1. in + 月/ 年
2. between … and …
3. from … to …
4. over the period from … to …
5. in the year between … and …
6. in the 3 years spanning from 2001 through 2004
7. for the first 3 months
8. for/ during/ over the next / following 6 months
9. for/ during/ over / in a period of 4 months
10. for/ during/ over / in a 4- month period
11. over/ for / during the same period
12. from then on / from this time/ point onwards / since then
13. by the year of …
after / before + 年/ 月
英式英语一般先写日期后写月份。日期数字后的序列符号,比如1st/ 2nd / 3rd/ 4th不是必须要。月份前的介词of通常略去不写。年份前可以加逗号,但是现在英国人大部分时候都不加。
英式英语中,下面这种写法,括号中的部分有或没有都是正确的。1(st) (of) August(,) 2016
美式英语中,下面这种写法,括号中的部分有或没有都是正确的。August (the) 1(st), 2016
你也可以完全只用数字来表达日期,比如2016年8月1日可以表达为1/8/(20)16 或1-8-(20)16
为了避免误会,最好用月份的英文或缩写来替代数字,1/8/16就变成了 1/August/16或1/Aug/16。
1. which format to use is a question of formality, politeness and personal choice. 日期格式的应用基于很多方面,比如正式/正式,礼貌以及个人选择。
2. Generally, the longer formats, such as B or C, are more polite (since they show more respect for the reader). 总的来说,越长的格式,比如说上面表格中的B或者C,这个写法会更加礼貌。
3. Shorter formats, such as D or E, are used in less formal situations, for example a memo, a letter between friends.短一些的格式,比如说D或者E,会更多用于没有那么正式的场合,比如说写备忘录,朋友之间写信。
4. Format F is rather official and is typically seen on an invoice or an official or technical document. 格式F会相对更加正式一点,比如发票或者技术性的文件。
5. Format A is extremely formal and mainly used on printed items, for example a wedding invitation. 格式A是非常正式的写法,主要用于打印出来的东西上,比如说一个婚礼的邀请函。
Topic:Some people prefer to spend their lives doing the same things and avoding change. Others, however, think that change is always a good thing.Discuss both these view and give your own opinion.
Over the last half century the pace of change in the life of human beings has increased beyond our wildest expectations. This has been driven by technological and scientific breackthroughs that are changing the whole way we view the world on almost daily basis. This means that change is not always a personal option, but an inescapable fact of life, and we need to constantly adapt to keep pace to it.
Those people who believe they have achieved some security by doing the same, familiar things are living in denial. Even when people believe they are resisting change themselves, they cannot stop the world around them from changing. Sooner or later they will find that the familiar jobs no longer exist, or that the 'safe' patterns of of behavior are no longer appropriate.
However, reaching the conclusion that change is evitable is not the same as assuming that change is always for the better. Unfortunately, it is not always the case that new things are prompted because they habe good impacts for the majority of people. A lot of innovations are made with the aim of making money for a few. This is because it is the rich and powerful peple in our society who are able to impose changes (such as in working conditions or property developments) that are in their interests.
In conclusion, I would say that change can be stinulating and ebergizing for individuals when they pursue it themselves, but that all change, including which is imposed on people, does not necessarily have good outcomes.
In some societies, fashion become more and more important in choosing clothes,Why?do you think it is positive development or negative development?
问了两个问题,首先问why,现在人们买衣服purchase clothes,挑衣服try on clothes越来越讲时尚vague/fashion,或者说越来越讲牌子brand,讲漂亮fascinating/exquisite,讲个性show one's character。那是由生活水平逐年提高有关!it has been associated with increasing living standard and quality! 在过去in the past,人们只能够关注是否穿暖people usually concern about whether clothes may keep them warm,是否能否维持基本的生活需求and whether they can sustain fundamental living demands. 在这样的情况下,他们根本不可能把重心放在样式,做工上面。under this circumstance, it is impossible to concentrate on style and texture of clothes.然而,现今,经济的发展不但给我们带来的是广阔生动的世界,而且还解放了人们的思想,追求美好的事物。however, nowadays, the development of economy not only has brought about more vivid world but has liberated people's thoughts, pursuing marvelous target.
其次,现代媒体的发展也推动了商品的个性化。besides, modern media also propelled characterization of goods.并且通过各种各样的广告把好的创意和设计推广出去,媒体可以使人们保持对时尚的最新情况的关注并对此产生兴趣。and after promoting excellent innovation and design by advertisement, media can make consumers keep informed of this fashion and show their interest in it.
追求好的款式和时尚在很大程度上都是一件好事。choosing clothes with fashion is of great benefit for us to large extent.人们可以以此来表明自己的心情、个性。so people can show their moods and characters with this fashion. 并且不同年龄层的人群有不同的追求。also, people of different ages have their own favorite.这又促进了商品的发展。但是,对于青少年而言,不因由于过多的关注衣服的时尚而产生一些不良的现象。而应该把更多精力放在学习上。
but,it is inadvisable for teenagers to over-concern about vague of clothes. anyway, choosing clothes is a wise fashion which we advocate.
