每一个季度换一次,其中每个换题季的第一个月和最后一个月相对不稳定,所以你要最近考试的话,最佳时间是10月和11月。每一系大规模的换题大概是淘汰 30% 到 40% 的题目,然后会维持相对稳定。但这并不意味着在一个换题周期中每个月的题目都是绝对不变的,每个月的题目还是会稍微有所变化。相当于是保持6到7成的旧题,考生们很有可能会碰到旧题的,这也是雅思机经的价值所在。但是口语题目万变不离其宗,但是如果备考时间还比较充裕,建议还是从话题分类入手,把人事地物这几个基本大类准备好,把基本的词汇、句式掌握好,灵活应用到各类其他话题中。
The government should control the amount of violence in films and on television in order to decrease the violent crimes in society. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this issue?
Nowadays, many people argue that the government should control the amount of violence in films and on television, in order to reduce social crimes. In my view, this assertion is partially wise, and my reasons would be explored as below.
Admittedly, there are many good reasons for controlling the amount of violence in films and on television. First, violent films and television are mental poisons for the audience It is because they contains numerous of erotic, corrupt and provoking episode, with long exposure to which, viewers might become aggressive and eccentric. In addition, violence contents set negative role models for young viewers, especially the youth. Activities like fighting, shooting or killing done by movie stars send teenagers a wrong message that violence is an effective or even essential solution to all troubles. Therefore, these youngsters with immature minds begin to admire violence and disrespect social rules, which leads to the increasing of the juvenile delinquents. According to the analysis above, it is clear that the measure of limiting violent information on media should be encouraged, for the reason that it can directly cut off the access to those illegal and evil behaviors and thoughts, thus keeping people from imitating them.
Advocates claim that the practice of controlling the amount of violence in mass media is a brazen violation of the people's basic right to know the truth of the world. For example, some films contain some violence, but they reflect the things happened around us. Rather than producing negative effects on audience, to some extent, these films educate them. Furthermore, violence in films or on television programs cultivates people's senses of crisis and responsibility, which makes ordinary people and police work better for public security. Consequently, it is irresponsible and foolish to blame the media for violence in our society.
As far as I am concern, I strongly believe that the amount of violence in films and TV should be controlled. At the same time, we cannot deny the advantages brought by them. And the best policy is to develop the merits of the violent films and television, while grading and filtering them.
(353 words)
If the product is of good quality and meets people’s needs, people will buy it. Therefore, advertising is unnecessary and is no more than a type of entertainment. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
1. 娱乐功能:在指导人们购物上,广告的作用正在衰退。举例,人们更喜欢通过互联网的帖子和测评信息来选择商品。
2. 销售功能:广告帮助人们有效地了解和对比产品。举例,通过广告中对于相关产品的参数,功能,和总体性能的描述,客户能了解到该产品的特点和价值,并对于产品的好坏做出判断。
3. 刺激销售:广告能勾起观众的购买欲。举例,一个精美的广告往往能让用户重复购买他们不需要的东西,如奢侈品广告。
What is the root function of an advertisement in media? Some people believe it is just for entertaining viewers and it has nothing to do with products selling. Personally, I hold an opposed view that advertising is still the main way of stimulating the consumption of common goods, and my reasons will be explored as below.
Admittedly, Advertisements today have less influence on the public to purchase commodities, because now there are diverse information accesses to understand a product. For example, on an age of Internet, people with desires of purchasing goods, especially the youngsters, prefer reading the professional articles of forums or assessment websites collecting comments and feedbacks from consumers, or listening to the advices from the face-to-face communication with friends and peers. In their eyes, the description of a certain product on an advertisement is unpractical, unobjective and unconvincing. Therefore, advertisements—such as posters in billboards and Videos in TV screens—are viewed as the amusement by which the audience’s stress and worries in minds can be relieved.
However, I strongly believe this assertion underestimate advertisement functions in day-to-day life. Firstly, by what way can a customer be sure of whether a product is really good or needed? The answer is definitely the advertisement. For example, today cell phones of different bands have a high similarity in their appearances and shapes, and it is a big challenge for customers to pick put the right one. So there is a necessity for adverting, which can clearly presents the inner components, parameters and unique features of a cell phone. By reading the detailed information, customers can easily distinguish one product from others, and make a proper judgment of which one is the best or most satisfying for them.
The second reason against this assertion is that advertisements can encourage viewers to buy items they do not need. For example, typical slogans on advertisements like “special discount”, “limited time offer” and “buy one get one free”, are overwhelming temptations. They manipulate brains of customers, driving them to purchase these bargains, with no concern of whether the products are really essential or not.
All in all, this assertion is basically problematic. Although the influence of advertisements is declining, they are still irreplaceable, in terms of their great contributions on instructing people to compare and select high-quality products, as well as sparking the desire of customers to do more shopping.
(409 words)
Some people think news have no connection to people’s lives, so then it is a waste of time to read the news in the newspaper and watch television news programs. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
1. 完全不同意嘛!首先,报纸怎么可能和日常生活无关?事实正好倒过来,报纸的新闻反映出的就是我们每天生活的点滴改变。举例,城市的都市日报讲的全是和老百姓衣食住行相关的话题,比如说哪里修路,哪家超市搞促销等等,这让老百姓能合理地安排自己的出行计划。
2. 第二,通过观看那些电视上的新闻更新,如天气预报,以及关于流行病和地震的警报,人们能及时地做出反应来避免灾害。
3. 第三,这些媒体能提供很多日常生活知识。举例,做饭,卫生知识,健康保健,法律条文等等,这能给老百姓的生活提供实际指导。
4. 第四,看报纸是一种娱乐。举例,阅读那些报纸上的小故事,或是思考字谜题,都能让读者获得一种精神上的放松和开心。
Nowadays, there is an argument that reading mass media is a waste of time, because they have nothing to do with daily life. In my view, this assertion is ridiculous, because it fails to find out practical values of mass media in our lives. My reasons will be explored as below.
Firstly, the assertion of “no connection between news and people’s lives” is problematic, because it is opposite to the truth. Today, the majority of newspapers and TV channels are regional media, and all they reflect and respond are closely related to day-to-day life among people. They typical example is a kind of newspaper named City daily, which features focusing on every detail of a certain urban area, such as the implementation of new social rules, the rebuilding of transportation infrastructures, the discount time of malls, the schedule of exhibitions in museums and theatres, and even the price fluctuation of local food market. By reading the news happening around, urbanites can gain useful suggestions and instructions for making proper decisions about their outdoor travelling, shopping, and leisure activities every day. Moreover, forecasts and social-crime reports from these media play a key role as a reminder, which keeps audiences from the uncertainty and dangers. What is more, common knowledge and tips of life presented in newspaper, from cooking to gardening, from children caring to money planning, teach readers with practical experience and skills, which helps to keep their lives in good trim.
Another problem of this assertion is that it underestimates the contributions these media make to the mental health of the public. Generally speaking, in an age full of fierce competition and stress, reading newspaper is an ideal way by which the audience can relax their minds, no matter whether the contents in newspaper are useful or not. For example, by taking a glance at the words on newspaper that has no practicality at all, such as stories of historic events and people, tidbits about movie and sports stars, as well as introductions of academic knowledge about science and arts, readers can lift themselves up from the pressure, worries and anxiety. Therefore, mass media well serves a positive purpose of entertainment which improves emotional stability and well-being of the public.
Overall, I believe this assertion of denying the importance of mass media makes no sense. The truth is, newspaper and TV programs have been proven greatly meaningful and valuable in the public’s convenience, safety and entertainment.
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