Somepeople think that it is necessary to travel abroad to learn about other countries. However, other people think that it is not necessary to travel abroad because all the information can be seen at TV and the Internet. Discuss both opinions and give your own opinion.
In many countries women are allowed to take maternity leave from their jobs during the first month after the birth of their baby. Does advantage outweigh disadvantages?
1.(To what extent) do you agree or disagree?
2.What is your opinion?
3.What do you think?
4.What are the advantages and disadvantages of sth?
5.What are the benefits and drawbacks of sth?
6.Discuss both sides and give your opinion。
考试中心统计数据表明,在每次考试中,大约80%的考生使用“对称式结构”,只有不到20%的考生使用“一边倒结构”。考官都是语言专家、写作专家,对出现此现象的原因,心知肚明。因此,使用“对称式结构”的文章,起评分为6分,而使用“一边倒结构” 的文章,起评分为6.5分
通过以上三轮PK,我们应该得出结论:“一边倒结构”和“对称式结构”各有利弊。“对称式结构”适用范围广,而且好写,但使用的人多。有些辩论型题目不能使用“一边倒结构”,而且难写,但“一边倒结构” 起评分高。
1. Recently the...has been brought into focus...Nowhere in history has the issue been more visible. In this essay, I aim to explore this complicated phenomenon from diverse perspectives, identify the relevant contributing factors and bring up some effective measures.
2. As far as I am concerned, an array of integrated factors contributes to the ...The first role that should be blamed is...Another equally important factor lies in... Last but not least...
3. As a matter of fact, ...gives rise to a host of problems, such as...Confronted with such a thorny issue, people come up with a variety of constructive countermeasures. Personally, the following are worth recommendation...
4. When everyone is fully aware of the severity and take feasible measures, I firmly believe...
1. NO invention has received more praises and abuses than cars... Now there is a growing awareness over traffic safety.
2. Although some people acclaim that... I am still prone to go along with the other side based on the following sound reasons...
3. To embark on it, it comes as the first problem that...
4. Should it remain unable to unfold my perspectives, it'll come as reinforcement that...
5. It is indisputable that nowhere in history has...been more visible. As far as I am concerned...
雅思写作高分技巧:“一边倒结构”写法 雅思写作是写四段式还是五段式?雅思写作哪种结构比较好?小编今天为大家介绍一种雅思写作高分技巧――“一边倒结构”写法,考生们可 以通过以下雅思写作范文,了解“一边倒结构”的具体写法。 辩论型雅思写作题目写法:一边倒结构
1、 雅思写作技巧之总体结构 一边倒写法的结构共分四段或五段: 开头段 理由段1 理由段2 (理由段3) 结尾段 如果只写两个理由段,就是四段; 如果写三个理由段,就是五段。
2、 雅思写作技巧之开头段 开头段一般写3-5句,它有以下三种写法:
第一种写法: (1句话介绍背景)+介绍双方观点+说出自己的观点(+引起下文 )
第二种写法: (1句话介绍背景)+介绍对方观点及其一到两个理由+说出自己的 观点(+引起下文)
第三种写法: 3句话左右介绍背景+说出自己的观点 开头段是使用模板式句型比较多的段落。其中:介绍双方观点、介 绍对方观点及其一到两个理由、说出自己的观点和引用双方下文,都可 以使用模板式句型。 注意:其中介绍背景部分,不要使用模板式句型。 听资深老师解析雅思写作技巧,雅思写作满分你也可以!
如下面就是一个同学开头段的第一句: In contemporary society, the human race is advancing at an unprecedented rate in a multitude of arenas. 下面是另一个同学开头段的第一句: Recently, the problem of smoking has been brought to such popular attention that governments at all levels place it on the agenda as the first matter. 下面是另一个同学开头段的前两句: Nowadays, it is universally accepted that the issue of crimes is increasingly serious. But at the same time , controversy has arisen over whether the media should report the details of crimes.
这三个开头段的第一句话或前两句话虽然使用了很多好词,但这样 的文章很可能得到5分甚至4分的低分。因为在文章的开始,目标太大 ,极易引起考官的反感,给你很低的分数。有的同学,使用了模板式句 型,分数较低,实际上就是这个原因。
3.雅思写作技巧之理由段 每个理由段的写法: 1句主题句+3句左右的支持句 其中每个理由段主题句前面的关联词,可以使用模板式句型。 第三个理由,有两种写法: 第一种方法:和前两个理由一样,直接说出理由。 第二种方法:反驳对方对自己的攻击。先用一句话,说出对方对自 己的攻击。然后用三记句左右反驳。
3、 雅思写作技巧之 结尾段 结尾段可以写1-5句,结尾段的通常写法: 重申观点(+重申理由)(提出建议或希望等) 其中重申观点,可以使用模板式句型。 下面,我们看一篇用一边倒结构写的一篇雅思写作范文。
真题解析→ 剑桥9真题解析及备考攻略(写作篇)
雅思写作范文: You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic: Some people propose that smoking should be banned. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. You should write at least 250 words. Sample Answer Smoking is a social problem we are trying to solve. Some people suggest that the government should ban smoking. They hold the opinion that smoking is detrimental to people’s health and it violates the rights and freedom of nonsmokers. However, in my opinion,smoking should not be banned. The reasons are presented below. The first reason that can be seen by every person is that tobacco is a wonderful commodity to tax..It contributes much to the goverment’s revenue. For example, the government of Britain collects enough from smokers to pay for its entire educational facilities. If smoking is banned, there will be a great drop in the government’s income. In addition, more serious social problems will arise, such as unemployment, beecause tabacco industry employs a lot of workers.Another factor that we must consider is that those who strongly approve of the ban lay too much emphasis on the rights of nonsmokers. They ignore smokers’ rights.Smoking is just a personal hobby and amusement. It is a kind of lifestyle. It is a stress reliever and can bring great pleasure to smokers. On the contrary, for smokers, nothing seems more diffcult and painful than giving up the habit. We must admit that smoking is harmful to people’s health,However,the harm that smoking brings to people’s health, However, the harm that smoking brings to people’s health is exaggerated.As long as we smoke in moderation, it will not cause great harm to our body, Take Mr.Churchill as an example. He both smoked and enjoyed a long life. From what has been discussed above.we may safely draw the conclusion that smoking should be banned. The tobacco industry makes a large contribution to the government’s economy. Smoking also brings smokers many psychological benefits. Moreover, there is no evidence showing the direct link between smoking and any fatal diseases.
考官评分:7 分析说明: 使用一边倒结构,写了五段。 第一段:采用第二种写法,第一句话介绍背景,然后介绍对方观点 (政府应该禁止吸烟)即其两个理由(吸烟危害健康而且侵犯非吸烟者 的权利和自由),然后说出自己的观点:不应该彻底禁止吸烟。后一 句话是引起下文。 第二段:第一个理由,吸烟在经济上贡献税收,增加就业。 第三段:第二个理由,吸烟会给吸烟者带来一些心理上的好处。 第四段:第三个理由,反驳对方,吸烟对身体的危害被夸大了,只 要适量,不会对身体造成很大伤害,然后举例子,丘吉尔先生又吸烟又 长寿。这个理由比较新颖,是本文的加分点之一。 第五段:先重申观点,然后重申理由。 在语言上,使用了很多好的词汇和句型,使用了一些模板式句型, 但也不是很多。
雅思大作文:old buildings cost numerous government's expenditure
雅思大作文题目:The restoration of old buildings in majorcities in the world costs numerous government's expenditure. This money shouldbe used in new housing and road development. Do you agree or disagree?
Give reasons for your answer and includeany relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
In contemporary society, most countriestend to allocate parts of budget for the renovation of old buildings while somecitizens advocate that this expenditure is supposed to be invested in theconstruction of new dwellings or road development. As far as I am concerned, Idisagree with the viewpoint hold by them.
The historical and cultural value of someold buildings is unparalleled and incomparable. If the authority fails toprotect those historical relics, it is a great loss for the preservation ofnational culture. In addition, the existence of old building strengthens peoples sense of identity. Unlike the high-rises and skyscrapers, which almost lookthe same all around the world, those architectural heritages withstood the testof time and display the unique architectural design of a region or period. What’ s more, every year, there are thousands of tourists both from home and abroadvisiting them and appreciating their irresistible glamour. There is no doubtthat the thriving tourism earns huge profits for local government andresidents.
Nonetheless, it must be admitted thatgovernment’s funding on the furnishing new residences and road development doesgenerate several benefits. For one thing, inhabitants have chances to live inhouses with a comfortable environment and reasonable layout. For another thing,more highways can be built to connect surrounding cities and suitable roadplanning can be implemented to satisfy the demands of public transportation. Inspite of theses, historical buildings deserve public funding for itsprotection; otherwise, parts of human civilization would vanish in the years tocome.
In conclusion, I firmly claim that it isthe obligation of government to focus on the restoration of old building asthey are symbols of traditional culture and reflect the history of a country.
