其实有心人会发现,托福出题者本身也对三论点形式有所倾向。在写作的另一个部分——综合写作中,不论是其中的阅读还是听力,也必定提供三个理由,也就是三论点架构。由此可见,独立写作中套用三论点架构必是安全可取,甚至讨巧的结构。同时,在这三段的开头一定要有明显的连接词,如“first of all, in addition, moreover”等词来引出每一段,提示会有新的论点出现。这样的套语或是套句也都可以事先准备,每次套用。
所谓“普遍性”,就是题目涉及的内容大家都熟知,例如,曾经有这样一个题目:A/D:The telephone has greater effects on people than television.题目当中的television 和telephone都是大家熟知的事物,起码对于所有托福考生来说,大家都肯定是再熟悉不过的东西了,所以这样的事物出现在题目中,是具有公平性的;
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? To achieve successful development of a country,a government should spend more money on young children’s education(5-10) rather than on universities.
——the issue of how to invest in education
或者——the issue of educational investment
As is often the case, the issue of educational investment is so much concerned that it has aroused a wide discussion.
People varying in personalities as well as backgrounds tend to look at the same matter from diversified perspectives.
Some people maintain that investing in primary education is a wise/an optimum option, while others hold that investing in tertiary-level education is sensible/sagacious.
将两部分人的观点进行论述,目的在于通过可讨论性的体现,将题目转化成双方面的观点。之后要做的工作就是段落收尾了,收尾之前也需要进行适当的铺垫In taking various factors into consideration, 其中take…into consideration代表“考虑”之意,相当于consider something,之后,根据行文方式的不同选择不同的收尾方式,下面给大家两中选择:
——I reckon that elementary education and high-level education are intertwined elements that are playing respective roles in the process of one’s growth.
——I reckon that it is the latter/former claim that makes more sense/ bears more rationality.
In recent years /As is often the case, the issue of educational investment is so much concerned that it has aroused a wide discussion. People varying in personalities as well as backgrounds tend to look at the same matter from diversified perspectives. Some people maintain that investing in primary education is an optimum option, while others hold that investing in tertiary-level education is sensible. In taking various factors into consideration, I reckon that elementary education and high-level education are intertwined elements that are playing respective roles in the process of one’s growth.
(I reckon that it is the latter/former claim that makes more sense / bears more rationality.)
大家可以看到,在文中多次出现初级教育和高等教育的词组,但上文却采取了不同的表达方式,primary education对应于elementary education,tertiary-leveleducation相对应于high-level education。因此,向大家强调一点是,如果在一个段落,或者一篇文章中,我们不可避免的会遇到重复意思的表达,这时候,希望大家多多积累同近义词的短语和词组,用于文章当中将会显得语言更加丰富。
In your opinion, which one is better, to spend money on something that lasts for a long time, such as valuable jewelry, or spend your money on short term pleasure such as vacation?
As is often the case, the issue of money spending is so much concerned that it has aroused a wide discussion. People varying in personalities as well as backgrounds tend to look at the same matter from diversified perspectives. Some people maintain that spending on jewelry is a wise/ an optimum option, while others hold that spending on vacation is sensible/ sagacious. In taking various factors into consideration,I reckon that material life and spiritual enjoyment are intertwined elements that are playing respective roles in daily life.
第一种:开门见山式 【概括背景 + 引出话题 + 一类人观点 + 另一类人观点对比 + 个人观点】
5、个人观点:在相对立的两个立场中选择一个作为自己的观点(立场A / 立场B)
① (A/D) The main role of the university professor is to educate students rather than to do research.
(概括背景)A defining character of people is the degree to which they believe that higher education plays a crucial role in a country’s development. (引出话题)One indisputable fact is that university education is closely associated with professors. (一类人观点)Some people, especially parents, believe that professors should focus on educating students. (另一类人观点对比)However, others, professors themselves in particular, argue that they ought to pay more attention to their researches. (个人观点)From my perspective, the major obligation of university professors is to teach.
② (A/D) The advice from grandparents has no use for their grandchildren because the world changed a lot during the past 50 years.
(概括背景)A defining character of people is the degree to which they are always willing to refer to others’ advice and fit in. (引出话题)One indisputable fact is that valuable advice is closely associated with experienced people like parents and grandparents. (一类人观点)Some people, especially the old, believe that it’s beneficial to turn to grandparents.(另一类人观点对比)However, others, the young in particular, argue that due to the great development of the world, their grandparents’ suggestions are not useful any more. (个人观点)From my perspective, asking for help from one’s grandparents can be a really wise choice.
A defining character of people is the degree to which + 概括题目. One indisputable fact is that + 题目概括词 + is closely associated with 题目关键词. Some people, especially 具体的人, believe that + 一类人观点. However, others, 具体的人 in particular, argue that + 另一方观点. From my perspective, + 个人观点.
(NOTE:“the degree to which”在此处的功能相当于“that”,且其后所接句子的主语必须和前面的“people”一致)
第二种:娓娓道来式 【概括背景 + 引出话题 + 一类人观点 + 另一类人观点对比 + 争议句】
① (A/D) Movies and televisions have more negative effects than positive effects on young people’s behaviors.
(概括背景)A defining character of people is the degree to which they are always willing to pursue happiness. (引出话题)One indisputable fact is that one’s happiness is closely associated with daily entertainment, which can be easily offered by some technological products like movies and televisions.(一类人观点)Some people, especially the young, believe that movies and TV play a crucial role in helping them release stress.(另一类人观点对比)However, others, the parents in particular, argue that some films and TV programs have caused great negative effects on their children. (争议句)Therefore, when it comes to whether movies and televisions bring more positive or negative effects, people’s notions vary from one to another.
② (A/D) The main purpose for people who have jobs is for money rather than social status.
(概括背景)A defining character of people is the degree to which they are always willing to pursue a better life.(引出话题)One indisputable fact is that a quality live is closely associated with having a job.(一类人观点)Some people, especially the young, believe that their intention of working is to make enough money.(另一类人观点对比)However, others, old people in particular, argue that they work mainly for a high social position.(争议句)Therefore, when it comes to whether the major aim of working is for money or social position, people’s notions vary from one to another.
A defining character of people is the degree to which + 概括题目. One indisputable fact is that + 题目概括词 + is closely associated with 题目关键词. Some people, especially 具体的人, believe that + 一类人观点. However, others, 具体的人 in particular, argue that + 另一方观点. Therefore, when it comes to whether 转述题目, people’s notions vary from one to another.
(NOTE:“the degree to which”在此处的功能相当于“that”,且其后所接句子的主语必须和前面的“people”一致)
1. Q:一定需要三大段论点理由展开来证明开头观点吗?
A:No. 中间段可以有一个论点展开,也可以拿到满分。 同学们可以参看ETS的第三版 p202页的官方范文5分和4分赏析。
2. Q: 独立写作中间段的结构是什么?
A: 论点Main point Sentence+论据Details. 尽量不要突兀地写for example, 需要指明例子之前的论点句。
3. Q: 怎么展开一个中间段落才能做到评分标准5分要求呢?
A: 其实有很多方法将论点展开Details, 比如: 我强化班会重点介绍的几种: Specific personal example 少而精; General example 多而简; compare& contrast对比反差; Study &Survey 调查数据; Famous people权威名人; Quotation名言谚语; 等。
4. Q: 以上是不是每种方法都要在独立写作中间段用上?
A: 这几种方法都是平行关系, 可以挑选一种方法即可展开一个论点句。 当然, 也可以挑选其中两三种方法使得一个段落展开地非常细致。
5. Q: 独立写作是不是中间段字数越多越好?
A: 展开的Details的语言部分非常重要, 比如由电脑自动评分E-rater主要评判Grammar, Usage, Style, lexical complexity等方面。
6. Q: 独立写作的中间段是不是一定需要所谓的 “辨证式/反证式/让步式” 写法?
A: 有这种辩证式思路文章会写得更全面, 但是这不是必要的。 因为ETS的官方指南和评分标准告诉大家: 托福写作考的并不是该同学对一个观点分析有多么深刻, 主要是语言的表达和内容的清晰。
