I often think how lucky we are to live in an age where sharing our thoughts can be so immediate and wide-reaching, thanks to the Internet.
I was whipping up my latest post on the Tao Project, just a simple few hundred word post and then hit the preview button. My article pops up where only a short while prior, it existed only in the ethers, in the Universal Intelligence, in some deep part of my sub-conscious, in my soul.
Whatever you choose to believe, it at one moment did not exist on this material plane and now it does.
It is so simple, yet profound.更多信息请访问:http://www.24en.com/
It really is a miracle that is part of our toolkit, that we can use to manifest anything we can conceive at any time.
From the painting in your mind’s eye, the song that sings only in your ears, the "I Love You" in your heart, to the drastic or subtle life changes that are currently only in your day-dreams, it is incomprehensible to me where we lost our path, where we stopped noticing the many moments of creation available to us, the simple miracles of everyday life.
We are all (yes, all of us) at many points in time, subjugator and subservient to the many distractions and noise around us. We follow a path that really isn't true to our hearts for most of our waking lives. If you aren't sure whether you are subject to this as well, the basic question to ask yourself is:
Are you happy?
I mean really happy? Full of joy and passion everyday? Being honest with myself, I'm not there yet. Still on this path, which is just fine. I know it's a journey. I know it's a marathon.
But these moments where I get to do the thing that ignites my passion, where I get to write and teach and share, they are the reminders of the control I have in creating life, in practicing Living Deliberately.
It's the manifestation of love.
I really hope that everybody has these moments and if you don’t that you’re at least searching for that thing that ignites you.
Because it's there. It's there for you to find. It's right inside of you and has been all along.
Pretty freakin' awesome, huh?
Rack and pinion steering齿条小齿轮转向
Radial tire 辐射轮胎
Radiator 水箱
Radiator cap 水箱盖
Radiator overflow hose水箱溢水管
Radiator pressure cap 压力式水箱盖
Rear axle 后轴
Rear axle housing后轴壳
Rear suspension 后悬吊
Rear-wheel drive 后轮驱动
Rear oil seal 后油封
Rebored 搪缸
Reciprocating-piston engine 往复活塞式引擎
Relay 继电器
Relief valve 释放阀
Reservoir 储油池
Resistor by-pass 外电阻旁通路
Return spring 回拉弹簧
Rib 肋骨
Ring gap 活塞环开口间隙
Ring gear 环形齿轮
Ring groove 活塞环槽
Ring land 活塞环岸
Road test 负荷测试
Rocker arm 摇臂
Rocker arm assembly 摇臂总成
Rocter arm shaft 摇臂轴
Rod big end 连杆大端
Rod small end 连杆小端
Roller-cell pump 滚柱式汽油泵
Rollover vent valve 摇晃止回阀
Rotor 分火头
Rubber bushing 橡皮垫圈
Rubber ring 橡皮水封
Screw 螺丝
Screw driver 螺丝起子
Screwed gear 螺旋状齿轮
Second-air injection system 二次空气喷射系统
Second-air pump 二次空气泵
Secondary air 二次空气
Secondary circuit 高压电路
Secondary intake valve 次进汽门
Second compression ring 第二道压缩环
Semifloating pin 半浮式活塞销
Sensor 感知器
Sensor bracket 感知器架
Service rating服务等级
Servo 伺服
Shift lever 变档杆
Shim 填隙片
Shock absorber 避震器
Skirt 活塞裙
Sliding plug 滑动柱塞
Slip joint 滑动接头
Slow warm-up 暖车速度太慢
Sludge 油泥
Snap ring 扣环
SOHC 单项上凸轮轴式
Soldering 焊接
Spark-advance control systems 点火提前控制系统
Spark-advance mechanism 点火提前机构
Spark-control computer 点火控制计算机
Spark-ignition engine 火花点火引擎
Spark plug 火星塞
Spark-lug gap 火星塞间隙
Spark-timing mark 点火正时记号
Speed 速率
Spider 十字接头
Spring nut 弹簧螺帽
Spring pad 弹簧衬垫
Spring retainer 汽门弹簧座
Sprocket 炼轮
Stabilizer 平稳杆
Stabilizer bar 平衡杆
Stall test 失速测试
Starter relay 起动马达继电器
Starting motor 起动马达
Steel net 钢丝滤网
Steering-axis inclination 转向轴倾斜角
Steering gear 转向柱
Steering linkage 转向连杆
Steering systems 转向系统
Steering wheel 方向盘
Steam engine 蒸汽引擎
Strainer 滤网
Stratified charge 层状进汽
Stroke 行程
Stud 螺栓
Suspension systems 悬吊系统
S/V ratio 表面积与容积比
Synchronizer 同步器
