You have only a half hour in which to complete your work, You should use your time more or less as shown below::
Reading and thinking about the topic 2-3 minutes
Planning and taking notes 2-3 minutes
Writing the essay approximately 20 minutes~
Checking the essay 3-5 minutes
You must write on the topic exactly as it is given。
Before you begin to write, spend a minute or two “brainstorming。” Think about the topic and the best way to approach ti。
You don’t have to write out a formal outline with Roman numerals, capital letters, and so on. However, you should make some notes. By following your notes, you can organize your essay before you write, leaving you free to concentrate on the task of writing。
Handwriting that is hard to read may unconsciously prejudice the readers who are grading you essay. Be sure your handwriting is not too small or too large。
All TWE essay should consist of three basic parts:
An introductory paragraph
An body: consists of two or three paragraphs。
A concluding paragraph
Whenever you make a general statement, you should support it with specific examples。
Signal words can be used to join paragraph to paragraph and sentence to sentence。
Good writing in English consists of a more or less equal balance between short, simple sentences consisting of only one clause and longer sentences containing two or more clauses. Therefore, make an effort to use sentences of various lengths。
Don’t cross out long sections or try to add a lot of new material. Look for obvious errors in punctuation, spelling, and capitalization as well as common grammatical mistakes。
1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
2. Which opinion do you prefer?
三选一:Which contributes the most to an enjoyable vacation? Good food, good location, good friends to travel with?
判断一道题是否属于“二/三选一型”,可以看题目中是否包含下列词汇:agree or disagree, prefer, which is better, recommend等。
Money is the most important aspect in a job.
Competition between friends always has a negative effect on their friendship.
It is better to take a secure job with a low pay than to take a job with a high pay but is easy to lose.
Students should not take part‐time jobs while they are studying in the university.
所谓隐藏all类的题目就是并没有给出那么显眼的标志词,比如最高级,比较级,频率词等。但是它通常会给出情态动词,比如should 或者can,这种时候我们就要注意题目很可能就是隐藏all的题目。
It is much easier for people to achieve success without their family members’ help now than in the past.
可以看出这类题目最突出的就是now 和in the past这种表示时间的词
Do you agree or disagree with following statement: all school teachers should be required to take courses every five years to update their knowledge.
Do you agree or disagree with following statement: only movies that can teach us something about real life are worth.
Do you agree or disagree with following statement: in modern times, grandparents cannot give their grandchildren useful advice because the world of today are too different than it was in the past.
Do you agree or disagree with following statement: nowadays advertisements are more honest than they were in the past.
开头段主要用以下几种方法来组织,即背景法 (Background),争议法(Controversy),提问法(Question),故事法(Story)和引言法(Quotation)。以背景法为例,背景法一般会提出一种普遍的或值得关注的现象作为背景,或者是由远到近、由大到小地谈论紧扣论题的社会观点作为背景。
以2007年8月11日的独立写作试题为例:Technology makes people's lives more complicated. 题目涉及到了现今社会比较热门的话题——科技。这样,我们就可以以这种社会比较关注的现象作为我们作文的开头背景。因此这个题目的首段就可以这样开始:Technology has had tremendous impacts on every aspect of modern life. However, people are having conflicting opinions about whether it has made people's lives more complicated or not. I believe technology has by and large made our lives more convenient。第一句话就紧贴社会的背景,这样写不但很容易打开考生自己的思路,抓住作文的焦点,还能引起考官的共鸣。
中间段落的文章结构通常如下:Transitional words + topic sentence + development。如果考生在平时能熟练运用这样的一个结构来展开作文,那么考场上就会凭借这份思维定势来帮助自己抓住每一分。
中间三个段落都可以套用这种模式。Transitional words主要有以下三种,即表顺序:firstly, secondly, finally (last but not least);表并列:besides, in addition;表对比:in contrast, in comparison。这些衔接词会让文章看起来脉络清晰,组织严密,也就做到了评分标准中的"well-organized"一条。
托福写作词汇each VS every
1. each + singular
Each is a determiner. We use it before a singular noun.
each + singular noun
Each new day is different. (NOT Each new days…)
I enjoy each moment.
The same determiners are “every, either and neither”
真题例句:http://bbs.taisha.org/viewthread ... ge=1&highlight=
2. each of
We use each of before a pronoun or a determiner (for example the, my, these). The pronoun or noun is plural.
each of us/you/them
each of + determiner + plural noun
Each of us sees the world differently.
I write to each of my children once a week.
3. each in mid-position
When each refers to the subject, it can go with a verb in mid-position, like all, both and some adverbs. In this case plural nouns, pronouns and verbs are used.
auxiliary verb + each
are/were + each
They have each been told.
We can each apply for our own membership card.
You are each right in a different way.
each + other verb
We each think the same.
The plans each have certain advantages and disadvantages.
4.position with object
Each can follow an object (direct or indirect) as part of a longer structure.
I want them each to be happy.
She kissed them each on the forehead.
I bought the girls each an ice-cream.
She sent them each a present.
(BUT NOT I helped them each OR I wrote to them each.)
5.one each etc
Each can follow a noun object in sentences that say how much/many of something each person gets.
They got , 000 each when their mother died.
I bought the girls two ice-creams each.
A similar structure is used in giving prices.
They cost .50 each.
6. each without a noun
We can drop a noun and use each alone, if the noun has already been mentioned, but each one or each of them is more common in an informal style. Note that a following verb is normally singular.
I’ve got five brothers, and each (one/of them) is quite different from the others.
When a pronoun or possessive is used later in a clause to refer back to each + noun/pronoun, the later word can be singular (more formal) or plural (less formal)
Each girl wore what she liked best. (more formal)
Each student wore what they liked best. (less formal, “they” is wrong in ETS’s eyes.)
Each of them explained it in his/her/their own way. (“their” is wrong in ETS’s eyes)
二.Each and every: the difference
1.Each with two or more; every with three or more
Each and every are both normally used with singular nouns. Each can be used to talk about two or more people or things; every is normally used to talk about three or more.
The business makes less money each/every year. (NOT….each/every years.)
She had a child holding on to each hand. (NOT…every hand.)
Note Every (which is normally used with singular nouns) can be used before plural expressions in measurements of frequency. For example: every two years, every tree steps.
I go to Hong Kong every six weeks.
2. difference of meaning
In many cases, both each and every can be used without much difference of meaning.
You look more beautiful each/every time I see you.
But we prefer each when we are thinking of people or things separately, one at a time. And every is more common when are thinking of people or things together, in a group. (Every is closer to all.) Compare:
Each person in turn went to see the doctor.
He gave every patient the same medicine.
We do not use each with words and expressions like almost, practically, nearly or without exception, which stress the idea of a whole group.
She’s lost nearly every friend she had. (NOT…nearly each friend…)
0208-36: Almost (every) the hereditary (material) of (an individual) organism resides (in the) chromosomes.
The correct answer is: every -----> all.
It\'s for sure that “every” is wrong in the sentence, but if “every” ------> "each of", “ almost each of the…” is still wrong.
三. Each other and one another
1.no difference
In modern English, most people normally use each other and one another in the same way. Perhaps one another is preferred (like one) when we are making very general statements, and not talking about particular people. Compare:
They sat for two hours without talking to each other/one another.
The translation of ‘se parler’ is ‘to talk to one another’. (More natural than…to talk to each other.)
2.each other’s / one another’s
Both expressions have possessive forms.
They’ll sit for hours looking into each other’s / one another’s eyes.
3.–selves and each other/one another
Note the difference between –selves and each other/one another. Compare:
They talk to themselves a lot. (Each of them talks to himself/herself.)
They talk to each other a lot. (Each talks to the other.)
4. words used without each other
Note that we do not usually use each other after meet, marry and similar.
They met in 2001.
They married in 2001.
Their interests are very similar.
