To create this list and others like it, each year, we at Great Place to Work survey millions of employees in more than 50 countries to glean their insights on what makes them love the work they do, and to learn how their employers have created an exemplary work environment. We also conduct a culture audit to review each company’s benefits and people programs, such as health insurance, training and development, compensation, paid time off, retirement plans, and philanthropic efforts. For a company to be one of the best, we ensure that it must be a Great Place to Work for All—that every demographic group in an organization has consistently high scores on our survey.
为了编制这份榜单和类似的其他榜单,我们卓越职场研究所(Great Place to Work)每年要调查来自50多个国家的几百万名员工,了解是什么让他们热爱自己的工作,雇主又是如何营造堪称典范的工作环境。我们还会开展文化审查,研究各家公司的福利和人文关怀项目,例如健康保险、培训和发展、奖金、带薪休假、退休计划和慈善事业等。我们要确保那些上榜公司对所有人而言都是卓越职场,机构中的任何群体在我们的调查中都愿意给出高分。
Since 1998, we’ve partnered with Fortune to compile its annual list of the 100 Best Companies to Work For. Over the past two decades, this has amounted to a trove of data on what employees experience when their company is a Great Place to Work for All—and how leaders can build one. We have learned great workplaces are not created through a particular set of benefits that are unique to a particular industry, limited to public or private organizations, or the advantages of large or small organizations. Instead, universally, a Great Place to Work for All is one where employees trust the people they work with, have pride in the work they do, and enjoy the people they work with.
When we started our research more than 20 years ago, our goal was to understand and celebrate what type of work experience was considered “great” by employees. In the process of that analysis, we discovered something even more powerful. The same qualities employees report make a great workplace—trust, pride, and camaraderie—also fuel business performance. Our research shows that the publicly-held companies that appear on the Fortune 100 Best Companies list have delivered stock market returns two to three times greater than major stock indices. Compared to their competitors, great workplaces win when it comes to revenue growth, employee retention, productivity, innovation, resilience, agility, customer service, employee engagement, and more
防风林 wind breaks
防沙林 sand breaks
速生林 fast-growing trees
降低资源消耗率 slow down the rate of resource degradation
开发可再生资源 develop renewable resources
环保产品 environment-friendly products
美化环境 landscaping design for environmental purposes
环境恶化 environmental degradation
《京都议定书》Kyoto Protocol
大功率电器 high-power electrical appliance
一次性筷子 disposable chopstick
污水治理 sewage treatment
可再生能源 renewable energy
绿色“生物燃料” biofuel
绿领工人 green-collar worker
碳减排 carbon emission reduction
碳浓度 carbon intensity
绿色信贷 Green Credit
碳税 carbon tax
碳足迹 carbon footprint
碳减排 carbon emission reduction
全球变暖 global warming
馏出燃料 distillate fuel
地热 ground-source heat
液化天然气 liquefied natural gas
可燃冰 flammable ice
碳排放与交易 Cap and trade
自然保护区 nature reserve
生态旅游 ecotourism
全面禁烟 carpet smoking ban
再生水 recycled water
可再生能源 renewable energy
酸雨、越境空气污染 acid rain and transboundary air pollution
工业粉尘排放 industrial dust discharge
烟尘排放 soot emissions
矿物燃料(煤、石油、天然气) fossil fuels: coal, oil, and natural gas
清洁能源 clean energy
汽车尾气排放 motor vehicle exhaust
