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第一个标准是切题(Task Achievement)。

此项评分标准检测的是考生是否恰当回答了写作要求的程度(degree to which the exam question has been answered properly).任务完成情况主要包括三个方面:内容(content)是否切题,立场(position)是否鲜明并得到有效阐释,结构(structure)是否有逻辑性。

很多考生对这个标准的理解其实停留在不跑题的层面,所以他们考完后都认为自己语法词汇俱佳,却不知道自己为什么分数不高。其实不然,考官要看到的作文不但紧扣主题,而且要论证充分。如果考生要证明的观点只有1-2个分论点,而且每个分论点的Supporting Details也不充分,肯定是很难拿高分的。



很多考生简单认为要多写逻辑连词就能做到衔接与连贯。其实这也是个片面的理解。没错,逻辑连词非常重要,但是,不是衔接与连贯的全部。很多考生过去追求逻辑连接而忽视了Contents本身,忽视了对最Powerful&Persuasive论证的选取。剑七的第171页一篇Band7的意思作文,考官的评语里就有:" There is some under-use of cohesive devices and some incorrect referencing, but links bet ween sentences and paragraphs can be clearly followed. " 上句发送我们一个信息,逻辑连接词的使用不足是问题,但是内容本身也不能出问题,所以写作要讲究形式也要注意本质。剑六的162也一篇7.5分的考生范文,考官评价道:"There are too many errors in cohesion, however, and some linkers are not always fully approximately",这也印证了考生往往会一不留神地形似而忘内容本身的错误。

第三个评分标准是:词汇资源(Lexical Resources)。

我们对雅思写作词汇有两个误解,一个上文已经提到,认为越大越好,殊不知浓缩的才是精华的。第二个误解是写作的选词越大越好,比如写贫穷,很多学生写 impoverishe

d 或者impecunious,他们认为出现频率越少的词汇分数越高。所以词汇量不到自然没有信心。其实不然,写作的词汇技巧在剑六剑七的考官评语中可以N次发现这个词--Paraphrase. 有时候写的是inadequacy of paragraph(剑七page166), 有时候写paraphrase is not always logical(剑七169). 其实这里面隐藏了一个潜规则。我们可以使用词性转换的方式,定语从句,后置定语改写的方式来同义替换而不是单单从近义词或者同义词这个层面。比如我们可以写 those who are in need 表示穷人,或者people living in poverty,或者 those who are financially incapable 都是很好的替换穷的表达。







第四个标准是语法结构的范围和准确性(Grammatical Range and Accuracy)。





我们发现考官的范文中常见语法中最多的是:并列句。这是一个出乎很多考生意料的结果,呵呵。比如剑七page168,小作文的一段就两句话共65个字。两句话都是并列句。In 1980 Australia used coal as the main electricity sources(50units) and the remainder was produced from natural gas, hydro power(each producing 20 units) and oil(which produced only 10 units). By 2000, coal had became the fuel for more than 75% of electri city produced and only hydro continued to be another significant sou rce supplying approximately 20%.




如果写到动物的保护问题时,可以说:Animals are not created for humans any more than women are created for men, black for white.

在写到政府是否该花钱来发展武器时,可以说:There is no doubt that the advancement of military technologies is one of the greatest dangers to all human rights, including the most basic right to life itself.

在写到环境的重要性时,可以说:All human beings have the fundamental right to an environment adequate for their health and well-being.


When someone turns 18, he or she should be tried as an adult because they have adult rights. Children, however, do not have the same rights as adults do. Then, if a five-year-old child killing someone has been sentenced the death penalty, the trial that determines whether or not someone should be tried as an adult are absurd.


Respect for property is no less important than respect for person. Indeed, respect for property is one species of respect for person. Property is the stuff of personal independence. It is, therefore, an economic foundation of freedom. A society in which respect for property diminishes is one in which freedom diminishes.



Nowadays young people are admiring media and sports stars, even though they do not set a good example. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?








There is no need to be overly preoccupied with the fantasy images of stars standing out from the rest on the screen, the stage and the playing field because celebrity worship is part of everyday life, particularly among adolescents. That young people are admiring media and sports celebrities is socially normal outside the academic and behavioral context. Accepting that it is good and natural to be young, then it is inevitable for young people to be obsessed with certain personalities as their ideal examples.

Psychologically speaking, a certain amount of star admiration is normal. When young, becoming fans of favorite stars is a form of escapism and a way to dull emotional pain and stress; so, emulating celebrities is a natural part of development to identify themselves with their icons. Even in adulthood, people rank successful individuals highly and model themselves after them. In a global media culture, the lifestyle promoted by stars is often unattainable to the average person, regardless of whether it is realistic or ideal. Hence, the point is that young people choose their models for reasons based on renowned excellence in a specific field rather than on scandals that happen sometimes. That is, it is to admire what is shining in famous people's career successes and not what happen to shadow their real lives.

Not unlike fashion, "star worship syndrome" is simply a social development, although there could be an unhealthy interest in the private lives of actors, actresses, pop singers, and sports players. Admiring celebrities may be as blind as falling in love, and just as normal. When it comes to immature and confused minds, love cannot be avoided, nor can admiration for heroes and heroines. Such star obsession has proliferated since the creation of the mass media and therefore it had better not be regarded as a moral issue. To believe that celebrity worship is a negative development only makes out-of-date moral sense, leading to nowhere. In this gossip world, to criticize celebrities for failing to deliver good examples all the time beyond their specialized fields calls for the need to stop, in the first place, the media outlets from reporting what gossip is made of.

Admiration for favorite stars does no harm to people, young or old; besides, star admiration cannot be avoided in this information age. Fortunately, most fans are able to learn to tell a realistic world from an ideal world during this period between no-longer children and not-yet adults, without having to refer to moral examples. Indeed, there is nothing wrong about young people seeking their idols by looking up at the shining stars in the fantasy world to which many young people naturally belong.


Dear Manager:

I am a reporter from the News Weekend. Because of the demand of my work, I often come to Beijing to do interviews. Your hotel is my favorite, because of the comfortable living conditions, and the considerate service, especially your excellent food.The restaurants in your hotel have many kinds of delicious food such as Chinese food, Japanese food, French food and so on. Among these delicious foods, I like the Beijing Toast Duck best, not only because of its Chinese characteristics but also its special taste for people from all over the world. So every time I come here I always choose this course.Furthermore, what impressed me most is the high quality service, it always makes me feel at home. Waiters and waitresses are so kind and warmhearted that they always earnestly recommend every new or special food of the restaurant. I will recommend your hotel and restaurant to my friends without any reservation and hesitation.

Hope your hotel and restaurant will be more prosperous in the future. Faithfully yours,

Will Smith









雅思写作误区大揭密 注意写作6大扣分项

