1) 场景或背景信息,即题目中出现的phenomenon。
2) 一些人的观点(some people’s opinion),这部分在改写文章首段时可要可不要,考生可按照自己的情况来安排。
3) 个人观点,这一部分在有些文章的开首段中也可以不要。
1) 题目中包含了背景信息(phenomenon),有时也出现一些人的观点,并且题目中字数较多。这种情况下最保险的办法是将题目中的背景信息及一些人的观点重新表达(paraphrase),可以做:● 主动语态<=>被动语态● 主谓宾<=>主系表● 某些近义词互换Example:At present, it is hard for college students to find jobs. Many people claimthat college teachers should give priority to practical courses like computer science and business over such traditional ones as history and geography. To what extent do you agree?→ The number of college graduates is surging while a substantial proportion of them have difficulties in finding employment after their graduation. Numerous people blame this on the university education and believe that more emphasis should be laid on practical courses such as computer science and business thanon traditional courses like history and geography. 其后再加考生自己的观点即可。
2) 题目中包含了背景信息,有时出现一些人的观点,但题目中字数较少,若直接重新表达,字数凑不到40字左右。这种情况下推荐把笼统信息细节化即通过举例来解释说明题目中的背景信息的开首方式来保证字数。总之,合理的开头段可以包括背景介绍、点明话题、阐明观点,2-3句话,40-60字,5分钟内完成。
1. My suggestions is as follows
2. The following suggestions should be taken into consideration when we are seeking solutions to the problem.
3. In view of the above, I think some urgent measures need to be taken to solve this problem.
4. According to the above analyses, I would recommend that some urgent steps should be taken to put an end to the serious problem.
5. In view of the seriousness of this problem, effective measures should be taken before things get worse.
6. One way out is …
7. It will be advantageous / helpful/ profitable/ beneficial if
8. It is wise for … to do sth.
9. A second/ another solution/ suggestion is that
10. Another way of solving this problem is to
11. is one of the best approaches/ weapons / ways / solutions.
12. should, have to, must, ought to, be supposed to
13. For one thing, great efforts have to be made to … and for another …
Task:Society is based on rules and laws. It could not function if individuals were free to do whatever they wanted. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Nowadays, there is an assertion that the freedom of citizens should be limited; otherwise it might harm the social laws and justice system, thus making our society unstable. Personally, this view is psychologically right, while it overlooks the importance of fighting against the unfair laws freely.
Firstly, there is no doubt that obeying social rules and laws is the fundamental obligation for all individuals, for the reason that they serve as a key function of ensuring our society running on the right track. Obviously, these regulations define the borders between the right and the wrong, the social ethics and day-to-day conduct standards, all of which can instruct and regulate citizens to act and think in a lawful, polite and safe way. Otherwise, the ignorance of these regulations, or so-called “an absolute freedom”, will trap our society into chaos and even malfunction. For example, if the traffic laws were disrespected, it is expected that all streets and highways will be full of congestions and car crashes caused by wrongdoings in driving like blind over speed or overtaking. Similarly, if the criminal law were absent, then there will be no concern of punishments for committing crimes. Consequently, illegal activities including thefts, robberies, arson, rapes, vandalism and murders will be overwhelming, which will not only place the poverties and lives of the public in the danger, but also destroy today’s civilization in a long term.
However, there is always a justification that people should be allowed to freely question and topple those unfair laws that are the barriers of democracy development. In history, the typical example is the slavery law in America that defined African-Americans as second-class citizens and deprived their rights of public education, health care and vote. If this evil law were just followed, instead of being eradicated through the pursuit of human freedom, we now can predict clearly that current the community of America would be still full of inequity, discrimination, and massive social disorder caused by conflicts between the black and white.
All in all, I agree that it is very necessary to limit the freedom of the public by confining their behaviors in the bounds of social regulation and laws, which is the pre-condition of social democracy and stability. However, when it comes to unjust laws, the public should have the freedom to eliminate them.
(392 words)
Task:Many scientists believe that now we can study the behavior of a three-year-old child to see whether they will grow up to be criminals. To what extent do you think the human nature produces crimes? And how can we prevent children from growing up to be criminals?
1. 基因论是有点道理的。举例,科学已经证明,某些基因缺陷会导致大脑荷尔蒙的分泌功能紊乱,这会导致人在很小的时候就显示出负面的性格,如缺乏残忍,缺乏同情心和负罪感。在长大之后,这些病态的特征会刺激他们做出暴力的行为。
2. 然而,父母在塑造孩子思维的过程中同样起到很大作用。举例,糟糕的父母管教,如采用暴力来体罚孩子,会让孩子变得有侵略性,冷漠,以及反社会的思想。
3. 此外,来自媒体的暴力镜头同样会影响孩子们。举例,电影中人们总是通过犯罪来解决问题,或是获得财富。这扭曲了孩子们的价值观,让他们误以为通过犯罪来谋生是合适的。
Does a child’s performance at the age of 3 decide whether he or she would be a criminal in the future? Personally, I partially agree that gene defects in some cases indeed cause some illegal actions, while it is unwise to attribute all crimes to the gene problem, and my reasons will be explored as below.
Admittedly, to the extent of Geneticism, this assertion is reasonable, because some of human behaviors, attitudes and characteristics are determined by DNA, and there is always homeotypical continuity from inappropriate behaviors in childhood to criminality in adulthood. For example, symptoms of gene-based psychological abnormality, which stems from the imbalanced secretion of hormones in brain, can be reflected in the very young age as inattention, restlessness, apathy, the lack of guilt about wrongdoings, and unkindness to other children. In adulthood, there is a high possibility that these morbid emotional traits evolve into anti-social minds--specifically, disregarding of rights of others or rules of society, irresponsibility, aggressive personalities and misperceptions about the right and wrong.
However, I strongly believe this assertion is problematic, for the reason that it completely underestimates more fundamental influences of other aspects on children after their birth. Firstly, parents always play a key role in children’s formative education that directly shapes behaviors, minds and values of them. For example, poor parenting skills in daily life, such as violence and corporal punishment, tend to make personalities of children aggressive and rude, even irritable, which might turn into dangerous behaviors and anti-social minds in adulthood.
Besides, violent contents on the internet, TV programs and video games are also responsible for juvenile crimes. It is because youngsters, unlike adults, are lack of abilities to distinguish right from wrong. Therefore, too much violence in the virtual world could twist the social values of young viewers. As a result, they, more often than not, consider violence as the main or even only way to solve problems, thereby leading to crimes.
In conclusion, there are more factors that might result in delinquencies of the youth than genes, and the impacts from parents and media on children’s growth are bigger than that from DNA.
(360 words)
