你写的和你想的必须是一样的,而不是写前想一想,提笔又是另一篇——只是简单的规划思路是不够的 最好是写之前想好,而不是写完了再来想——雅思考试真的没时间打几遍草稿 什么时候想?每段开头和每句开头——句子是你作文的关键组成部分 怎么想?定向思维——最好列个清单,这样会很有帮助的。
解释一下为什么要在”Thinking”上花时间(而不是草草动笔)—–表面上看起来这样做会“浪费”一些时间,因为大多数人的想法是:快些写啊写啊!想啥啊! 但是当你想完了以后,你会发现你写的更有效(more efficiently)–也就是说,废话少了,不仅写完了,而且还写好了(这就不仅仅是写完一篇作文,而是写好一篇作文) 来看看具体怎么做吧!
其实道理很简单,你雅思作文一半的得分都来自 Task Response (是否切题,还是写跑题了)与Coherence and Cohesion(文章连贯性,是不是上句不接下句,还是很有层次,有顺序)。这两个评分标准跟你使用的语言(单词,词组,语法)都没什么关系,但是跟你的行文思路(thought)和文章结构(organisation)直接相关。换句话说,你全文语法(grammar)全对,词汇(vocab)用的都非常漂亮,你也就能得5分。要拿那另外的分,就得有思考的技能。
在考场上再去想你要写什么基本是没什么卵用的。就算你现想出文章的结构,所使用的词汇还有思路,你还是不知道怎么把它们拼凑到一起去。并且几乎就没什么学生可以在考场上的那一点点时间就可以规划出以上所提的这些。原因是什么?因为你觉得想这些东西是在浪费时间。 大错特错。你的写作规划不是完整的答案,你可以边写边完善。 你的结构/思路/词汇全都需要你的规划(Plan)来组织。
别老是打草稿,想好了再写 如果你没办法在40分钟内写完雅思作文那大部分都是因为你老是写错,各种错(语法错了啊,单词不会拼啦,反复表达一个意思又重写句子啦等等)耽误了你的时间。要避免这个问题就一定要想好了再写。想想应该怎么说最好。如果你以前写作一些学术类的文章,你就应该知道,最好是把你一遍遍打草稿的时间拿来想想到底该怎么写。
学生写作文的时候,写着写着就停笔了,他不知道怎么写下去了!别笑,我们大家都经常犯这样的错误。为什么?因为句子与句子之间都没什么联系。(没有连贯性)。 你得有一个完整的思路。必须把整个思路想清楚了再动笔,别小看这个小技巧,你试试,写作立马不一样了!(而不是边写边想)
思路/语言 我的语言和思路够写一篇完整的文章吗? 这段话的中心思想是什么?我能写一句话吗?
在我的文章里有中心思想吗? 这一段跟其他段有什么联系?
这段话在整个文章结构里是什么? 对于这个意思的表达,我需要解释原因或举例吗? 这段话要写几句?
我打算用这几个句子说明个什么问题?在脑子里能把它说出来吗? 这个句子是主要想法吗?还是一个例子?一个解释?或者别的? 这个句子跟上个句子有联系吗?需要用连接词吗?可以用别的方式去连接吗?
你确定语法都正确吗?如果不确定的话,能不能换个说法(不至可能出现语法错误?) 语法是不是太简单了?(只有陈述句)还是太重复了?(老是定语从句)
准确使用词汇了吗? 我需要使用上面句子的词汇吗(还是要换一个)?我使用了同义词吗? 这段话是书面体吗(而不是口头语)?
language 语言
English as an international language
English is widely used around the world
It is becoming a global second language
It is the dominant language of technology, science and international business
International business meetings are regularly held in English
The most important textbooks and journals are published in English
The ability to speak English is a necessary skill in the modern world
Negative of English as an International Language
If one language is dominant, other languages may disappear
The dominant language brings its own culture
American culture has become popular around the world
Other cultures may be damaged
As an alternative to English, a new global language could be invented
It would have no nationality or culture attached to it
This could help to promote international peace and understanding
Esperanto is an example of a language that was invented with this aim
1.Several languages are in danger of extinction because they are spoken by very small numbers of people. Some people say that governments should spend public money on saving these languages, while others believe that would be a waste of money.
Discuss both these views and give your opinion.
2.Every year several languages die out. Some people think that this is not important because life will be easier if there are fewer languages in the world.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
3.Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school rather than secondary school.
Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?
Housing and Architecture住房与建筑
State/council housing 公共住房
In some countries the government provides state or council housing
This helps people who cannot afford to buy their own house
It can be argued that state housing creates dependence on the government
People should be rely on the government to look after them
People have no incentive to earn money and buy their own home Council properties are often made with cheap, poor-quality materials.
Old Buildings 老建筑
Historic buildings are part of a country’s heritage
They should be protected
Old buildings are often considered to be works or art
They give character to cities and attract tourists
They show us how people lived in the past
We identify countries by architectural symbols like the pyramids in Egypt
Governments should spend money on looking after historic buildings
They need regular repairs and maintenance
New buildings should be designed to complement them
Modern/green buildings 现代/绿色建筑
Modern buildings should be designed to be environmentally friendly
They should use less energy and produce less waste
Modern insulation can make houses more energy-efficient
Solar and wind power can be used to generate electricity
Rainwater and waste water can be recycled and used to flush toilets.
Modern glass buildings take advantage if natural light
1.It is more important for a building to serve its purposes than to look beautiful. Architects do not need to worry about whether it is a real work of art. Do you agree or disagree?
2.Some people believe that new buildings should be built in traditional styles. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
Money and Society
Society has become increasingly materialistic
People aspire to earn more money
They want a bigger house or a better car
We connect wealth and material possessions with happiness and success
Brands like “Armani” or ”Mercedes” are status symbols
Advertising creates new desires and needs
It persuades us to buy the latest styles
Positives of Consumerism
Consumerism creates employment
It helps to reduce poverty
It encourages innovation and creativity in business
We live in a global economy
We have a better quality of life
Negatives of Consumerism
Consumerist societies create more waste
They use more natural resources
They cause damage to the environment
Consumerism creates a “throw-away” culture
Advertisers tell us who we are and what we want
Wealth does not lead to happiness
Materialism causes greed and crime
We should return to traditional values like sharing
1.Economic progress is often used to measure a country's success. However, some people believe that other factors are more important. What other factors should also be considered when measuring a country's success? Do you think one factor is more important than others?
2.Some people believe that money is the most important factor for achieving happiness. However, others believe that happiness has nothing to do with money.
Do you agree or disagree?
3.Some people argue that it is more important to have an enjoyable job than to earn a lot of money. Others disagree and think that a good salary leads to a better life.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
