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时间: 小洁21242 分享






  Computers are becoming more and more important in our daily life.Do you know the history and the changes of computers?Computer was invented in 1946.At that time,The machine was huge and it was aslarge as a big house.It weighed about 30 tons.

  Computer is a very useful tool in our life,in our study as well as works.For example,computer can

  send some messages to foreign friends by E-mail.The computer can open our eyes to let us know more.Computer is the most helpful invention in the world.Computer can help us in study or work.There are many computer functions We can listen to music or play the game on computer.It makes us relax.It's hard to imagine what our life would be like if we had no computers in our daily life.And in my opinion,computers are going to change our life completely in the near future.




  范文(二):History of computer development

  5th century BC, Chinese invented the abacus. It is widely used in commercial trade, and this is the first calculation tool. It’s also considered the prototype of a computer. Until the 17th century, computing devices have a second important step forward. In 1666, Samuel Morland who was English ,invented the addend and subtrahend machine. 1832, Babbage and Joseph Clement made a computing device. It’s Size nearly as big a house. January 1943: In the United States, An advanced computer was developed which weighs 5 tons, 75 million parts. These computers are mainly used in the war began.1987: A supercomputer release, which can made 200 million operations per second. At present, the type of computer has a lot of friends, according to the computer’s processing speed classification, It can be divided into five types:supercomputers,mainframes,minicomputers,workstations and microcomputers "Who invented the computer?” The real answer is that many inventors contributed to the history of computers. The development of computers reflects the wisdom of modern humans. What do you usually do on the computer?


  公元前5世纪,中国人发明了算盘。它被广泛应用于商业贸易,这是第一次的计算工具。 它也被认为是一台电脑的原型。直到17世纪,计算设备的第二个重要的一步。1666年,塞缪尔•莫兰德是英国人,是加数和减数机的发明者。1832年,巴贝奇和约瑟夫•克莱门特发明了计算设备。它的大小几乎一样大的房子。1943年1月:在美国,开发了先进的电脑,它重达5吨,75万件。这些电脑主要用于在战争开始。1987年:一个超级版本,它可以每秒运算200万。目前,电脑的类型有很多朋友,根据电脑的处理速度分类,可分为五种类型:超级电脑、大型机、小型机、工作站和微型电脑。 “谁发明了电脑?”真正的答案是,许多发明家电脑的历史贡献。电脑的发展,反映了现代人类的智慧。 你通常用电脑做什么?


  as more and more people has their own personal computers,this mashine has greatly changed our life .many people feel that it's very bothering to get to their work place every day,so some of them choose to work at home through their computers.it brings great convenience to them.conputers are also of great use in daily life.we can use them to shop online instead of going to supermarkets that are far from our home.and they can also heip with our study.now we can have classes before our computers rather than sitting in the classroom with many other students.there is no doubt that computers bring us so much convenience and they change our life so much !



  Computers have become very important in many areas of work and play. There is no doubt that computers are very useful in technology and business. In space, computers help astronauts and pilots control the speed and direction of a spaceship's flight. With the help of computers, doctors can find diseases easily and solve other problems. For example, tiny computers inside people's bodies keep their hearts beating well. In factories, robots controlled by computers can do work that is dangerous to humans. Computers are also used in business to place and cancle orders. At the same time, they have made the workplace safer and better. Since the Internet came into being, people's lives at home have changed,too. More and more people have personal computers, and they use them to play games and watch movies. Thanks to the Internet, people can do shopping and

  do business at home. Instead of writting letters on paper, people communicate by sebding e-mails and chatting on line. The whole world is connected. Computers have made the world smaller, like a" village". Computers have improved our lives, but they have brought problems,too. For instance, if we work on computers too long, we may get headaches or sore eyes.If we play computer games too much, we won't study well and get enough exercise. Although computers help us work and at home, we must use them properly。




  The Computer

  The computer is widely used in all phases of society. In industry, business, education, medicine, nearly all walks of life, computers have made their appearance, providing great speed and accuracy for our work. Computers have been used in the home, offices, laboratories and research institutions, functioning as the most efficient and versatile instruments for calculating, sorting, filing, recording and distributing. Computers are indispensable to modern civilization. Without computers, our life and our society will undoubtedly suffer a big regression. During the past five decades the computer has been rapidly advanced. Ever since the computer came into being, it has experienced the development of several generations, which are based respectively on vacuum tube, transistor and integrated circuit. Early computers were of great size, and had no match for the latest electronic computers in speed and accuracy. The Latter is capable of processing the most complicated information and reaching solution to problems in a fraction of time. At present, efforts are being made not only to bring the hardware to perfection, but also to improve the quality of the software.


  电脑已广泛应用于社会的各个阶段。在工业,商业,教育,医疗,几乎所有阶层的生活,电脑已经使他们的外表,为我们的工作提供了极大的速度和准确性。电脑已经被用于家庭,办公室,实验室和研究机构,计算,整理,存档,记录和分发功能的最有效和最灵活的工具。电脑是不可或缺的现代文明。没有电脑,我们的生活,我们的社会无疑将遭受大的回归。 在过去的五十年中,电脑得到了迅速的进展。自从电脑应运而生,它经历了几代人,分别以真空管,晶体管和集成电路的发展。早期的电脑是规模庞大,有没有匹配的最新的电子电脑在速度和精度。后期是能够处理的最复杂的信息和到达的时间的一小部分中的问题的解决方案。目前,正在努力,不仅使硬件完美,但也对软件质量的提高。



