第一句: 描述背景 There are various different opinions on the subject of …
替换句型: there are widely differing views on the issue of whether …or not .
The issue of whether …or not is certainly a contentious one .
The past 20 years have seen a dramatic increase in …
The past 20 years have seen a considerable increase in …
These days , it seems that …
第二句: 引入话题 while some people might suggest that …,
替换句型:1. while some still hold to the view that …
2. this raises certain question about …
3. Despite the arguments of some people that …
第三句: 表达观点 I personally believe that …
替换句型:1. In this essay , I intend to argue that …
2. I would argue that the overall impact of …has in fact been negative / positive . Two of the primary drawbacks associated with this trend are as follows .
3. Although there are valid arguments to the contrary , in this paper I will argue that
4. It is my believe that …
5. Personally I do not agree with this opinion , for the following reasons
6. However , I am not a believer in the argument that …
7. I disagree with this point of view for the following reasons
第一句: Firstly, obvious is a sight that …
替换句型:1. first of all , it is indisputable fact that …
2. first of all , it is an undeniable fact that …
3. it is an irrefutable fact that …
4. it is vitally important that …
5. one point which I believe to be absolutely pivotal is the fact that …
6. it is vital that …
第二句: This is because …
第三句: for example …
替换句型: This is particularly so given the fact that …
1. 从经济方面,contribute much to government revenue,如果baned ,则会导致unemployment
2. 从权利方面,Smoking just a hobby and amusement, 人们有权选择自己的 lifestyle
3. 从健康方面,必须承认抽闲是detrimental to health,但是the harm is exaggerated.如果控制每天的吸烟量,不会对健康造成devastating problem. 而且还有relieve stress 和 calm down.历史上有一些伟人吸烟,毛泽东,邓小平,他们仍然enjoy long life expectancy.
1. On the positive side,
(1) make life faster, easier and safer (2) the world is becoming smaller and closer, trains cars plains make possible to travel to distant places (3)modern communication tools,使人们更好的交流,与任何地方的人交流,特别使促进了business的发展(4)longer life expectancy由于progress of medical science (5)电影电视made life enjoyable and colorful (6)计算机和Internet get information easier, make friends, business, tele-education
2. On the negative side, (1)机器的使用造成unemployment(2)电话和互联网的使用alienate people from their friends 因为lack adequate face-to-face communication. (3)Children 缺乏essential interpersonal skills.Those who indulge in … often feel isolated and being cut off from the outside world, they tend to be more introverted, self-centered and with drawn.
1. Used as a chief means of deciding whether a student succeeds or fail in a subject
2. 不能evaluate one’s true ability.只是测试memory or the skill of working rapidly under pressure.
高分does not mean possessing creativity in dealing various problems
3. Encourage bad study habits, emphasis on memorizing 考试内容 rather than to think。考试前非常用功,但是考试后forget all the information
4. lower the standards of teaching, deprive teachers of freedom. Teacher are judge by the examination results of students, 老师只顾教了考试技巧。
5. 考试是可以作为评判学生的一个依据,但是不能是唯一evaluation.
