【In some countries, traditional arts are going extinct. Some people think that we should try to keep them. To what extent you agree?】
Today, many types of traditional arts and crafts are struggling on the brink of extinction. People have different attitudes toward this trend. As for me, I believe that traditional arts should still be cherished by us. Traditional arts are national treasures handed down from our ancestors; therefore, it is our responsibility as inheritors to keep them alive. A nation without abundant traditional arts, such as folk music, ethnic drawings or painting would feel rootless. Consequently, should those brilliant traditional arts die out, the nation's sense of belonging would be seriously eroded. Even worse once a form of traditional art disappears in history, it could never be truly revived. Only until then will the people realize that is a great loss, which at best would only result in nostalgia and regrets.
如今,许多传统工艺正濒临灭绝。对此,人们看法不一。依我看来,人们仍应珍惜传统艺术。 传统艺术是祖先流传下来的国宝,因此,作为继承者我们有责任使它们得以存续。一个国家若没有诸如民乐和民族绘画等传统艺术,就会感到无所寄托。因此,假如这些优秀传统艺术消亡,将严重削弱这个国家的归属感与民族特征。而且一旦一种传统艺术形式在历史上消失,就可能永远无法真正恢复。直到那时,忽视传统艺术的人们才会意识到这是一个巨大的损失,而这充其量也只能产生怀旧和遗憾。
【Zoos keep wild animals in a man-made environment. To what extent do you think the advantages of zoos outweigh their disadvantages?】
Normally, it is better for wild animals to live in a natural environment. Unfortunately, now such environments are often under threat. In my essay, I will compare the relative advantages of animals living in the wild and in zoos. Most wild animals live longer in zoos than in the wild because zoo keepers can look after their health and their diet. When an animal is sick, there are veterinarians in the zoo to help it. As a result, animals in a zoo can have longer life expectancy than animals in the wild. Zoos are also useful tools for us to reduce our harm to wildlife brought about by damage to the land and the sea. Many zoos around the world now take part in programs to educate children about the importance of preserving wildlife and they work together to find ways to take care of animals. In fact, today some rare species exist only in zoos, which means if all the zoos are closed, these animals will completely disappear from our planet.
通常,野生动物最好生活在自然环境中。不幸的是,现在这种环境却时常面临威胁。在本文中,我将比较在动物园饲养动物的利与弊。 由于动物园管理员会照顾动物的健康和饮食,大多数野生动物在动物园活得比在野外活得时间长。在动物生病时,它们也会得到动物园兽医的帮助。因此,动物园动物的平均寿命比野外动物更长。 同样,由于我们对土地和海洋的生态破坏,动物园也是用来减少这种破坏给野生动物带来伤害的有用工具。如今,全世界许多动物园都参加了对儿童进行关于野生动物保护的重要性的教育项目,而且他们还会通过合作来寻找照顾动物的方式。事实上,如今一些稀有动物只生活在动物园,这就意味着,假如关闭所有的动物园,这些动物就会完全在我们的星球上消失。
【Some people think students should take courses that are decided by the government.
Others think students should be allowed to focus on subjects that they prefer.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.】
Education has been viewed as one of the most essential elements of individual and social development. One topic now under debate is who should make the decisions on what students study. Academically, students will gain benefits if the curriculum can be devised by the government. Learners need foundations before they acquire more advanced knowledge. Without opportunities to learn the basics, students would find it difficult to further their studies or lose interest in their studies altogether. In terms of meeting the demand of the job market, it would be more efficient if the government plan and arrange the courses for school and universities. Students' own selections of courses may be random. Most of them do not really know what the job market expects from them, so some guidance from the government is a necessity. However, this does not mean that the official curriculum is always productive. Educators should be aware of the fact that individuals have different characters and abilities. If all the students in a certain field take the same courses, their potential may not be fully developed. Accordingly, many talented students may feel frustrated with learning and the nation will not get the talent it needs for its advancement. My own opinion is that students in primary and secondary schools should take courses that the governments choose for them because they do not really have the capacity to find out courses that will serve their purposes. On the university level, though, students should be allowed to participate in the decision-making process of designing the curriculum as only in this way can their academic potential be fully explored.
教育被视作是个人和社会发展的最重要因素之一。在教育方面一个有争议的话题是,谁应该决定学生的学习内容。 学生在掌握更高级的知识之前,需要具备基础知识。学生如果没有机会学习基础知识,就将很难继续学习或完全丧失学习兴趣。 而从满足就业市场的需求方面来看,由政府来安排制定学校和大学的课程将会是更具有成效的。学生自主选课的结果可能是随机的,因为他们并不真正了解就业市场对他们的期望,所以政府在此方面做一些引导是很有必要的。 但是,这并不意味着官方课程总是富有成效的。教育工作者应该明白,每个人都有不同的特点和能力。假如所有学生都在某一领域接受同样的课程,就将造成他们的潜力无法充分得到开发。因此,许多有才华的学生可能会在学习上受挫,同时国家也无法找到符合其发展需求的人才。 我个人的看法是,中小学的学生应学习官方指定课程,因为他们并不具有真正找到符合其目的的课程的能力。但应允许大学生参与课程设计的决策过程,只有这样,他们的学术潜力才能得到充分开发。
【Life was better when technology was simpler. To what extent do you agree or disagree?】
Modern technology has revolutionised life in three main fields: work, transport and communication. Although modern technology is often blamed for stress and alienation, I doubt that many people would want to turn back the clock to the pre-technological age. Despite the fact that life was simpler in former times, I would prefer not to return to that lifestyle, because that simplicity was due to a lack of choice. Before large jet airliners came in in the 1960s, for example, air travel was beyond the reach of most people. Before electronic cash registers, people had to spend a lot of time on math calculations to carry out transactions. Furthermore, our knowledge of the world around us, especially foreign countries, was sketchy before television brought us the vivid images of documentaries. Modern technology has brought liberation from the exhausting and boring labour and has set us free to enjoy more interesting work and leisure.
现代科技在三大方面改变了人类的生活:工作、交通和交流。尽管现代科技总是被人们赋以增大人们压力、疏远人际关系的罪名,但我怀疑恐怕没有人愿意把生活调回到现代科技发展前的时代吧。 尽管确实在科技发展前的生活更简单一些,但我不会愿意再回到那个更“简单”的年代,因为那种“简单”是源于缺少选择。比如在大型航空公司于上世纪60年代出现之前,航空旅行对绝大多数人来说都是可望而不可及的。在电子收款机出现之前,人们在做每笔交易的时候都要做大笔的数学计算。另外,我们对这个世界的理解和认识,特别是对外国的认识,在电视纪录片给我们带来生动的影像之前,大部分都是盲人摸象,没有实质印象。现代科技还是我们从单调辛苦的劳动中解放出来,使我们能更好地享受有趣的工作和休闲。
【Television has had a significant influence on the culture of many societies. To what extent do you think television has positively or negatively affected cultural development?】
It has been around forty years since television was first introduced into British households and people today still have mixed views on whether it has a positive or a negative influence on society. Many people believe that television damages culture. It promotes the stronger culture of countries such as Britain and the US and weakens the culture of less wealthy countries. This is because the stronger countries are able to assert their own culture by producing more programmes that are shown widely around the world. These programmes then influence people, particularly young people, in the countries where they are shown.
尽管从电视走进英国人的家庭已经有大约四十来年了,但直到今天人们仍然对它对社会所产生的影响褒贬不一。 许多人认为电视节目在残害着文化,认为电视在扮演着帮助英美文化这样的强势文化打压弱国文化的角色。这是因为强国可以将他们的文化植入电视节目中并在世界范围内播放。这些节目会对人们,尤其是对节目播放当地的年轻人产生深刻的影响。
