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新托福写作真题:Media and celebrities托福写作题目
Topic:Media and celebrities
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Television, newspapers, magazines, and other media pay too much attention to the personal lives of famous people such as public figures and celebrities. Use specific reasons and details to explain your opinion.
新托福写作真题:Media and celebrities解析
不能同意这个观点——因为这样的说法过于片面。有些媒体(大众传媒mass media)表现得过于关注名人。但是真正的起因(the real cause)却是大众(the public; the broad masses of the people)本身——大众过于关注名人以及名人的私生活。媒体不过是在迎合大众(cater to the needs of customers;过去几年里,电视一直迎合大众的口味。In the past several years, television has been playing to the gallery.),因为媒体也是商业机构(commercial organization),也要盈利(profit-driving)。不是所有媒体都在一味迎合大众,也不是所有的television program, newspaper column都在关注名人。
新托福写作真题:Media and celebrities范文
(1)媒体为了满足大众的好奇心(SATISFY THE CURIOSITY),所以过分注重公众人物的报道。比如说,名人的食品和生活方式等等。
In this global information age where newspapers or magazines are always handy and TV has already turned so many people into couch tomatoes, few people concern about what these mass media has brought to us; we just accept it anyway. While I think the current focus on personal lives of famous people by these media requires further consideration.
Admittedly, it is reasonable for those media to continuously pay great attention to celebrities, the present fierce competition of the various media, the hard-to-pleased audiences' taste, the bombastic effect of coverage of these shining figures. No surprise sometimes that we feel we just know more than those famous people than themselves.
However, the consequence of such intense coverage on public figures' personal lives not only violate those being focused on a certain level, but also do harm to us being informed in some ways. Firstly, the privacy of those celebrities is ineluctably encroached from time to time. Sometimes the result is sad - do not forget the tragedy of Princess Diana. Secondly, our attention is certainly being diverted by such tide of craziness about celebrities. What about those viewers who want to see something about ordinary people' lives? How can mass media not concern more about those people suffering from pain and poverty?
Furthermore, one of the significant results of the current fad on famous figures is that their behavior is so influential while at the same time the media have little guarantee to ensure what the say and do will not mislead the mass public and even cause more problems. For example, if a famous figure is being asked about his or her point of view in a field he or she is not quite acquainted, the words presented to the audience may be misleading. This is especially harmful to those young people who are more likely to watch those programs of their idols, and also are mostly vulnerable to influential but harmful sayings.
In a sense, I do not quite appreciate the coverage of people in the center of spotlight; maybe once the mass media turn a little bit from their current focus to other aspects of the society, they may find out that the world is wonderful all the same.
单句连单句 并列句 从句
第一种关联方式,叫“单句连单句”。大家可以简单的记成“单+单”。举个例子,“I love you. However, you do not love me.”,大家发现这两句话是用句号来结尾的,证明这两句话之间是彼此独立的,井水不犯河水的,但是出现了“however”,证明了这两句话在含义上是转折的关系。“单句连单句”这种连接方式,是一种比较松散的关系。就好像你和你的朋友之间的关系一样,你和你的朋友原来是陌生人,只不过在人群中多看了彼此一眼,确认过眼神,成为了好朋友。假设你们碰不上呢,可能还是陌生人。所以说这是第一种逻辑关系连接方式,叫单句连单句。
第二种呢,叫并列句。什么是并列句呢,在这注意理解,并不是指的是并列的这种逻辑关系,而指的是这两句话之间是平等的并列关系,大不了你也小不了我。举个例子,比如说,“I love you, but you do not love me.”,大家观察一下这句话,整个只有一个完整的句子,两个短句是靠逗号和but连接的,所以说这两句话之间的紧密程度要比那个单句连单句之间要密切一点。由于用but连接,证明这两句话间的逻辑关系依然是转折,这就相当于这两句话之间的关系是亲戚关系。比如说你和你的表弟是来自于同一个大家庭,就算你们俩之间的关系不好,是转折关系,但依然血浓于水。在并列句当中,大家需要记住一个单词,这个单词是几个单词的首字母构成的,这个单词是“FanBoys”。F代表for,for连接两个句子时意思是“因为”;A代表and,表示“和”;N代表nor,意思是“没有”、“也不”;B代表but,意思是“但是”;O代表or,意思是“或者”;Y代表yet,也是表示“但是”;S表示so,“所以”。“FanBoys”,大家记住这几个字母。所有的这些单词都是来连接并列句的,而这些单词之前都要出现逗号,也就是说这两句话要用“,+and”、“,+but”、“,+so”、“,+for”,用这种关系来把句子连接起来,这样才符合这种句法规范。所以这个叫“FanBoys”。
第三种逻辑关系,或者叫关联方式是从句,这里的从句主要指的是状语从句。比如说,“Although I love you,you do not love me.”,你会发现这句话跟前边两种方式所表达的含义基本一致,但是亲密程度不一样了。这里出现了从句,什么是从句呢,就是这两句话是互相依存的,我不能只有从句而没有主句,就像这句话我不能说成“Although I love you.”没了,我没有主句,这是不对的。这两句话之间的逻辑关系是转折关系,也就是说有“Although”证明它是转折关系,但是这两句话之间的密切程度是很密切的,这就相当于这两句话之间是父母和孩子这种关系,不可能一个孩子没有父母,同理也不可能一个从句没有主句。
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