A、领导式 Bossy Style
Reducing class size is not just a matter of relieving(减轻)pressure. It will enhance what a student learns and even the person they learn it from can learn from this process. (The End)
In conclusion, university education should not be made free. I believe in that because the colleges need the money to make them better. If the universities are free, taxes will be raised and people will have to pay for things they might not use.
比如Princeton Review中的这个结尾段,就是典型的mogul style:
In conclusion, I have shown that it's better for teachers to encourage their students to question things. Without curiosity there can be no education.
B、家长式 Tender-loving-care Style
For those reasons, we can safely conclude that classmates are too important a factor to ignore and they have more important influence than teachers on students' success at school.
C、愤青式 The beat generation style
Needless to say, both sources are important to us. But in my opinion, knowledge from experience is even more important because without experience, it's almost impossible to understand knowledge from books'or to understand how to apply this knowledge in real life.
这种结尾通常是先用Apparently, ../Clearly, .../Needless to say,…/It goes without saying that...等表达在结尾段首对辩论话题表示不屑,然后再用However,…/But.../Yet.../Nevertheless, ... / Still,…这类词汇引出一两句表明自己态度的结束语。
D、小秘式 Gold-Digger Style
I would like to say that I personally agree with the statement that music tells us something about a culture, and with my example I wanted to illustrate how much of the culture of a country it is
possible to learn about just listening to its music.
I agree that formal education at an early age offers children benefits at all levels and therefore is more important than letting them play. After all, kids can always play after school but learning
at school stimulates(激发)their brain growth and puts them in competitive social settings, which is indeed irreplaceable experience for such a critical stage of life.
E 、和稀泥式 Goodie-Goodie Style
下面ETS 0.G.中的满分范文结尾段更是“和”中高手:
The time to live Independently depends on the person himself. He must decide whether they're ready to leave their parents to have an independent life or not. The decision will vary from one
person to another. A person should judge that he's capable of fulfilling his needs without being dependent on his parents; this indicates that he's ready for his independent life. Otherwise he
might need to stay longer with his parents.
先用3句绕口令似的句子,最后提出到底应该何时开始独立取决于孩子自身的判断能力。depends on往往是“和稀泥’式的标志词。
去模板化是唯一方法!我们举例说明”Oncontemporary society,theleadership serves as a catalyst for our future success.” 这本身是一个比较模板化的句子,如果最高级别是5级,这个句子我们也就可以拿到3级,这种句子在市面比较泛滥。那么需要我们去模板化提升句子档次,随便改一下虽然做不是最好,但是可以稍微掩人耳目,对于着急考试的孩子们是一个技巧性方法 “Withthe advent of the technologically advanced society, the leadership which servesas a catalyst for our future success has become an inevitable demand of timesfor several decades.”变化的句子扩充了with,而且让leadership充当了先行词将原有短句转化成为一个定语从句显得丰满。
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Playing games teaches us about life. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answers.
Some think that games teach us about life. Others think that life is simply a grand game that one must learn to play. In any case games are part of the lives of every human, whatever culture. Although the rules to games may be different, and the reasons for playing certain games diverse, it is indisputable that playing games teaches us about life.
First of all, playing games teaches us about teamwork. Most games demand more than one participant, and several require that one work in unison with one or more other people on a team. When one is member of a team, one learns to put the team first rather than personal success. For instance, I played right fullback on an intramural soccer team at Oxford University. Without the work of myself and teammates at the back, clearing balls and passing up to the wings, our speedy strikers could not score. Conversely, without the speed and scoring ability of our strikers, no matter how solid we played on defense, we could not win the game. Soccer, then, demands that the entire team work in unison, performing discreet tasks that further a team goal, rather than an individual one. Playing soccer helped me to learn about teamwork, and this knowledge has spilled over into my life in other ways. At my job, I constantly have to work with people. Working with people in my occupation is similar to playing soccer. Team goals become more important than personal ones, and learning to support each other during work time comes easily, as I had already learned these skills on the pitch.
Playing games also teaches us about preparation, which is vital both on the field and off of it. When I was twelve years old, I learned a valuable lesson about preparation from my basketball coach. After a particularly uninspired practice, my coach gathered us around. He said, “You play like you practice. And your sloppy practice will appear during the game.” He was right. At our next game, we fumbled our passes, became frustrated with each other, and lost the game. My teammates and I resolved to focus harder in practice, and steadily our play in games improved. My coach’s adage “you play like you practice” translates directly into life. Without specific preparation in work or at home, we rarely succeed. Preparation is paramount to success, and I learned this on the basketball court.
In summary, by teaching us about teamwork and preparation, games have direct relevance to life. For me, these lessons came on the sports field; for others they may come by participating in a variety of games, athletic or not. Games are a vital part of life, and they have many skills to impact that are applicable after the game is over.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important for students to study history and literature than it is for them to study science and mathematics. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
While I was in middle school, I was told by my mathematics teacher, “ If you understand science and mathematics, you can make it anywhere in the world.” This is still true today. History and literature are very important, and need to be studied. However, if I have to choose between the two, I infer that it is more important to study science and mathematics since they are more practical. In fact it is easier to secure a job with skills in science and mathematics. Also, experts in science and mathematics have higher social statuses, and make more money.
The primary reason for studying science and mathematics is that those who do so land jobs more easily than shoes who study history and literature. Jobs are always available in fields such as medicine, engineering, and other professions that make it a requisite to have a science or mathematics background. Students who study history or literature can find jobs, but most of the jobs are either teaching or writing and seldom well-paying. For example, one friend of mine with a degree in history from a prestigious university was offered a job of teaching in a community college for 7,000 dollars a year whereas another friend of mine with a degree in chemistry from a good university got a job in company which paid him 14,000 dollars a year.
The second reason why it is more important to study science and mathematics is that scientists and mathematicians are valued more than experts in history and literature. For example, when asked what they do, experts in history and literature may receive little attention when they provide the information. In contrast, a scientist may excite a lot of interest among those who listen to his or her introduction. The reason for such a differential treatment is not personal, but is indicative of a social trend: scientists and mathematicians in general enjoy more social prestige than those who study history and literature.
The third reason for such a choice is that scientists and mathematicians generally make more money than people in other professions. Like the differential attention that they may receive, the two groups of people are assigned different values money wise. A doctor, a chemist, or a person in one of these fields often has a much higher salary than a professor of literature or an expert in history. Moreover, scientists and mathematicians generally have more projects to work on and therefore make even more money.
Our society places a great value on science and mathematics, so it is important to learn skills in these fields. With a science or mathematics background, one will secure a high-paying job, enjoy much social prestige, and receive a hefty salary. Such being the case, who would choose to study anything other than science and mathematics?