福考试的写作部分分为综合(Integrated writing)和独立(Independentwriting)两块,这两块分别独立评分,取平均值后得到最终的分数。也就是说,这两个部分各占一半权重,因此应给予相同程度的重视。有些同学在准备输出端考试(写作或者口语)的时候,居然连评分细则都不看,仅凭自己的主观臆测和对于老师讲解的依稀记忆去打造自己的文章,考不好真的不奇怪。下面,我们就来分析一下托福考试的评分细则。
A response at this level successfully selects the important informationfrom the lecture and coherently and accurately presents this information inrelation to the relevant information presented in the reading. The response iswell organized and occasional language errors that are present do not result ininaccurate or imprecise presentation of content or connections.
托福独立写作题目相对而言比较多,经典文库中共计185个,但是每年ETS也会研发出新题,即使是在老题的基础做些许的改动,母题的数量也使得“将所有题目写一遍”这一任务变成mission impossible,而且即使做到了,也是一件投资回报率极低的行为,就算考试的时候出现了原题,估计也不可能回忆所有之前写的细节内容。所以针对独立写作部分的备考我们要更多的总结规律,通过总结来节省备考时间。TOEFL独立写作常见FAQ整理如下:
Essay Topic
Which one isthe most important for teacher of high school?
1. The ability to help students plan for their future;
2. The ability to find the students who need help most and help them;
3. Teach students how to learn outside the classroom.
总论点:规划未来能力最重要(vs. 发现需要帮助的同学 &教会自学)
The ability to help student with planning their future is definitely the most important capability for high school teachers.
To begin with, high school students are in desperate need for guidance about their future, and teachers are the only competent candidate to provide it. I know this from my personal experience. When I was in high school, a great portion of my classmates’ only goal is to reach for the minimum requirement for graduation, and to be able to get an offer from a middle-ranged college in the US, as all 15-year-old boys are profoundly addicted to either computer games or love affairs. Because of our immature mind, we had no idea regarding the choice of universities, or the selection of a future career path. What made matters worse is that our high school teachers provided us with virtually zero guidance concerning our college applications, not because they lack of the intention, but simply because they know nothing about it. Consequently, the vast majority of our parents had to hire an outside agency that specializes in the college application process which costs tons of money. Later we realized that this is an utter mistake, for what they did was simply giving us the timeline of the application process, translating our personal statements and recommendation letters from Chinese into English, and finally mailing out all our materials to the US. All of these simple tasks could be performed by ourselves, and these misfortunes surely could have been avoided if we had the luck to meet more competent teachers, with the ability to warn students and their parents about the black-hearted agencies and lay out lucid plans for students’ future.
The capability to find the students who need assistance most and help them, on the other hand, is not that imperative. The reason for this is quite simple, since high school students would come to teachers voluntarily if they are in serious trouble. In other words, many times students don’t want to be bothered by a teacher who treats them like a baby-sitter. As for the “help” part, I firmly hold the faith that all teachers are already equipped with the willingness to solve student’s problem gladly, using their prehistoric powers, no matter how difficult the situation can be. So the willingness to help students should be the minimum standard to be qualified as a teacher.
Similarly, the skill to teach students how to learn outside the classroom is completely unnecessary. For one, most high school students have no time outside their classrooms at all, as all their spare time is already occupied by cram school or by extracurricular activities. Even in the rare circumstance that some students may have free time, parents could always play the part of their instructor on how to self-study.
To begin with, as a young man living in a big city, I need to start saving up from now on, because there are a lot of things in the future costing tons of money. Take my good friend Foosen for example. He is an optimistic guy who prefers to seize the day. He can spend all his salary within just two days either on luxuries or on trips. Before he was even 22, he already went around the whole Africa. Unfortunately, not everything goes according to plan. Last year during his trip to South Africa, he accidentally broke his leg and had to go through surgery. However, since he could not cover the expense, he had to call everybody to borrow money. It took so long for him to collect the money that the surgery was delayed. As a result, the recovery period for him was 2 months longer than everyone else’s. Now, this example might be a particular instance, and it is out of his expectation. Nonetheless, in today’ssociety, even the potential spending within our expectation is already quite worrying. For instance, in Beijing, if I wish to purchase a 30-squaremeter apartment, it would cost me over 3 million yuan; if I want to invite, say, 20 friends to my wedding, I would have to pay over 200,000 yuan; not to mention if I have a child and want to support his education, it would cost at least 50,000 yuan per year just for him to go to kindergarten. It aches mejust to look at these horrifying numbers. If I don’t save up for my future, there would be no future. (275 words)
故事描述了主人公Foosen,由于是乐天派并且坚持活在当下,进而展开月光、全世界各地旅游;到之后有一次意外摔断腿,需要做手术,但没有存钱,从而导致恢复期比普通人长了两个月。大部分的同学就是这些故事的“细节”想不到,或者没思路。如何解决?很简单,就是多看。因为讲故事并没有一个明显的模式或公式可以使用。According to a Personalized Education: Schooling for Tomorrow published by OECD in 2006, “Brains have the ability to generate rulesfrom examples. All that is needed, therefore, are the right examples – lotsand lots of them.”其实就是我们中学老师总的说的那句话,“量的积累产生质的飞跃。”大家想练好例证,只需要找到优秀的讲故事型范文,仿写10篇左右,自然会掌握规律。关于仿写的方法,大家可以关注我的公众号”Foosen资料库”进一步了解。
同不同意:Some people think that 最重要的品质 in choosing the leader of a school organization or club is 诚实.
Leaders of all kinds should have lots of qualities in order to thrive together with the team. Persistence, passion, confidence and personal charisma, to name a few. When it comes to question of whether honesty is the most important qualities of all for a leader in a student organization, I, personally, would say honesty is definitely not the most important even though it is a contributing factor for a qualified leader and there are other qualities that are more urgent than being honest.
First off, being a good listener and able to communicate well with fellow members can be more important than being honest. Only when a leader sits down and listens patiently to problems and concerns of his or her members, can he or she become an effective leader in a student organization. Also, being an effective communicator can also be equally important since it is essential to convey emotions and ideas clearly to others, and when the leader get his or her ideas across to the fellow members, it enjoys a better chance to be implemented. A leader with exceptional communication skills is very confidence and personable when they are interacting with others. Since they can grab the listeners' attention, it is very easy for them to build rapport with strangers and thus they enjoy better chance to broaden their social networks.
Additionally, it is more essential for leaders of student organizations to be compassionate about the community and set exemplars for their fellow members than just being honest. Actually, lots responsibilities of student leaders involve various volunteer programs and philanthropic activities, if leaders of students body are not committed to getting involved in charitable activities, there will be a lack of energy level and passion among his or her fellow members. To be more specific, students organizations involved in lots of volunteer activities, like collecting food, managing the inventory and distributing food to those in need. They also volunteer in homeless shelters to prepare food or even work behind the scene in the business office. If leaders are motivated to take the initiative and contribute their time and other resources to the community in the first place, chances are that his or her members would follow suit.
In all, students leaders should have more important qualities other than being honest like excellent communication skills, compassion about their community and dedication to their endeavors.